Investing General Discussion


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
McDonalds fries are amazing. Most everything else is s-tier. Though a freshly made to order Big Mac with a non-stale bun can be pretty tasty.

There's a reason for that. But if you enjoy them I'd suggest not doing any further research.

I'll save you some time and let you know it's related to their sourcing requirements.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Gets better for AMD.

Really amazing how is how badly Intel has fucked up over the past decade yet still exists.

It gets worse for Intel. If you’re not aware of the recent hardware debacle with Intel, their 13x and 14x chips have faulty oxidation issues and are causing serious hardware failures. This had been discussed in the enthusiast community, but brushed aside as they are a drop in the ocean of chip volume. That’s all changed now as it’s hit server / client side business. It’s not a simple ship out of new chips, it’s a monumental amount of labor involved swapping tens of thousands of CPUs out at the burden of their clients. It’s a pretty spectacular fuckup.

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<Nazi Janitors>
Looks like going to try to rally , nothing but up since the lows right after the close

Bought another $50k at the close

Don’t expect it to run being fed day we are going to go to a pivot point and wait
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<Nazi Janitors>
Boeing results are so bad, they can't survive at this pace. That 500B backlog is why people don't want to give up on this name, lots of money to be made if they could get off the DEI road to failure
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Sanrith Descartes

You have insufficient privileges to reply here.
MA reported solid earnings. A miss on purchase volume but people are still swiping their credit cards like fiends.

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what Suineg set it to
Boeing results are so bad, they can't survive at this pace. That 500B backlog is why people don't want to give up on this name, lots of money to be made if they could get off the DEI road to failure
I can fix them, put me in coach
  • 1Worf
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(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
<Bronze Donator>
Bought the NVDA dip and now I'm looking at 11.5% unrealised gains and wondering how greedy I should be.

Cashed that out.
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(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
<Bronze Donator>
Yeah... my thought exactly. How many others like me just trying to squeeze in a few extra hundred bucks and then the floor fall under us as everyone who bought the dip is suddenly realising gains.

I think selling with 11.5% in 20 hours is a fairly reasonable decision.
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<Nazi Janitors>
jumping back into small caps and S&P is a trade younger me would have missed, it just wouldn't have felt right re entering a trade so close to the price I had previously sold it. I use to exit a trade then take some illogical stance that I wouldnt re enter without a more substantive difference in price.

It's where the rubber meets the road for the axiom, "trade whats in front of you" its easy to say but doing it means you adapt and don't get stuck on a previous read.

I'm still skeptical at these levels as far as more upside and more likely to sell and lock in what it gives me or at minimum be more judicious with stops. If we can hold the momentum till end of week going to be great timing for covered calls to be expiring. Only thing I have at risk of losing is maybe lows which is at 245 and I have a 250 strike for this friday.

Uneasy going into fed with a run up and it's dangerous using stops at 2pm on fed day

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<Nazi Janitors>
This fed pays attention to the markets assumptions, the market now expects the cut if they didn't want that they would trot out speaker after speaker until the steered the market towards their intention. This is not greenspan, this is the ZERO surprises FED, the most "Communicative" Fed ever. Now something can happen between now and then and they would be in a hurry to correct the markets expectations ahead of time. As of today they fully intend to cut.
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<Gold Donor>

I’m not so certain. I think it’s more likely they cut at some point this year than not, but being indecisive and slow to act is a quality the fed has shown lately, so I’d put it a much higher chance than zero they pick the wait and see approach all the way into next year.