J49: An Erotic Life


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
a_skeleton_02 is just doing it "for the lulz" and doing it with someone's real life, someone who is actually a contributor to this forum. Stop as requested, a_skeleton_02.


The Scientific Shitlord
Or at least stop talking about it here. If you seriously want to meet Capri irl that's on you. Have fun with it.




Gunnar Durden
You post naked pictures of these girls on a forum full of strangers. Dont try to take the high ground here. You are an enabling scum bag and a_skeleton_02 is doing nothing worse than you. If you dont want him contacting your whores with your name, dont offer it up and post fuck videos without their consent.

a_skeleton_02, Unblock her and keep this going.


Vyemm Raider
Fuck you Johnny,. You post naked pictures of these girls on a forum full of strangers. Dont try to take the high ground here. You are an enabling scum bag and a_skeleton_02 is doing nothing worse than you. If you dont want him contacting your whores with your name, dont offer it up and post fuck videos without their consent.

a_skeleton_02, Unblock her and keep this going.
i don't care what he does, i just don't need her mom contacting my wife again....


Confirmed Male
Fuck you Johnny,. You post naked pictures of these girls on a forum full of strangers. Dont try to take the high ground here. You are an enabling scum bag and a_skeleton_02 is doing nothing worse than you. If you dont want him contacting your whores with your name, dont offer it up and post fuck videos without their consent.

a_skeleton_02, Unblock her and keep this going.
While as a whole, I think this situation is horrible train wreck that I could not stop reading (taking showers after doing so). Johnny trying to bring ethics into this situation vs. what a_skeleton_02 is doing is the VERY definition of the "pot calling the kettle black".


You post naked pictures of these girls on a forum full of strangers. Dont try to take the high ground here. You are an enabling scum bag and a_skeleton_02 is doing nothing worse than you. If you dont want him contacting your whores with your name, dont offer it up and post fuck videos without their consent.

a_skeleton_02, Unblock her and keep this going.
While as a whole, I think this situation is horrible train wreck that I could not stop reading (taking showers after doing so). Johnny trying to bring ethics into this situation vs. what a_skeleton_02 is doing is the VERY definition of the "pot calling the kettle black".
You're seriously getting mad or thinking J a hypocrite for not wanting a try-hard to be an uncontrollable unknown in his own self-bred chaos of a life? I understand wanting to see more to these adventures, but potentially sacrificing another board member for that to happen seems like a new low to get there.


Gunnar Durden
You're seriously getting mad or thinking J a hypocrite for not wanting a try-hard to be an uncontrollable unknown in his own self-bred chaos of a life? I understand wanting to see more to these adventures, but potentially sacrificing another board member for that to happen seems like a new low to get there.
I thin kyour point is fair, I just lack any empathy for someone like him for just being a board member. Sure, he doesnt want a try hard fucking with his life. I see it as a bit of social justice and fair game. I dont wish ill on johnny, but if his actions lead to that, I dont blame tiggles. They may be crack whores, but they have been fucked over by johnny. What if they get clean and learn that during their lowest of lows, Johnny was sharing videos of them passing out on herioin, posting fuck videos, and sharing their life story with a bunch of rando neck beards? I have no respect for someone who hides behind anonymity for themselves but not others. Lets be real, we know a_skeleton_02 is fucking around, but think about it. Johnny had shared so much about these girls any random on this board can contact them and blackmail them or worse. Anyone who registers can get enough info about them to find them on facebook and ruin their lives. And we are worried about the guy raw dogging whores behind his wifes back?

He can sleep in the bed he made. If hes wiling to fuck with their privacy to get attention on the forum, so can tiggles.

Lets be real, its not like a_skeleton_02 is doxing Johnny. Or this is some random "Found your personal life on facebook and im fucking with it.".

This is all chaos, and more power to us all.