Investing General Discussion


<Silver Donator>
No you don’t understand. Anti-Semitic knowledge will be used as part of comprehensive strategy of following smart Jewish money. I’m not betting against them. If they are going to destroy my nation, at least I can profit off of it.
So you're saying since you know they're running the show you're going to try to follow/anticipate to make money... That sounds more like a Semetic Investment Strategy rather than anti-semetic.... Maybe I'm crazy.

Unrelated, seeing the comparisons of my ETF/Non-ETF holdings and how I was 97/3 in that regard made me painfully have to admit my REAL problem.

If I look at my actual distribution of stock holdings, not counting things in the corporate 401k I have, it's something like a 90/9.7/.3 split... Where the 90 is actually my holdings in RSUs from my current employer. I seriously need to divest that and spread it. Although the company's stock has performed well enough that it's making me hesitate selling off much/any to diversify.

Mario Speedwagon

Gold Recognition
<Prior Amod>
I was joking, but I agree that we shouldn't indulge Mario's derail attempt there any further. My apologies for feeding the troll.
this is not a derail. Expect full due diligence on any plays I post about, not memes. I don’t think including an analysis of the interests of the ruling class as part of an investment decision should be out of bounds.
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<Nazi Janitors>
Fed just received what they needed to cut rates, CPI came in just slightly under expectations but that's all the excuse they need.
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Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
Fed just received what they needed to cut rates, CPI came in just slightly under expectations but that's all the excuse they need.

Just picked up 290 shares of NVDA at 134, bought the dip right before the CPI report.

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Sanrith Descartes

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CPI -0.1% MoM, Exp. 0.1%
CPI 3.0% YoY, Exp. 3.1%

CPI Core 0.1% MoM, Exp. 0.2%
CPI Core 3.3% YoY, Exp. 3.4%
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Sanrith Descartes

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Fed just received what they needed to cut rates, CPI came in just slightly under expectations but that's all the excuse they need.
A couple of years ago 3% inflation would have been intolerable. Now it's an excuse to cut interest rates.
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Vyemm Raider
A couple of years ago 3% inflation would have been intolerable. Now it's an excuse to cut interest rates.
So much this...

I keep hearing that the fed has a 2% goal, hopefully 3 doesn't become the new 2. 3 being the goal is just wealth redistribution
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Creative Title
<Nazi Janitors>
Our debt trajectory is unstainable there is no solution but increased inflation. If you handed the govt money and bought a bond during the assumption of a long term 2% inflation rate and then the govt lets it run hot at double that over the term of the bond. They win, you lose. They will pay you back with a significantly devalued dollar and thank you for the more valuable dollar you gave them at the start. Everyone does the math of how could we ever cut spending by 50%! but somehow escapes them that simply devaluing the currency by 50% accomplishes the same thing without every having to reduce a budget.

We may think, "Hey that's incredibly short sighted!" ...take a glance at congress g/l
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Sanrith Descartes

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Our debt trajectory is unstainable there is no solution but increased inflation. If you handed the govt money and bought a bond during the assumption of a long term 2% inflation rate and then the govt lets it run hot at double that over the term of the bond. They win, you lose. They will pay you back with a significantly devalued dollar and thank you for the more valuable dollar you gave them at the start. Everyone does the math of how could we ever cut spending by 50%! but somehow escapes them that simply devaluing the currency by 50% accomplishes the same thing without every having to reduce a budget.

We may think, "Hey that's incredibly short sighted!" ...take a glance at congress g/l
MMT or Congress control its spending problem? Which do you think they will choose?
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Sanrith Descartes

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Welp, it was a hell of a ride...

AAPL - 2.85%
MSFT - 3%
NVDA - 5%
GOOGL - 2.6%
AMZN - 2.6%
META -3.5%


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Tech not stonking today.

Still just a blip vs the recent run. Meanwhile IWM up 3.5%
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