
Silver Baronet of the Realm
Never tried that emu. Downloaded it on steam, but I can't find all the options it says I should config in the reddit post.

I think I have the right core and put it on.

I also can't find the options to turn on that are shown in the image of the texture replacements.

EDIT: Loaded wrong core.... So found all graphics options, still not found the texture replacement options.
Everything I've read about RetroArch says to never use the Steam version. Get it from retroarch.com instead.

For texture options, load the core and the game. Hit F1, Core Options, Video, scroll down to Track Textures and turn it on. Restart the game and go back to the same spot in Video options and you should now see Dump and Replace Textures. Turn Replace on and you're all set.
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Trakanon Raider
Everything I've read about RetroArch says to never use the Steam version. Get it from retroarch.com instead.

For texture options, load the core and the game. Hit F1, Core Options, Video, scroll down to Track Textures and turn it on. Restart the game and go back to the same spot in Video options and you should now see Dump and Replace Textures. Turn Replace on and you're all set.

That worked! Thank you. The Steam version had an outdated core from what I could read up on, so the track textures option wasn't there to turn on. The direct launcher worked just fine.

Is there a way to get the sticks to work for movement, or the game just too old for that?


Silver Baronet of the Realm
That worked! Thank you. The Steam version had an outdated core from what I could read up on, so the track textures option wasn't there to turn on. The direct launcher worked just fine.

Is there a way to get the sticks to work for movement, or the game just too old for that?
F1 -> Controls -> Port 1 Controls -> change 'Device Type' to DualShock and 'Analog to Digital Type' to Left Analog (forced). Since the game doesn't actually use the analog sticks natively, I'd go ahead and remap right stick X- and X+ to L1 and R1 too. Much easier to rotate the camera that way.
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Trakanon Raider
F1 -> Controls -> Port 1 Controls -> change 'Device Type' to DualShock and 'Analog to Digital Type' to Left Analog (forced). Since the game doesn't actually use the analog sticks natively, I'd go ahead and remap right stick X- and X+ to L1 and R1 too. Much easier to rotate the camera that way.

Fantastic, now everything works perfectly. Thank you very much for the tips. Not played this game since the PS1 era.


Toe Sucker

Trying to complete a P5R run before this drops. I don't think I'm going to succeed. :Mad PC:

im actually doing this too, on NG+ it isnt so bad because im skipping literally all dialogue and scenes to get to the 3rd semester that i missed out on in P5 and its been pretty quick.
I think im at the end of october in about 20 hours, i think playing through it normally was like 60ish lol
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FPS noob
the persona 3 reloaded DLC is out, if you have gamepass its free. might check it out although i've only heard people say don't play it lol


Vyemm Raider
Random, but is there a way to play Xenogears on pc? Suddenly have desire to play it - wish they would remaster that and Zone of Enders 2nd Runner
My kingdom for a xenogears remaster. With all the stuff thst hit the cutting room floor.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
My kingdom for a xenogears remaster. With all the stuff thst hit the cutting room floor.
I think I might do a replay after I have finished a few "new" games first. How long is Xenogears to complete anyway? I know I beat it way back on the PS1 back in the old ages. I know I was kinda disappointed when it suddenly became a clip show at the finish line (disc 2?).

Xenogears and FF7, what a great Console Generation the PS1 was.


Trakanon Raider
I think I might do a replay after I have finished a few "new" games first. How long is Xenogears to complete anyway? I know I beat it way back on the PS1 back in the old ages. I know I was kinda disappointed when it suddenly became a clip show at the finish line (disc 2?).

Xenogears and FF7, what a great Console Generation the PS1 was.

PS1 and PS2 were the absolute best console gens for JRPGs. So many good ones. Legend of Dragoon, Chrono Cross, DQ8, Rogue Galaxy, Wild Arms, Seukoden, FF7-12 (I mean, the "worst" FF game in those gens can be debated as to which based on preference, but even the worst is better than many AAA "rpgs" today).

I had a matrix chipped PS2. One of those thick CD folders with probably 50+ of great jrpgs.

