IT/Software career thread: Invert binary trees for dollars.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
In our weekly meeting they told us we were gonna switch to agile and had to read a book on our own time and attend a meeting on our own time. Felt like bullshit to me.

This old guy flipped his shit and went on a 10 minute tirade about how shitty agile was

Old people in software bitching about change? Stunning.
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God is dead
Government contractor doing agile is hilarious. Nothing about how software is built by the Government/Contractors lends itself to developing software this way.


Trakanon Raider
I've worked in government for the last 9 years and they've all been "agile" shops. I have no idea how it works at an actual software company, but in the gov it just means you deploy changes more often than quarterly and have "scrums" every day.


Trump's Staff
<Gold Donor>
Do anyone has a VM that is not using where they can the Trump Bot software from?

I can provide the source and you can compile it.

I am currently running it off my Work PC, but i have to restart my PC and shut down my PC from time to time.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
I've worked in government for the last 9 years and they've all been "agile" shops. I have no idea how it works at an actual software company, but in the gov it just means you deploy changes more often than quarterly and have "scrums" every day.

All the projects at GM that I work on are done in two week sprints. Friday at the end of the two weeks we present features developed followed immediately by feedback and backlog pruning by the product owner for the next sprint.

However, the amount of business people and product owners that assume agile means they can dump stories during sprint however they want is atrocious. I went full on Nazi about it and it hasn't been an issue since. Went like 4 sprints where I'd finish most of my stories only to get a "small change" injected on Wednesday of the final week that required dramatic, system wide changes to put into effect.

So I told the dev director that if they make any more, "small change" injections in the final week I was going to not do shit because these changes weren't in the backlog. Our shit PM was also a 23 year old idiot so that was a big part of it too I guess.

Agile as it should be: You get whatever you want that we also agree to develop, every X period. Any changes to those requirements means development stops immediately. Otherwise get fucked.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Do anyone has a VM that is not using where they can the Trump Bot software from?

I can provide the source and you can compile it.

I am currently running it off my Work PC, but i have to restart my PC and shut down my PC from time to time.

Can probably run it off my off the books report desktop engine at work. As it isn't my work PC, just a second PC I have absolute control over at work.

It even got removed from the company registry since we're all on laptops now haha.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Do anyone has a VM that is not using where they can the Trump Bot software from?

I can provide the source and you can compile it.

I am currently running it off my Work PC, but i have to restart my PC and shut down my PC from time to time.
Why not just do a google cloud or AWS instance for this?


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Running now. Modified to be a background process. But since its just changing a setting... I'll get around to putting that on github later.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
What do you mean?

We have bug fixes, new features, etc

I don't know your process but at the heart Agile is about getting features running in a production-like environment as quickly as possible to be used by end-users to vet features are functioning as expected, UX is as expected and all that. Unfortunately many companies (my previous one for example) though Agile was just the story development process but that just lead to iterative waterfall.


<WoW Guild Officer>
I don't know your process but at the heart Agile is about getting features running in a production-like environment as quickly as possible to be used by end-users to vet features are functioning as expected, UX is as expected and all that. Unfortunately many companies (my previous one for example) though Agile was just the story development process but that just lead to iterative waterfall.
a thousand times this


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Lendarios Lendarios

Added a task scheduler task to it. Since that particular PC is integral to operations like I said, if it turns off even when I'm not around someone else will turn it on. That being said. The task simply boots it up as a background process whenever the PC is turned on.

So, I don't foresee any disruptions for the foreseeable future.


Trump's Staff
<Gold Donor>
i had it as a task scheduler as well. but for some reason it wasn't working, maybe i did the task incorrectly.
But thanks, we appreciate it. Trump tweets are comedy, and sad, and cringe-worthy, all at the same time


Trakanon Raider
Yearly prices for DRaaS; We did a proven test failover with a client, now they want to speak about pricing at the end of the week.

Anyone have ideas? I can't seem to find going market value for this shit.