J49: An Erotic Life


So Capri called me in the middle of the night and left me s rambling voice mail asking me to call her.

When I called her back she said it was her sister and to leave a message for her.

Junkies man.


Silver Knight of the Realm
So Capri called me in the middle of the night and left me s rambling voice mail asking me to call her.

When I called her back she said it was her sister and to leave a message for her.

Junkies man.
It's going to be hilarious when a_skeleton_02 gets popped for solicitation of a prostitute. I'll be keeping an eye out.


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
Have her hold up a sign saying Rerolled a_skeleton_02 does it best or something.


<Gold Donor>
heading to philly today which means a trip thru camden....wish me luck on updating my sig

Nicole, Kristen, Jaime,( RIP Seimone ),Capri or Gia, Amanda and Deena.....
Which hooker you gonna kill this time? Wait, don't answer...because then it would be premeditated.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
a_skeleton_02 even if you're just trolling, I would like to thank you for breathing life back into this whole ordeal.

I really hope for the sake of my own lols that you're actually going to get your dick sucked by Gia.


Trakanon Raider
I feel like J49 should get some kind of referral bonus. Maybe like 3 freebies for ever referred client.


Trakanon Raider
You have 2 days to deliver us some sort of amazing Christmas present.

How amazing would it be to take a picture of you sexing her in a truck, in the exact same pose a J49, with your phone screen side up next to her head, showing J49's picture of him sexing her in a truck.

I mean, thats just an idea. Fucking get creative with it man.


Vyemm Raider
You have 2 days to deliver us some sort of amazing Christmas present.

How amazing would it be to take a picture of you sexing her in a truck, in the exact same pose a J49, with your phone screen side up next to her head, showing J49's picture of him sexing her in a truck.

I mean, thats just an idea. Fucking get creative with it man.
All that stuff said by Onoes + the truck has to be from the movie Jurassic Park.


I think the grinch just stole christmas guys. Capri all of a sudden cancelled tonight and isn't returning a text i sent her, I think Johnny messaged her will never admit it though.

I mean, if the threat of some fat sweaty italian taking a piss in the love of your life's mouth for $50 is what reunites the power couple that is Capri and Johnny then I think I did a good deed.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Awww C'mon Johnny.

No need to run Christmas for all of us


<Gold Donor>


The Big Mod
Johnny if a_skeleton_02 doesn't get his cock sucked by this whore tonight I will send this thread to your wife.


Murder Apologist
I think the grinch just stole christmas guys. Capri all of a sudden cancelled tonight and isn't returning a text i sent her, I think Johnny messaged her will never admit it though.

I mean, if the threat of some fat sweaty italian taking a piss in the love of your life's mouth for $50 is what reunites the power couple that is Capri and Johnny then I think I did a good deed.
Does she know about this forum?

Does she know about all the potential customers that could bankroll all her heroin for the next couple years in this thread alone?


Potato del Grande
I think the grinch just stole christmas guys. Capri all of a sudden cancelled tonight and isn't returning a text i sent her, I think Johnny messaged her will never admit it though.
Aw, man. That's too bad. And right before you'd have been expected to show any ounce of proof.

First a chick desperate for abortion money will sob on your dick, offer blackmail nudes, and even pay you with a camera, but you can't get a pic as proof of your story. And now a heroin junkie hooker won't return your calls?

Thems some tough breaks, man. Talk about a string of bad--yet convenient--luck!

See, when challenged as a troll, Johnny came up with pics as proof (for better orworse). Yet now you'll call out Johnny and besmirch his good name? No, sir. The burden is on you at this point to prove you're not full of shit (again).
Aw, man. That's too bad. And right before you'd have been expected to show any ounce of proof.

First a chick desperate for abortion money will sob on your dick, offer blackmail nudes, and even pay you with a camera, but you can't get a pic as proof of your story. And now a heroin junkie hooker won't return your calls?

Thems some tough breaks, man. Talk about a string of bad--yet convenient--luck!

See, when challenged as a troll, Johnny came up with pics as proof (for better orworse). Yet now you'll call out Johnny and besmirch his good name? No, sir. The burden is on you at this point to prove you're not full of shit (again).
As much as the negative tuconets wants to make me disregard anything he says, I think popsicledeath may have a point!