Investing General Discussion


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<Nazi Janitors>
give me any kind of volatility and it's...
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Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Oh man AMD heavy people have to be beside themselves right now. Stock down more than it was pre good earnings report.

Down 5.5% and negative for the year.


Creative Title
<Nazi Janitors>

Have to start thinking about tech making a go at the 200d , that would really put the hurt on peoples YTD returns

..edit to clarify it has some strong areas to make a stand between now and then especially around 445, we just have a nice bearish engulfing candle going right now
  • 1Solidarity
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<Silver Donator>
And today's dump in the cybersecurity space proudly brought to you by...


Also apparently there's a big flurry of insider selling....
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Sanrith Descartes

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More than $5t in market cap reporting after the bell today. A miss by either would be some fuel for today's selling fire.

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<Silver Donator>
I love bottom feeding, but this one is no bueno.
This gets back to my standing theory on CRWD :

A) It was a speed bump. If you feel they'll recover, cool, this is just CRWD on sale, buy that dip Jefe!
B) They've had their RSA moment. If you feel they won't recover then you've already sold anything you own, and at best are shorting them in gaps on the way down.

If you're in Camp B, then you look at events that will cause precipitous drops, and short accordingly.
  1. The initial incident was one
  2. This is step 2. Almost any time a stock had some incident (self inflicted or not) cause a big valuation dump there will be a shareholder suit. Something like 6 months ago Palo Alto Networks had an earnings call which went well, but their CEO mentioned an industry move towards "platformization" (which almost alwyas means tighter margins) and the stock promptly dropped something like 25%, and lo and behold there was a "class action lawsuit on behalf of investors). So today news isn't completely unprecedented. (6 months later PANW has recovered some, but not all, of that drop)
  3. Potential step 3 will be first week in September it looks like when CRWD has to announce Quarterly earnings (their FQ ended yesterday). I'm seeing a possible double miss here due to deals collapsing/pushing, and probably warnings of overall bottom line impact of the incident for probably the remainder of the FY. If I'm right, it will dump another 10-15% after that.
  4. Then we look out for impacted large organizations suing CRWD over this.... That will possibly paint the second half of this FY for them. (which ends on Jan 31 next year). Another case for events which would cause drops... paying off those who short them.
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Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Everything is tanking, including crypto. Even oil! Which to me means people would rather have dollars than equities, bitcoins, or barrels.

Good time to be sitting on cash.

Waiting on Blazin Blazin to tell us when to go all in. I'll throw at least 30k at TQQQ.
  • 1To the Moon!
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Molten Core Raider
Suspended the q4 dividend too.

*edited to add q4, though at this rate I'd be shocked if they ever bring it back!*
  • 1Mother of God
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