Investing General Discussion


<Gold Donor>
Saw one of those cybertrucks in the wild. What an ugly turd, and surprisingly short compared to most trucks.
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Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
Saw one of those cybertrucks in the wild. What an ugly turd, and surprisingly short compared to most trucks.

Don't think of it as a car. It's a mobile AI center
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Sanrith Descartes

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PLTR cracked $28. Hasn't hit this level since 9/23/21 on its way to a momentous years long slide.
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Sanrith Descartes

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You just had to open your big mouth didn't ya!!!!!

Roller Coaster Love GIF

The_Black_Log Foler

PalsCo CEO - Stock Pals | Pantheon Pals
<Gold Donor>
Just sold all of my FSMAX position. Was up a total of 2.5%, whomp whomp. I can get up 2.5% in QQQM in a few weeks at most. The extended market is lame. SP500 && Russell 1000 for lyfe
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<Gold Donor>
Just sold all of my FSMAX position. Was up a total of 2.5%, whomp whomp. I can get up 2.5% in QQQM in a few weeks at most. The extended market is lame. SP500 && Russell 1000 for lyfe

I was actually going to suggest that you might be someone who needs to stick to the big ETF’s. I’m not that far behind you in that regard, lol.
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<Gold Donor>
From my dad:

Check this out:
RJF vs. SPY — ETF comparison tool

It looks like, If I put my mothers money in this RJF fund rather than the mixed mash of investments where we are now, we would be considerably better off.

And if I had invested in the RJF fund compared to a SPY, I would be considerably better off to date, correct? Am I looking at this correctly?

I do not know if this considers the expense ratio? It looked like Vanguard's S&P 500 ETF was like 0.03% vs I don't know what it is with RJF.

Sanrith Descartes

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From my dad:

Check this out:
RJF vs. SPY — ETF comparison tool

It looks like, If I put my mothers money in this RJF fund rather than the mixed mash of investments where we are now, we would be considerably better off.

And if I had invested in the RJF fund compared to a SPY, I would be considerably better off to date, correct? Am I looking at this correctly?

I do not know if this considers the expense ratio? It looked like Vanguard's S&P 500 ETF was like 0.03% vs I don't know what it is with RJF.
RJF is Raymond James Financial. A financial management company. You are comparing a single stock to an ETF that indexes the S&P 500. I can't think of a single scenario I would suggest to a passive investor to put their cash into a single stock (even AAPL or MSFT) vs putting it into an S&P 500 index ETF.
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Creative Title
<Nazi Janitors>
From my dad:

Check this out:
RJF vs. SPY — ETF comparison tool

It looks like, If I put my mothers money in this RJF fund rather than the mixed mash of investments where we are now, we would be considerably better off.

And if I had invested in the RJF fund compared to a SPY, I would be considerably better off to date, correct? Am I looking at this correctly?

I do not know if this considers the expense ratio? It looked like Vanguard's S&P 500 ETF was like 0.03% vs I don't know what it is with RJF.
What Sanrith said plus you are reading it wrong, SPY is well ahead. You're saying the opposite of what the chart shows.

...edit it's defaulting to 6m for me maybe you are meaning a different time frame.
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Got something right about marriage
RJF is winning over 10years but it's not showing all time and RJF has been on the exchange since the 80s


Got something right about marriage
Articles like that are major clickbait anyway. Look at this company over the last 10 years that's barely beating SPY.

Meanwhile... Tesla


<Silver Donator>
I think it still boils down to...
  1. Are you looking to make good money over time? Find a couple ETFs with good value, good build, and low costs. Put money there and forget about it for years at a time.
  2. Do you need the dopamine rush of gambling? Scout individual stocks and place your bets.
Most of us should probably be about 80-90% in option 1 and 10% in option 2 IMHO. That way if you get lucky you're golden, if (like many) you lose against the casino in the long term you're still only down 10% with the rest in the "consistent performance of the ETF" world.

I'm currently in the 90/10 split world. I've had a few lucky/good breaks in my 10%. But it's outstripped when you look at a 2+ year timeframe by my bundle of ETFs.
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Trakanon Raider
Long term investing in a single stock that you know nothing at all about is a horrific idea if it isn’t money you can afford to lose. Single stocks go to zero all the time.
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Sanrith Descartes

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I'm wondering if he had the ticker wrong? Maybe he meant RSP? It still underperforms SPY but it would be make a little more sense?
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The_Black_Log Foler

PalsCo CEO - Stock Pals | Pantheon Pals
<Gold Donor>
Down to a 3 ticker portfolio and absolutely crushing it boys. Think I’m ready to sit for my CFP test.
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