Investing General Discussion

Sanrith Descartes

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scott pilgrim kim pine GIF
I say this in all seriousness. Maybe you're smart and maybe you aren't. I don't know you. But you believe you are smart. Stop trying to outsmart the Mr. Market. Invest for the long-term and just hold the good investments and sell the ones that weren't good ones.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
I say this in all seriousness. Maybe you're smart and maybe you aren't. I don't know you. But you believe you are smart. Stop trying to outsmart the Mr. Market. Invest for the long-term and just hold the good investments and sell the ones that weren't good ones.
yeah I've got >$350k + my 401k + ROTH in long investments.

I've only got about 47k in my fucking around account.

But I still could've made a lot more money off that dip.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
I'm not Rajaah or Tmac, I'm not losing money.

And I'm buying in at the right times. I'm just selling way too early.
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<Gold Donor>
I'm not Rajaah or Tmac, I'm not losing money.

And I'm buying in at the right times. I'm just selling way too early.

LMAO wut?

Post your holdings faggot.

I'm up 17% across the board. And that's even with the deadbeat ALB.
  • 2Solidarity
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Got something right about marriage
I think people's take on her is wrong. When I listen to her , I hear a women that hires ivy league frat bros who she thinks are genius. They take their youthful energy and lack of experience and whip up their research. She isn't coming up with these evaluations, the bros are and she believes in the bros. So that means her funds are a terrible place to put money. Grizzled tech titan investors could probably elaborate more on the skill of not being sucked in by young bullshittery but also still being open minded enough to see the gems. She is too open minded, too believes in the vision. She got lucky with Tesla which then gave her false confidence that she knew how to separate the wheat from the chaff.

So you're tellin me that Cathie Wood can't see the forest for the trees?
  • 1Worf
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Creative Title
<Nazi Janitors>
Chart S&P price is not in LOG ie useless.

It's rather simple, they cut slowly it's bullish . They cut in a hurry it's bearish. Tada ! Now you know.
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Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Also 20%->13% is going from "interest rates hostile to growth" to "interest rates are still too hostile for growth."


Ahn'Qiraj Raider

That 1978-1980 bull market pretty much disappears if inflation is accounted for. If you had bought the early 70s peak, it would take nearly 15 years to get back to the same point. Would still have beaten holding cash, which lost more than half its value in the same period (~130% from 1974-1987). Sometimes investing just means putting your wealth there where it loses its value the slowest.

Whenever I get bearish I remind myself that if you zoom out far enough, the S&P500 just looks like an exponential function which is exactly what you'd expect if money is created at a roughly constant percentage. This is a reason blue chips work. They don't really need to grow their sales (as measured in number of soap bars/burgers/soda cans) to make their valuation go up.

The above chart in interactive version:

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Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
View attachment 543127

That 1978-1980 bull market pretty much disappears if inflation is accounted for. If you had bought the early 70s peak, it would take nearly 15 years to get back to the same point. Would still have beaten holding cash, which lost more than half its value in the same period (~130% from 1974-1987). Sometimes investing just means putting your wealth there where it loses its value the slowest.

Whenever I get bearish I remind myself that if you zoom out far enough, the S&P500 just looks like an exponential function which is exactly what you'd expect if money is created at a roughly constant percentage. This is a reason blue chips work. They don't really need to grow their sales (as measured in number of soap bars/burgers/soda cans) to make their valuation go up.

The above chart in interactive version:

This is exactly what I was trying to explain to my permabear friend, and he successfully convinced me that I didn't know what the fuck I was talking about and that we're in a huge bubble that's about to pop.


Blackwing Lair Raider
"Past performance does not guarantee future results."

The major ETFs are setup to basically guarantee future results. Nvidia might blow itself up and the nasdaq will shit itself but itll just rotate into apple or some other dogshit stock like gamestop and itll keep on truckin like so many before it.

Just hope to god taxing unrealized gains never sees a vote.
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what Suineg set it to
"Past performance does not guarantee future results."

The major ETFs are setup to basically guarantee future results. Nvidia might blow itself up and the nasdaq will shit itself but itll just rotate into apple or some other dogshit stock like gamestop and itll keep on truckin like so many before it.

Just hope to god taxing unrealized gains never sees a vote.
That's not true, Cathie Woods can guarantee an 80% savings in realized capital gains taxes with her special funds.
  • 2Worf
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Buzzfeed Editor
Sofi dropped me from 4.6 to 4.5 based on "market conditions".

Trigger me timbers.
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The_Black_Log Foler

PalsCo CEO - Stock Pals | Pantheon Pals
<Gold Donor>
Blazin Blazin you see UI broke 200? Wish I had held them.. That’s one company I’m familiar with products and really believe in. I know I’m a casual investor on the individual stock side but I think I’ve learned that if I ever do invest in individual stocks it needs to be something I really believe in. Right now that’s RKLB. I know that may not paint a 100% picture of picking the right stocks.


Creative Title
<Nazi Janitors>
Blazin Blazin you see UI broke 200? Wish I had held them.. That’s one company I’m familiar with products and really believe in. I know I’m a casual investor on the individual stock side but I think I’ve learned that if I ever do invest in individual stocks it needs to be something I really believe in. Right now that’s RKLB. I know that may not paint a 100% picture of picking the right stocks.
Been on quite the run, it has been higher before but getting little pricey for a hardware company not the deal it was 100% ago . Sentiment is a weighty thing
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