Because he likes him and wants to see him succeed through this. It's also why he gave him an hour headstart.Yeah what I'm not getting is why the fuck Winston would owe John. Explain that, and I'll be good.
So are you trolling? Did you read my post? I can't believe you aren't understanding how a favor works.*quietly backs away smiling and nodding*
So are you trolling? Did you read my post? I can't believe you aren't understanding how a favor works.
Winston isn't thanking John for Santino.
I am being a prick because this is basic level stuff and you are trying to invent new realities to explain basic shit.
John Wick's Blood Oath Explained
Maybe if you can't take it from a prick you can read it elsewhere. I have not found a single person talking about this like Winston is handing him a dead marker that means absolutely nothing so he can hang it on a wall or some shit.
I did and it mentioned your theory at the very last with no basis for Jesus fucking H Christ, did you even read that article?
oh look, a trollI did and it mentioned your theory at the very last with no basis for it.
I meant to say that was the only place I found mentioning your extremely ridiculous idea.
I think I am seriously insulted that someone with that dumb of a theory watched the movie and defiled it with your idiocy. It's like ifChukzombi liked a show I would think twice before watching it.
I did and it mentioned your theory at the very last with no basis for it.
I meant to say that was the only place I found mentioning your extremely ridiculous idea.
I think I am seriously insulted that someone with that dumb of a theory watched the movie and defiled it with your idiocy. It's like ifChukzombi liked a show I would think twice before watching it.
I just can't believe that someone can't understand how a favor is given out so I assume you must be trolling and doing it badly, very badly.
I gave you a step by step how it most likely played out and you couldn't even follow that. You just went back to "well I read it one place on the internet so this must be the only option".
Your option could be what they did. The chances are beyond low. See how that works though? You didn't make some claim that was completely outlandish like the market was really an atomic bomb. So I can acknowledge that it might, albeit beyond slim chances, might be reality. It would be utterly stupid and not advance the plot one bit for him to get his used up market back.
You can't even acknowledge that you might be wrong though.
Yeah I wasn't sure what that marker was. Whether it was the completed one, or a fresh one presumably with john owing Winston for the hour grace period. Probably the latter... perhaps Winston knows john is such a badass that he'll come out the other end ok, and Winston will somehow call in a favor to gain some power somehow?
Except that theory requires John's blood to be in there as the beginning, no? Needs clarification, preferably in the form of more headshots.