J49: An Erotic Life


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Forgive me if it was covered previously, but is johnny's rl name even johnny? I thought he used a fake name in some of these dealings (dunno if it was with the hookers or with us, though), would Capri even know who a_skeleton_02 is referring to?
Would she even care?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I think that the boards code of conduct states that you shouldn't fuck with a members real life no matter how strange or disgusting it is.
I recall it being that if they put themselves out there willingly it became fair game.


Potato del Grande
I'd just like to say the hypocrisy is strong considering I got fucking IP-traced and stalked all over the internet when I stopped posting for a couple months after Lumie told me garlic would cure my infection...

PS: Johnny is the one who posted all the whores fucking information etc., why would other people get banned for that shit?


The Dauntless One

Lord Nagafen Raider
This guy is the worse scumbag there is. With how much fucking with people he's been doing, I wouldn't feel a shred of sympathy for him if he gets fucked. He's stringing a bunch of women who have drug addictions (and probably mental instabilities) for his own pleasure. I'm not with a_skeleton_02, this should be some basic humanity shit.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Although J is this and that, I think it was shitty move by a_skeleton_02 to mention Johnny.
One thing is J fucking is own life, other is someone else doing it.


Gunnar Durden
I just think this beta fag "we don't mess with our own" idea is lame. You guys have watched too many shitty brotherhood movies.

I want to watch Johnny burn to the ground,


First off, I want to say I'm sorry I originally blamed Johnny for Capri bailing on me. I know now she is just a retard.

I got a phone call at 3:00am last night from Capri after I blocked her saying how she saw my message and wanted some christmas Money. I told her fine we can talk about this after fucking Christmas and "hang out" (Side note: You don't mention like straight up hooker terms on the phone or online right? That's how people get caught) When I said that she broke down in tears saying that her family is really poor and that they didn't get anything for christmas and how she is going to jail soon if she doesn't get money by this morning and she was wondering if I could wire her some money.

She wanted me, A complete stranger who she only had a 3 minute conversation with, to get out of bed at 3am on Christmas, Drive around and find a 24 hour Western union and wire her $150 so she would not go to jail on Christmas.

She also said that she used to charge less when she was on smack so now she wants $100 for sex but Johnny said she fucks worse sober, so i'm conflicted.

Also she never saw anything about Johnny or mentioned him.

She also has the most stereotypical scratchy hard times woman voice.


Potato del Grande
PS: Johnny is the one who posted all the whores fucking information etc., why would other people get banned for that shit?

I don't think a single person gives a shit that a_skeleton_02 contacted one of his [former] whores. In fact Johnny himself encouraged it, just asked to be left out of it. It's when he a) seemed to immediately seek a ton of attention with just the idea alone, b) got salty when the attention stopped after nothing came of it and then c) started bringing in discussion of these threads and a forum poster to close a deal he loved getting the attention for but couldn't manage on his own merits.

If a_skeleton_02 could pull off some shenanigan's on his own merits to fuck indirectly with Johnny all would be impressed and approve. Instead, he talks a big game because he loves the attention and produces jack-shit for actual interesting results. Then tries to bring another poster into it when he can't succeed on his own. And when people call him on it he insults these forums and other posters. a_skeleton_02 is trying to go for glory with the short game even if it ruins the long game for the rest of us. Nobody gives a shit about morality of it all. We give a shit about the forum code that doesn't ruin all of our fun because one attention-whoring bitch is desperate for some short-term lulz.

Then some of you dumb fucks come in white-knighting hookers and calling people cunts because a_skeleton_02 is too lazy or lame to pull off his own stunts. We used to call those types of bitches out; like Tyen when he started undermining every tits-for-votes post. Now, people are defending sending direct messages referencing forum members and indirectly these forums that will undermine one of the longest and most epic threads in a very long time? And you're going to call the rest of us soft? Bitch, please.

And Merry Christmas!


Potato del Grande
First off, I want to say I'm sorry I originally blamed Johnny for Capri bailing on me. I know now she is just a retard.

I got a phone call at 3:00am last night from Capri after I blocked her saying how she saw my message and wanted some christmas Money. I told her fine we can talk about this after fucking Christmas and "hang out" (Side note: You don't mention like straight up hooker terms on the phone or online right? That's how people get caught) When I said that she broke down in tears saying that her family is really poor and that they didn't get anything for christmas and how she is going to jail soon if she doesn't get money by this morning and she was wondering if I could wire her some money.

She wanted me, A complete stranger who she only had a 3 minute conversation with, to get out of bed at 3am on Christmas, Drive around and find a 24 hour Western union and wire her $150 so she would not go to jail on Christmas.

She also said that she used to charge less when she was on smack so now she wants $100 for sex but Johnny said she fucks worse sober, so i'm conflicted.

Also she never saw anything about Johnny or mentioned him.

She also has the most stereotypical scratchy hard times woman voice.
See, this we can respect!

You don't mention hooking directly because it's impolite. Remember: medicine = smack. Hang out = fuck date. Hooker who gave you an STD and whose mom nearly ruined your marriage that you dumbed when she sobered up because she wasn't fun enough anymore = love.

Remember, you're not fucking her for a good time. You're fucking her because we'll think it hilarious.


Molten Core Raider
I said long ago how I'm surprised no one contacted any of the people. I mean it's kind of fucked up to do but it's also fairly easy when you are posting every detail about them on an internet forum.

And also his name is Johnny. There was a video of the Capri girl going to her car making a video how she wants him to lick her ass and she kept saying Johnny. Also she started showing her pussy and it was youtube so I remember thinking how is this still allowed on youtube

Women who have gnarly pussies should really consider leaving a bit of hair.
Yeah can do a perfect shave on all that but not above her ass like uhmm the F


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
I'd just like to say the hypocrisy is strong considering I got fucking IP-traced and stalked all over the internet when I stopped posting for a couple months after Lumie told me garlic would cure my infection...

PS: Johnny is the one who posted all the whores fucking information etc., why would other people get banned for that shit?

Did Johnny post Capri's full name? Because at least one fucking retard did, and it still hasn't been taken down despite my earlier warning.

Did anyone post your RL identity here? No? What the fuck are you bitching about again? That people actually went out of their way to make sure you hadn't died? You poor thing.


Vyemm Raider
no i didn't post her full name. my mistake was not blocking her mothers name, when i posted the fb message to my wife