Chipping away at Xenoblade Chronicles 2. I played the first two chapters / 12 hours back in 2022 and picked up where I left off because I don't like the game enough to redo 12 hours of it. Finished Chapter 3 this week and I'm working on Chapter 4 (of 10). Gotta say, this game is decent on some levels (music, visuals are great) and it has a little bit of that "Xenogears" vibe I've been waiting for Monolithsoft to produce again. Just a little bit though, and TBH it's probably got more in common with Skies of Arcadia.
Game is driving me a bit nuts with how tedious it is to get around. Absolutely nothing can ever be straightforward, point A to point B. The overworld is full of obstructions, walls, mazes, etc. Even negotiating towns is a pain in the ass. You might have an objective right in front of you and not be able to reach it because it's on a different floor (out of the eight floors of the town), or be blocked off by a wall or a trap or whatever. Just every time I turn around there's some roadblock causing me to wander around for 20 minutes. Also Mithra is pretty fucking stupid. When she first appeared, I was like "damn, she hot", then she opened her mouth and was a generic anime "angry woman who gets angry about everything and calls people perverts for looking at her while she walks around basically fucking naked". One of the most annoying tropes out there and one of the many things that makes me nope out of most animes.
Anyway rant over
Wait, no, actually, my biggest thing is how incredibly goddamn annoying character yapping during battles is. Luckily this game lets you turn battle voices off, but I don't think XB3 does.
Timestamped for relevance. I can't even hear the battle music over all of the fucking yapping.
Whenever I mention this to other JRPG fans they act like constant battle yapping is totally normal and cool. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. Imagine if Chrono Trigger's battles were punctuated with constant "CYCLONE!" "SLASH!" "FLAME TOSS!" and "hyah!" "yahh!" and so forth that you could barely hear the music over.