Jerle Committed Suicide Today


That sucks.

Jerle isn't exactly someone I've known (meh, since noows I think but whatever, not like I really know any of you fucks) but suicide is shitty any way you look at it.

At this point I'm just hoping it isn't me... I've got five in my personal space and a few outside that. People kill themselves I guess but it is both so foreign to me and yet so common today that it fucks with my head. Seriously people, why would you ever decide to end the one chance you have? Shit sucks at times but ffs, any day above ground is a good day and it isn't like you are scrabbling for bugs in the savannah or something... we've got it pretty damned good!


That sucks.

Jerle isn't exactly someone I've known (meh, since noows I think but whatever, not like I really know any of you fucks) but suicide is shitty any way you look at it.

At this point I'm just hoping it isn't me... I've got five in my personal space and a few outside that. People kill themselves I guess but it is both so foreign to me and yet so common today that it fucks with my head. Seriously people, why would you ever decide to end the one chance you have? Shit sucks at times but ffs, any day above ground is a good day and it isn't like you are scrabbling for bugs in the savannah or something... we've got it pretty damned good!


Molten Core Raider
How do you even handle that, balding and being trans? I'm sorry but that's a funny predicament to be in.


Musty Nester
Oh shit. Furor, is there an undo button?

Compassion is wasted on suicides.

Fare well you poor fuck.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
I looked at its Twitter photo and if that what it looks like, id kill myself too

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
Hes not gonna bang you soygen, hes dead


Blackwing Lair Raider
Damn I raided with her when she was a bro, sucks to hear even though we didnt get along =(


For the record, that in no way represents the professional consensus regarding gender identity disorder. The research I've seen (direct sources) shows an overwhelming reduction in distress following gender reassignment surgery. They aren't "cured," as years of feeling like you have the wrong body, and the fact that society is completely unaccepting of GID at this point in time, ensures a lifetime of distress. But surgery by and large works.

"Transvestite fetishism," aka getting aroused from putting on women's clothes, is a rare and is considered a mental illness. They aren't the same. That's why transvestite is offensive to transgendered people. Transvestitism is an arousal thing.

Suicide is always sad. The most hated kid in my high school killed himself ( in high school). I'm sure he, and jerle, didn't learn how to relate to other people from growing up in a home of abuse, neglect, or mistreatment. Hopefully Goliath finds a better way


The Scientific Shitlord
Enh, he made his choice. Suicide gets a bad rap in Western cultures because people are selfish. If your life is miserable and you have no options to make it better why not check out early? If you are a burden on your friends and family and have no way of fixing that and want to end it, why the fuck not?


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
We had a guy named Swyss in early EJ that jumped off a bridge. No one knew. Wasn't Jerle also named someone else on the forums with a different handle? From back in like 2005-2006 when I was ripping apart Vanguard and he would defend McQuaid? Never knew the guy was in my WoW guild. Holy-something?


Blackwing Lair Raider
God damn. RIP buddy.

We argued a shit ton in WoW while raiding and I used to get a kick out of pissing him off but we both knew it was always in jest. This sucks.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
Yea so one of my college friends has transitioned and when I knew him back in college, seemed like a regular enough dude, but oddly not really interested in girls. There was always a "girlfriend" that I never saw or whatever. Anyway after college I got busy with my life and lost contact, he surfaced on facebook in 2010 or so and looked odd. He had started transitioning in 2009 I think. Well he had also gotten married and had 2 kids.

Now facebook is full of his pleas for people to help the legal situation since apparently the mom is trying to keep the kids away due to his tranny-ness affecting them. And constant stuff about positivism, acceptance, etc. Which is weird since this guy was the harshest critic of everything back in the day.

He's also 6'8 and had a voice like barry white.

I guess what I'm saying is, society is extremely unaccepting of this and I could see how they would see suicide as an option. If they can't escape their nature and their nature causes all of society to shun them, they're going to be very mentally unbalanced. Doesn't seem fair at all, they're just people like you and I. Kinda weird people, but we're all weird in our own ways.


God is dead
God damn. RIP buddy.

We argued a shit ton in WoW while raiding and I used to get a kick out of pissing him off but we both knew it was always in jest. This sucks.
I had my best friend commit suicide a few years back (Although, he just couldn't handle the stress of impregnating a girl accidentally...)
These people rarely ever ask for help and you often feel regret. I feel bad for the last people he spoke with and about how he talked about suicide.
I could have saved my friends life had I said something...
Suicide is more or less selflessness.