Just googled it. Random list 33 Best PlayStation 2 JRPGs

Not going to argue merits of the list, or if it is complete, but scrolling through it and looking at release dates. 3-4 top tier jrpgs, every year. The fuck happened.
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Vyemm Raider
PS1 and PS2 were the absolute best console gens for JRPGs. So many good ones. Legend of Dragoon, Chrono Cross, DQ8, Rogue Galaxy, Wild Arms, Seukoden, FF7-12 (I mean, the "worst" FF game in those gens can be debated as to which based on preference, but even the worst is better than many AAA "rpgs" today).

I had a matrix chipped PS2. One of those thick CD folders with probably 50+ of great jrpgs.

Just googled it. Random list 33 Best PlayStation 2 JRPGs

Not going to argue merits of the list, or if it is complete, but scrolling through it and looking at release dates. 3-4 top tier jrpgs, every year. The fuck happened.
Stupid happened is what happened. They dont even make that many JRPGs anymore which was what they excelled at. This is largely why i dont even buy consoles anymore except for when a good JRPG is out. Then once i finish it i sell off the system and return to PC.


Vyemm Raider
I think I might do a replay after I have finished a few "new" games first. How long is Xenogears to complete anyway? I know I beat it way back on the PS1 back in the old ages. I know I was kinda disappointed when it suddenly became a clip show at the finish line (disc 2?).

Xenogears and FF7, what a great Console Generation the PS1 was.

Xenogears is around 60 hours.

I actually like the clip show second disc. The dungeons are not that fun in xenogears and by that point you have been playing so long a sprint to the finish is welcomed by me.
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Avatar of War Slayer
We cant just have turn based, they have to add some stupid button mashing in it- EV en that new French one and the indi sea of stars had it… no, just stop.meme

Also… the ohh look at the numbers!

Mobs with 345654355634545 hp rather than 350 so you can show tons of spam numbers rather than real numbers and actions one can strat over and think.. once its a number spam session, i check out


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Every game has to have 100 different 'accessibility' settings nowadays so you'll probably be able to turn off or auto-success anything QTE-esque in Expedition 33. Not saying that's a bad thing either. I use those settings too, especially when it comes to stuff like converting button mashing to just a press-and-hold. Got tendonitis all over my arms, wrists, and hands so there's no way I put up with that shit anymore.

That said, my favorite PS2 JRPG is still Shadow Hearts: Covenant by a mile, and that game had some rather extreme QTE-like stuff in its battle system, though you could tone down the difficulty of the rings by also gimping your damage. Still a fantastic game despite that. A remaster of SH:C is probably out of the question, but there is a spiritual successor being made by Machida and a bunch of other Shadow Hearts devs and artists that I have really high hopes for. It's called Penny Blood and is due out next year.
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A Mod Real Quick
I didn't enjoy Xenoblade Chronicles 3, but 1 and 2 are some of my all time favs. 2 in particular
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Toe Sucker
Every game has to have 100 different 'accessibility' settings nowadays so you'll probably be able to turn off or auto-success anything QTE-esque in Expedition 33. Not saying that's a bad thing either. I use those settings too, especially when it comes to stuff like converting button mashing to just a press-and-hold. Got tendonitis all over my arms, wrists, and hands so there's no way I put up with that shit anymore.

That said, my favorite PS2 JRPG is still Shadow Hearts: Covenant by a mile, and that game had some rather extreme QTE-like stuff in its battle system, though you could tone down the difficulty of the rings by also gimping your damage. Still a fantastic game despite that. A remaster of SH:C is probably out of the question, but there is a spiritual successor being made by Machida and a bunch of other Shadow Hearts devs and artists that I have really high hopes for. It's called Penny Blood and is due out next year.

It's fucked how much better of a game covenant is compared to the first game lol
I've been meaning to play through it again on my steam deck but just never get around to it hnnghh\

What is the successor?


