Always a tough call when active/daytrading to wait one out the whole time you are thinking it's costing you money tying up that capital waiting. One of the best day traders I ever met who taught me a lot strongly believed in closing it out EOD , and he's probably right. I ended up not doing that but I only ever flipped names that I was okay being caught in just because it helped me psychologically to be less concerned with a red position.
Can always look at that nasty swings in NVDA this morning and maybe say "well I didn't get caught in that", sometimes the missed opportunity is the opportunity to lose money.
Always closing out EOD is something I heard repeatedly ever since I started day trading but I got burned enough times by closing out EOD a position with a loss of few hundred dollars only for everyone buy the dip overnight and have it rip at the open next day. Its always a hard call, and I had it as a hard rule for a long time but eventually dropped it. If its an established stock like NVDA or TSLA where I'm reasonably certain it will get back to break even in several days or a week, I dont mind too much holding it. If its some rando small cap or some shitter stock, yeah I am likely cutting it by EOD
Given how much the market has melted in last 2 days, I dont really see anything I am particularly interested in other than dirt cheap NVDA so I'm OK with waiting a day or three to recoup my money.
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