Investing General Discussion


Mr. Poopybutthole
This is once again the case of "on a long enough time line just about any stock will go up at some point", whether its TSLA, AAPL or DIS. Even if a company changed absolutely nothing for better or worse, stock price would slowly crawl up over the years simply due to inflation of monetary supply.

You brought up Disney, I held $5000 of Disney stock for YEARS and for YEARS it was underwater. I bought it in 2020 I think and finally dumped it a few months ago at a loss just to get my capital out.

I guess I'm just an idiot who should have waited 4 years instead of 3 years for his investment to pan out.
For some reason this reads to me like your investing strategy is based on "besting" other investors. This is similar sentiment to the GME runup, and really what I see in all the Bitcoin (and other shitcoin) "investors."

What stock ownership is though is company ownership. You're not just beating inflation, you're getting a piece of the profits of the company. Yeah, sure, some trash tech company that doesn't do anything and never turns a profit will just slowly inch up with the money supply changes. And yeah, you can definitely get short term winners by playing off investor sentiment.

But this is what I'm usually talking about with index investing. It's investing in the US economy as a business owner (really, capital investor, even though none of us are privy to the IPO's). Yeah, you want to get a piece of that 2-3% GDP and/or inflation. But you're also getting what's left over after the company's pays off their liabilities and returns profits to the owners.


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<Nazi Janitors>
why don't y'all fuck and get it over with?

seriously, y'all are very different types of investors and shouldn't be taking each others advice as it would be useless for the other's style.
I apologize if I am coming off as having the same vandetta he does. I won't be responding to him again. I also have no issue if he disagrees with me and he is free to express his views in a civil manner. I normally have him on ignore but wanted to let the past go and see if he wanted to interact in a productive manner here. We probably have a lot we could discuss about how he is currently trading I did it for years and years and made a lot of money doing it, have no issue with maybe he is doing awesome with it, I hope he is.


<Bronze Donator>
I apologize if I am coming off as having the same vandetta he does. I won't be responding to him again. I also have no issue if he disagrees with me and he is free to express his views in a civil manner. I normally have him on ignore but wanted to let the past go and see if he wanted to interact in a productive manner here. We probably have a lot we could discuss about how he is currently trading I did it for years and years and made a lot of money doing it, have no issue with maybe he is doing awesome with it, I hope he is.
In folders case the past isn't prologue. It's the main narrative
  • 1Jonesing
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The_Black_Log Foler

Stock Pals Senior VP | Pantheon Pals VP Recruiting
<Gold Donor>
Amazing, how you manage to talk out of both sides of your mouth.

When you trash @Palum as he lists a bunch of things that affect sentiment, then those things dont matter. When stock starts moving in the direction you want it to due to similar factors i.e. buybacks or clarity on a CEO's future then its "The story I'm telling isn't that buybacks don't matter, or critical CEOs, of course they do. They drive sentiment just like a lot of factors."

"The Elon vote was baked in"

The Elon vote was the opposite of baked in because the stock shot up from 170 to 190 around that time.

The only thing I want to remind you is that "holier than thou" attitude that you carry yourself with around this subforum when you routinely spew things that are laughably false and untrue. Then you pull the same "I'm a long term holder" every time one of your picks goes south. Poor Foler Foler out there still doesnt know if he is going to make money on SNOW. Maybe he will if he holds it for a few years. At least have the common decency to own that, but you can't. You haver bestowed upon yourself the mantle of stock genius and the Emperor has to have clothes. He just has to. That is the only thing I will remind you of, time and time again. Not my disdain, but your endless unearned arrogance.
I just sold at 340ish loss. No more buying individual stonks for me. That’s a young man’s game. Sticking with fxaix and qqqm
  • 1Truth!
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The_Black_Log Foler

Stock Pals Senior VP | Pantheon Pals VP Recruiting
<Gold Donor>
We’re all Pals here. Maybe not Stock Pals but Pals none the less. Let’s be civil!

The_Black_Log Foler

Stock Pals Senior VP | Pantheon Pals VP Recruiting
<Gold Donor>
Araysar delivers his objections like a jackhammer on concrete, lol.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
I just sold at 340ish loss. No more buying individual stonks for me. That’s a young man’s game. Sticking with fxaix and qqqm

Bro, just get yourself a sentiment meter so you know when to buy and when to sell


The Lorem Ipsum is not a placeholder here because apparently sentiment is whatever you want it to be as you manufacture your own reality to fit whatever opinion you hold.
  • 1Double Worf
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Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
For some reason this reads to me like your investing strategy is based on "besting" other investors. This is similar sentiment to the GME runup, and really what I see in all the Bitcoin (and other shitcoin) "investors."

What stock ownership is though is company ownership. You're not just beating inflation, you're getting a piece of the profits of the company. Yeah, sure, some trash tech company that doesn't do anything and never turns a profit will just slowly inch up with the money supply changes. And yeah, you can definitely get short term winners by playing off investor sentiment.

But this is what I'm usually talking about with index investing. It's investing in the US economy as a business owner (really, capital investor, even though none of us are privy to the IPO's). Yeah, you want to get a piece of that 2-3% GDP and/or inflation. But you're also getting what's left over after the company's pays off their liabilities and returns profits to the owners.

I don't care about besting other investors. I don't think about anyone but myself when I trade. I don't care about owning a piece of the company and I don't care about dividends or any other stuff.