Vyemm Raider
I think I might do a replay after I have finished a few "new" games first. How long is Xenogears to complete anyway? I know I beat it way back on the PS1 back in the old ages. I know I was kinda disappointed when it suddenly became a clip show at the finish line (disc 2?).

Xenogears and FF7, what a great Console Generation the PS1 was.
Hour wise. I remember my first play through was like 65+. And my 2nd completions playthrough was like 95+.

So I watched an interview of I think the director of xenogears like a year ago. He went on to say how they were planning on doing an entire fleshed disc 2 like disc 1. But they were told what the release date will be so get it done. So they settled on slide show story telling.

I'd love them to finally finish all of that.
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Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
Was there ever an end to the Xenosaga? I think Only played the first all the way through and maybe started on the second game but quit due to selling the PS2(3?).

Got all the Dragon Quest sorted now on the Steam Deck emulators and the DSi XL I stumbled over for $50. Will wait for the remasters to come out and start there then do the rest in order. Will only miss X but it was an MMO or something?

Xenosaga was supposed to be six games. Originally the story (spread by EGM and other magazines) was that it was a retelling of the six historical eras of Xenogears Perfect Works (meaning Xenosaga Episode 5 would be a remake of Xenogears). Turned out the magazines were pulling all of this out of their ass and Xenosaga was actually some sort of retelling of Xenogears Episode 1 (the 10,000 years ago "humans in space" part of Perfect Works). However since Square owned the rights to Xenogears, they couldn't even do this, so it was more of a "spiritual reimagining" of XG Ep 1, with a few things altered to avoid a lawsuit (for example Xenosaga Ep 3 takes place in 4548 T.C. while Xenogears Ep 1 takes place in 4547 T.C. so they can't be related please don't sue).

The first Xenosaga sold very well due to all the Xenogears fans turning up, thinking it was a prequel. When it turned out to not be, and was a fairly subpar game compared to XG, a lot of those fans tuned out. XS2 was pretty bad and at that point the only people still playing it were strictly Xenosaga fans from what I saw, who spent a lot of time making fun of Xenogears fans on online message boards for trying to draw connections between XS and XG (which is all people ever wanted). Then the XG people just noped out entirely and left the XS people to sit around wallowing in their cyborg-on-scientist fanservice or whatever the fuck they were into. Xenosaga 3 sold even more poorly, which is a shame because it's the best of the 3 games and contains a TON of Xenogears references and fanservice, finally. They wrapped the story up with XS3 because after XS2's sales it was clear that people weren't interested in the planned six-game series.

So to answer your question, yeah, Xenosaga ended with Ep 3 and wrapped everything up real quick in the third act, which is pretty much just a long line of boss fights with every unresolved bad guy (pretty clear most of it was supposed to be over 3 remaining games). You didn't miss much with XS2. It's one of the worst RPGs I've ever played in a gameplay sense. The story's good, the settings are actually pretty amazing and it's one of the more atmospheric games on the system. Buuuut they ruined it by having an almost-incomprehensible battle system where every battle could essentially be won by entering commands in a certain order to trigger things like stagger, and otherwise you were just kinda confused most of the time. XS3 is worth playing if you want to revisit Xeno on PS2. Mostly if you liked Xenogears, since XS3 is like one big Xenogears homage. Two games too late, but yeah.

As for Dragon Quest, I'd play 1-3 in their original-ish forms (their SNES versions are as late as I'd go) before the remakes. Their original forms are full of surprises that'll largely be spoiled by the remakes. By the time the remakes drop you could easily play the majority of the series. The first 3 are all fairly short games and seeing their historical significance firsthand is a good time. Then later play the remakes in their (different) order. And yeah, DQ10 is inexplicably Japan-only, and an MMO. They made a single-player version of it that's more like the rest of the series, but didn't translate it or release it outside Japan because.... why? I have no goddamn clue.

I think someone's doing a translated Switch ROM of the single-player version of DQ10 and if that sees the light of day it's gonna rocket to the top of my list of things to play.

Another note on Xenosaga. It's got some insane music. Fatal Fight comes to mind (one of the final boss themes in XS3)

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