No, they didn't. Where are you getting these ridiculous numbers? That would be close to the most expensive film of all time.They blew 500,000,000 on this between the film and advertising? Goddamn.
it was in the video linked in this thread right before this post, from an article in Forbes magazine.No, they didn't. Where are you getting these ridiculous numbers? That would be close to the most expensive film of all time.
it was in the video linked in this thread right before this post, from an article in Forbes magazine.
edit: here you lazy shit:
Also that would be "run of the mill" not anywhere close to most expensive of all time. Plenty of movies are 200-300 million nowadays just on production and X2 for the marketing budget.
Sounds like...YGWYFD.Still though between production and marketing 500mil is not out of line for modern blockbusters, that is pretty much the new standard for any tentpole film. We've lived under 25%+ inflation for 4 years in a row where the cost of damn near everything doubled plus multiple hollywood strikes from writers and actors and people are surprised movie costs went from 300-400mil to 500mil+?
It's a 200 million dollar production. Probably at least another 100 million for marketing. It could be more than that . It would need at least 600 mil to break even. It's not getting that. It will be a while before it breaks 100m. It's likely going to be streaming by the end of the month.Convenient to change article to video. Yeah, I don't watch long ass videos so thanks for the pinpoint link.
That said, that's completely misinterpreted by you and others. It literally says the break even is 500m. You don't know what you're talking about. That is NOT the budget + marketing. Domestic theaters take 30-50%, overseas more. If the production and marketing budget was actually $500 million, the break even point would be closer to a billion. So no, they did not spend 500M in budget and marketing.
Blue Beetle is DCEU. I think the last one. Doesn't matter anyway if the rumors are true and the BB actor, Xolo went to Marvel to film Nova for D+Because Blue beetle was under DC studios ..... This has fuck all to do with DC
Theaters usually take half of what movies produced and that amount increases as time goes on. 50% first week, 55% the second week and so on. Movie studios need to make most of their money back in the first few weeks because it will be less likely the longer it's in theaters. That's why flops are gone from theaters after a few weeks and then get put on VOD or streaming services.Now I'm confused. The percentage of money that a theater gets versus what the studio gets changes week to week. The more time goes by the larger the share for the theater. What good are estimates based on the amount of money it needs to make at the box office to break even when a ticket today is not the same value as a ticket next week which is not the same as the value of a ticket the week after that?
40m opening weekend means it's going to need a fuck load more than 450m to break even because all the math changes every week. I see how I misunderstood what the break even estimate was relative to cost to produce and market but thinking about it more it makes even less sense.
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‘D’ Spells Disaster - Audiences Heckle ‘Joker 2’ Off Box Office Stage
The seeming failure of their latest comic book film hints that even sequels to Batman-branded blockbusters might not be able to save Warner from audience DC-brand
View attachment 550969
Well, you said article at first and I went looking for that and found nothing so I was already salty. It was indeed the rare short video but I never watch videos here and the mobile browser doesn't show runtimes.dude the entire video is 1:17 long. What is your Adderall prescription up to if you think that is some "Long ass video"
And yeah you are right it was breakeven amount not total budget. The production budget was north of 200mil so that means the marketing was only around 50mil which tbh sounds about right, not seeing tons of advertisements for this travesty (they know its shit and won't make any money). Current predictions are less than 100mil domestic and 250mil total WW so this movie is looking to lose WB around 150mil dollars.
Still though between production and marketing 500mil is not out of line for modern blockbusters, that is pretty much the new standard for any tentpole film. We've lived under 25%+ inflation for 4 years in a row where the cost of damn near everything doubled plus multiple hollywood strikes from writers and actors and people are surprised movie costs went from 300-400mil to 500mil+?
Every break even number you see reported is just an estimate and you're right that everything can vary pretty widely for movie to movie. It's just a good rule of thumb for people who don't have the actual numbers to estimate if a movie is going to do well or not.Now I'm confused. The percentage of money that a theater gets versus what the studio gets changes week to week. The more time goes by the larger the share for the theater. What good are estimates based on the amount of money it needs to make at the box office to break even when a ticket today is not the same value as a ticket next week which is not the same as the value of a ticket the week after that?
40m opening weekend means it's going to need a fuck load more than 450m to break even because all the math changes every week. I see how I misunderstood what the break even estimate was relative to cost to produce and market but thinking about it more it makes even less sense.
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‘D’ Spells Disaster - Audiences Heckle ‘Joker 2’ Off Box Office Stage
The seeming failure of their latest comic book film hints that even sequels to Batman-branded blockbusters might not be able to save Warner from audience DC-brand
View attachment 550969
No. I saw them filming this movie in early 2023. After Gunn came on board. This is a DC film. It doesn't matter what universe it is. It's his fucking job to be in charge of DC properties.
Every break even number you see reported is just an estimate and you're right that everything can vary pretty widely for movie to movie. It's just a good rule of thumb for people who don't have the actual numbers to estimate if a movie is going to do well or not.
I am not buying that Gunn has no responsibility for a 200 million dollar film that was filmed for DC after he became head of the studio. If he isn't responsible for it then who the fuck is and what does Gunn even do?This film is not under the umbrella of the DCEU. It's not in Gunns wheelhouse.
Even though I think he's a weirdo and a freak he carries no blame for this garbage.
It's a 200 million dollar production. Probably at least another 100 million for marketing. It could be more than that . It would need at least 600 mil to break even. It's not getting that. It will be a while before it breaks 100m. It's likely going to be streaming by the end of the month.
I am not buying that Gunn has no responsibility for a 200 million dollar film that was filmed for DC after he became head of the studio. If he isn't responsible for it then who the fuck is and what does Gunn even do?
Chuk has dug in. Prepare for a retard storm of posts.Pretty sure he has an agreement to leave the Robert Pattinson Batman sequel alone also. I remember when he signed on reading that there's certain projects in motion that he can't touch.
‘The Batman 2’ From Matt Reeves Heads To Fall 2026; Paul Thomas Anderson-Leonardo DiCaprio Movie Gets Summer 2025 Date
'The Batman 2' Now Opening Fall 2026 in
It was pushed a year after Gunn's Superman comes out into 2026.
is this why jaquin faggot dropped out of a gay movie, cuz he was already raped in joker 2?Joker is literally raped in this.
This honestly seems like a pepe frog case. Establishment is butthurt the wrong people "liked" the first one so they are purposely destroying it.
no storm, i just find it awfully convenient. apparently nobody is responsible.Chuk has dug in. Prepare for a retard storm of posts.