Investing General Discussion

Sanrith Descartes

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Excellent post.

And on the opposite side, I want to point out that people need to figure out when enough is enough. Lots of people will keep working hoping to eek out just a bit more in their portfolio so they can feel more comfortable. What they're missing is that each year at the end of your career is worth more and more as you get closer to death (and ironically, each year they work extra is another year less of needing that money).

I struggled to get this one through to my mom, and actually still do with her being 2 years into retirement. Like, they want to build a house but they keep saying it's contingent on how Tesla does. I'm sitting here thinking, it's probably going to take you all 1.5 - 2 years to get it built once you decide to move forward, and you're already in your 60's. How much longer are you really going to wait to build this thing? And they already have more money than they'll ever spend.

You also need to consider your physical condition in those years. The earlier ones are worth way more than the later ones. You're probably not going to go do all the physical things you want in your 60's or 70's. I know a couple who retired early in their 50's and they already can't do the hiking they want as their bodies can't handle it anymore. My wife and I are in our early to mid 40's, and each year I can feel more shit breaking. Do we give our best years to an employer, or roll the dice and make the most of them ourselves (by shit posting on FoH all day)?
The human body wasn't created to last more than 40-50 years. We have done wonders increasing the life cycle (for good and ill)


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<Nazi Janitors>

This is a pic right now (excuse the glare from window) of just sitting at my desk on this wet morning (no goats in the pic they hate the rain). No debt, some privacy and some years of healthy life hopefully ahead of us. Every decision I make it to preserve and protect that life. It just makes me content to be walking on property the govt so graciously allows me to rent from them with my wife and dog and be proud of what we have done.

I can't imagine the pain of risking all for more. I think I'm a pretty good trader and I could probably make a lot of money but I honestly don't give a shit. In regards to last night and AH QQQ, other than it being funny, I quite enjoyed my evening with my wife and to sacrifice that so I can have a higher % return is just not going to happen. I really hope you guys achieve your goals if you haven't. It's the only reason to be doing any of this. If you are chasing the sun you probably need to take a breath.
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Trakanon Raider
I was just doing a checklist on all the things broken in my house and trying to prioritize them - what would you guys list as a tier list for most likely things to totally fuck the long term economic outlook of the US?

US debt fears

Household debt leading to spending/housing bubbles

Competitive corporate tax rate(this could fuck us fairly soon)

Sanrith Descartes

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I was just doing a checklist on all the things broken in my house and trying to prioritize them - what would you guys list as a tier list for most likely things to totally fuck the long term economic outlook of the US?

US debt fears

Household debt leading to spending/housing bubbles

Competitive corporate tax rate(this could fuck us fairly soon)
Putting communists in power.
There is no greater threat to our economy and our way of life.
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<Nazi Janitors>
Market does not need to advance any further today, in fact really hope it doesn't. We are right below the failure point. Bulls just need to consolidate here and not fall apart, then tomorrow can be the push higher for a solid close to the week.

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Mr. Poopybutthole
Not at all related to this thread, but fuck I'm jealous of that. We've talked about building on my in-law's lot in Orange Beach, AL, but part of me wants land like that. We've got two aussiedoodles and they would go ape shit running around on that land. Plus, herding some goats would give them a good job.
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Trakanon Raider
Yes, really good to bring it all into perspective and remember that the money is a means to an end, but not the end goal.

Sanrith Descartes

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Not at all related to this thread, but fuck I'm jealous of that. We've talked about building on my in-law's lot in Orange Beach, AL, but part of me wants land like that. We've got two aussiedoodles and they would go ape shit running around on that land. Plus, herding some goats would give them a good job.
Its funny how different people are. When we moved my wife was 100% "I want a condo on the beach, no land, everything done for us". I wanted a plot of land and quiet. Luckily we opted for my plan.


Creative Title
<Nazi Janitors>
Not at all related to this thread, but fuck I'm jealous of that. We've talked about building on my in-law's lot in Orange Beach, AL, but part of me wants land like that. We've got two aussiedoodles and they would go ape shit running around on that land. Plus, herding some goats would give them a good job.
WHy I posted it, as a reminder of we are doing here. Nobody is looking for a medal for having the bestest return ever.

As far as the property, I don't know what it is but my aussie being able to just run around on her own but yet with me just makes me happy. She doesn't know that most dogs don't get to run across open fields but for whatever reason it pleases me to provide it for her. The goats having a playful headbutt battle, etc. it's just nice to have around. I hate everyone and everything in our society, our world is so gay and retarded, this is my peace.
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Marine Biologist
<Bronze Donator>
Love how when the market goes ultra goofy this thread gets all philosophul and shit
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Mr. Poopybutthole
WHy I posted it, as a reminder of we are doing here. Nobody is looking for a medal for having the bestest return ever.

As far as the property, I don't know what it is but my aussie being able to just run around on her own but yet with me just makes me happy. She doesn't know that most dogs don't get to run across open fields but for whatever reason it pleases me to provide it for her. The goats having a playful headbutt battle, etc. it's just nice to have around. I hate everyone and everything in our society, our world is so gay and retarded, this is my peace.
We tell our dogs how lucky they are all the time, but it seems lost on them. But since we don't have to work, they get to go outside constantly and play. They just ask to do it more. Ungrateful little fucks.
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<Gold Donor>
Honest question for the group...

What is the one book you would recommend for someone to better understand the Stonk Market and how to invest in it?

I am not looking to become a day trader. Most of my net worth is in real estate, I own a few stocks and some shit coin, but that is maybe 10% of my portfolio.

Sanrith Descartes

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Honest question for the group...

What is the one book you would recommend for someone to better understand the Stonk Market and how to invest in it?

I am not looking to become a day trader. Most of my net worth is in real estate, I own a few stocks and some shit coin, but that is maybe 10% of my portfolio.
Tough to pick just one. Winning the Loser's Game by Charles Ellis.
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