Incorrect. I judge him by everything else he livejournals in this thread. I don't give two shits about the whoring itself, though I will judge the quality of whore he picks. I judge him for the bribery/kickbacks/stealing money from his workplace. I judge him for his complete emotional codependency on these hookers. His emotional abuse of his wife and total disrespect he shows for their relationship. The same could be said about his relationship with his children, one of them in the hospital and he's more concerned with sneaking a whore into his house. The man is a sociopathic piece of human shit.
A> kickbacks are a very common feature of the construction business especially around NY/NJ.
B> You haven't posted pics of the chicks you bang, Johnny could do worse.
C> He's having emotions for the women, but then you call him a sociopath - would it be better if he came in and said he gives no shits about them or what he's doing? He's either a sociopath or he's emotionally codependent... those are contradictory.
D> You don't know what the relationship with his wife is like.
E> You don't know what the relationship with his kids is like. You never got some pussy when you could have been with your kid? So he took a few hours to bang a hooker, big deal. Kid wasn't going anywhere. Do you have kids? Have you ever not been a grade A 100% perfect parent?
Johnny isn't a perfect guy but he's being honest about his trainwreck life. He could just post in the FSR once in a while or post in the Hearthstone thread and say nothing, would that be better? He's obviously going to live his life the way he wants to live it regardless of what we say, except maybe now he's not going to be honest, is that better? How does posting some judgy petty shit in his thread help? You don't like it, don't click it. And attacking the mans kids is pretty low, especially when he's said he's home every evening and arranging his life so he can pay for their educations and shit.
Ya'll need some fucking perspective, the man gets his dick wet in junkie whores and doesn't have a good relationship with his wife. Wow, he's human shit now? Grow the fuck up.