What I care about is that I have 2 types of resources in my arsenal when I trade: money and time. I find them both to be equally valuable. My goal as an investor is to min/max the best possible combination of both where my money is tied up for the shortest period of time possible to extract the highest amount of dollars possible. Obviously everyone is focused on monetary gain but few people consider the time value of money. Is getting a 50% return in 6 months better than getting a 50% return in 6 years? I would say it is since it gives you 5.5 years to find other investments to profit from but some people on this board simply handwave that away as inconsequential.

The panacea always seems to be "just hold it longer, stupid"

Contrary to that, if you look at my most recent posts, I started setting firm near-term deadlines for my price predictions. Blazin Blazin himself didnt like that so he came and shit on my NVDA to $150 by end of summer prediction. It wasn't bold enough, it wasnt audacious enough, it wasn't crazy enough for him. How dare I predict that a stock would rise 25% in 3 months?

Meanwhile Blazin Blazin gives you some vague predictions with no time frame for exit while he sneers at anyone who dares to question him. Buy some SNOW or something, hold it till the next coming of Halley's Comet or something, something something sentiment. Everyone is stupid, I'm smart.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
Trash Palum? Perfectly valid feelings I felt as well, you may not be capable of following the nuance. Your a new parachuter into the thread people can judge for themselves what weight to put on anything I say or choose to ignore it all together.

Man, you sure hate when someone who isnt some crusty boomer decides to question you. I can see it in your tone when you reply to me. For all your talk of having nothing against me, or taking the high road, you absolutely hate the fact that some fitlhy casual who decide to git gud at it are calling you out on some of your BS.

But the emperor has to have clothes. He just has to. The illusion of Blazin Buffett must be maintained.


<Gold Donor>
I started setting firm near-term deadlines for my price predictions. Blazin Blazin himself didnt like that so he came and shit on my NVDA to $150 by end of summer prediction. It wasn't bold enough, it wasnt audacious enough, it wasn't crazy enough for him. How dare I predict that a stock would rise 25% in 3 months?

I believe we have reached the root of the issue.
  • 1Worf
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The_Black_Log Foler

Stock Pals Senior VP | Pantheon Pals VP Recruiting
<Gold Donor>
Doesn't the 40% move in UI makes up for it, to at least even or do I owe you a steak dinner?
No because I did exactly what you said not to do iirc - I got cold feet and exited at 122 for the total gain of a McDonald’s meal. 🤣 Should have held another two weeks.
  • 1Paper Hands
  • 1Worf
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<Gold Donor>
TSLA is an example of a company I like and jumped in when sentiment was at a 365 day low.

UI is an example of a company I like, but didn’t jump in when sentiment was at a 365 day low.

  • 1Solidarity
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Sanrith Descartes

You have insufficient privileges to reply here.
Anyone have thoughts on Intel?

I've got $4k burning a hole in my account and needs to play.
edit: Sorry, i saw the "intel" and then promptly ignored it. My thoughts on intel is "no bueno".

Heavily shorted (last update was almost 15% of the float sold short). Worlds largest lithium miner and also mines lots of more mundane stuff. Also does various types of battery/storage tech. US Company. If the shorts are right, you will lose your ass. If they are wrong, money to be made at this price area. Price is rocky AF right now so buckle up. I have been both up 20% and down 20% just in the last 3-4 months.

Company Profile (spoilered for length)

Albemarle Corporation develops, manufactures, and markets engineered specialty chemicals worldwide. It operates through three segments: Energy Storage, Specialties and Ketjen. The Energy Storage segment offers lithium compounds, including lithium carbonate, lithium hydroxide, and lithium chloride; technical services for the handling and use of reactive lithium products; and lithium-containing by-products recycling services. The Specialties segment provides bromine-based specialty chemicals, including elemental bromine, alkyl and inorganic bromides, brominated powdered activated carbon, and other bromine fine chemicals; lithium specialties, such as butyllithium and lithium aluminum hydride; develops and manufactures cesium products for the chemical and pharmaceutical industries; and zirconium, barium, and titanium products for pyrotechnical applications that include airbag initiators. The Ketjen segment offers clean fuels technologies (CFT), which is composed of hydroprocessing catalysts (HPC) together with isomerization and akylation catalysts; fluidized catalytic cracking (FCC) catalysts and additives; and performance catalyst solutions (PCS), which is composed of organometallics and curatives. The company serves the energy storage, petroleum refining, consumer electronics, construction, automotive, lubricants, pharmaceuticals, and crop protection markets. Albemarle Corporation was founded in 1887 and is headquartered in Charlotte, North Carolina.
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<Nazi Janitors>
Anyone have thoughts on Intel?

I've got $4k burning a hole in my account and needs to play.
Not one I'd play, but I would say I would at least wait till 20d is on top of 50d and/or the 50d flattened some. Quite the shelf it's been running on last few months.
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The_Black_Log Foler

Stock Pals Senior VP | Pantheon Pals VP Recruiting
<Gold Donor>
TSLA is an example of a company I like and jumped in when sentiment was at a 365 day low.

UI is an example of a company I like, but didn’t jump in when sentiment was at a 365 day low.

I should have held UI because I believe enough in their products to the point I have maybe 2-3.5k in them. Huge fan. SNOW I honestly didn’t know much about. I sold UI because a certain someone pointed out the low volume it was trading at.. 🤔🤔🤔