I beat Skyward Sword back in the day, I think it's pretty good once you get out of the first area. The first area is terrible though and I'm sure that put most people off on the game.
It's too bad Skyward isn't on PS5. Putting aside the obvious visual improvements (even the Switch "HD" version of Skyward, which I grabbed from the local library and started over on, looks like a PS3 game at best), I'd like to see what the trophy percentages would be for the game. I bet it'd be like 94% on a "press start" type trophy and then drop down to like 40% on a "finish the first area" trophy. It's no joke that those first 3 hours or so are absolutely brutal. Well, I got back to the first dungeon in the HD version so I'm in it now.
Egoraptor (the Game Grump that wasn't Jontron) must have been having fits playing Skyward, since it violates a bunch of the design principles he talked about in his Sequelitis videos. He gave the game a bit of a smacking in the Zelda video he did:
I mean at least Skyward had proper dungeons. I thought they were done pretty well.
I enjoyed BOTW but it took me years to get more than a few hours into it and decide to finish it.
I got BOTW at launch with the Switch, played it for a couple hours, and gave up. Ya, the last decade and a half Zelda games and I haven't really agreed. Didn't like the open world nature of it (prefer a tight, well thought-out game) and didn't like the way weapons break. To this day I occasionally hear people say BOTW is better than Elden Ring and that gives me an uproarious laugh. I should play the rest of BOTW just to be able to legitimately compare the two from experience. Maybe I'll make a bid to "catch up" on Zelda this year, only four games behind.
The dungeons in skyward sword are also too easy. I expect to get stuck a few times in a zelda game but there is too much hand holding in skyward, whatever the "idea" of the dungeon is, that cunt will spoil it to you.
Man, if there was an option to remove Fi from the game altogether it would instantly be improved tenfold. Sad to hear that the dungeons are easy and that she even spoils those, I figured the dungeons at the very least would be exempt from the handholding.
Did the Skyward Sword HD remove all the motion bullshit? It was my least favorite mainline zelda game by far.
No, it makes it worse. I thought I'd like the Switch version more since it has the option to play it with a regular controller. But guess what? Attacking is now done with the right analog stick and it feels so goddamn awkward. I actually changed it BACK to motion controls after a few minutes.
Skyward sword has some really dark and powerful moments, but then your stupid sword starts talking to you and the gay twink fake villain tries to make the moves on you and it destroys the gravitas of the entire game.
The villain isn't as terrible as the bad guy in Twilight Princess. Gant or whatever his name was. They made him all dark and menacing for 90% of the game, then in the last 10% he turns into a prancing, yapping clown and completely retroactively ruins his own aura.