In the Camden of melange, J is both Giver and Devourer. The Shaitan Shai-Hulud. Both the bringer of the Water of Life, and the Worm.
J49 is banging Eric Cartman
The fuck kind of shit scholarships are your kids qualifying for that you still have to pay 32k per year? Obviously that 17k per year high school didn't learn them worth = $32000 per year after scholarships, high school = $17,000 per year
kick back = $5000 per year plus/minus
i am not depriving my kids anything
Thyere going to a private school where its 40k a year but they give "scholarships" so people come and pay the rest because they think its a good deal.The fuck kind of shit scholarships are your kids qualifying for that you still have to pay 32k per year? Obviously that 17k per year high school didn't learn them worth shit.
Certainly not in defense of JJ H-train-conductor here, but:17k for highschool
yeah state spent. not householdCertainly not in defense of JJ H-train-conductor here, but:
Coming from the guy who's mother is applying for jobs for him with his own e-mail accounts, this is rich.Your whole family is retarded
Well that is his point. That private schools charging that much isn't really outlandish considering how much it would cost to directly pay for public school of you had toyeah state spent. not household