it was pretty underwhelming, cricket getting high, being late to his job with his dad, pulling a knife on a dude, and french kissing a dog is pretty low on the "what would cricket do" batshit crazy insane scale. They also seemed to be way too much into the whole "SEE HOW THIS EPISODE TIES INTO THE PREVIOUS TWO EPISODES" with time cuts to match cricket drifting in and out of those, and lets face it none of us give a fuck about that kind of artistic shit
i mean everyonew knew the second a chick was being nice to cricket that something was FUCKED UP, I assumed it was his sister but glad they didn't go that McPoyle route. Shoulda gone topical - cricket encounters an illegal immigrant tranny in the mens bathroom, they become best friends, but we find out its all a long con by cricket to discover where the cartel stash is hidden and now cricket is wanted by the mexican cartel. Mack questioning his gayness when he finds the tranny repulsive could be the B story.