Justice for Zimmerman

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Musty Nester
Hell, I don't even know that much about it but I know that China is an empire. So calling an asian chinese, even if s/he actually happens to be chinese, is still just a pretty general thing to say.

No different than europe. If you find a significant body of water and cross it the people on the other side probably either call themselves something different or qualify the ways in which they are the same as those shitheads across the river.

It's racist to call all asians chineese, but it doesn't mean anybody hates anybody else. It's just lazy shorthand for the slowly homogenizing world.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm

3 Suspensions. One for having a baggie that might have at one time contained pot, but no actual pot residue was found, and the police were never called.

Once for being late repeatedly.

And once for writing WTF in marker on a locker.

Also, Zimmerman is white. At least, he's as white as Obama is black.
Zimmerman is just as white as Obama is. Zimmerman is just as Hispanic as Obama is African.


Ssraeszha Raider
Rerolled is literally the only place in which my fellow liberals aren't being completely dumbfuck retarded about this issue. I am seriously astonished.

HuffPo, MSNBC, Facebook, etc. It's like everyone has decided to use this story as some sort of ridiculous vehicle for venting their frustrations about racism, regardless of how square the peg is and how round the hole is.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
The gop may be war mongery but not anymore so than the dem party is. 5 years since bush and we are still involving ourselves with wars in middle eastern countries. Gitmo is still open for business and the patriot act is still going, in fact its been massively expanded.
What Obama did with Libya is barely distinguishable from kingly power.

The executive branch, specifically the president is not supposed to have unilateral power to go to war. Congress is supposed to decide that, all the cases that the navy presents as legal argument that the president can do that action refer to actions against pirates and lawless havens, this is obfuscated with great care, the executive is not supposed to have kingly power to declare war for whatever reason he can sell as just. there are constitutional congress statements that speak directly to this.

This speaks more to his central authoritarian nature and the lure nanny/police states centralization of power than anything.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<WoW Guild Officer>
Every time someone spouts "we are all Trayvon", I say "oh hellllllll no I'm not".


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Redshift still incredibly mad he can't cite me saying that I think the only standard for self defense in Florida is fear for your life.


Oh so very very angsty.


FF14 Free Company Master
<WoW Guild Officer>
I attended Asian sensitivity training to help supplement my volunteering work. I was amazed at how many different cultures actually make up Asia.
and they all fucking hate each other. Asians are some of the most racist people on the planet - against other Asians.


Molten Core Raider
So do all celebrities only get their news from Twitter or something? "Unarmed black child who was doing nothing wrong" is really starting to bug me. Marion Barry, Beyonce, NFL Players - true Pillars of the Community there. Who was that player who chased down Justin Beiber? Don't see him getting prosecuted for following someone (and probably scaring the hell out of Beiber, not that he didn't deserve it). God forbid we actually ever show these people the real statistics on blacks getting killed. But that would be racist.

Our priorities are all messed up and apparently people will believe anything if condensed to 140 characters.


Molten Core Raider
You must spend...

What upsets me the most about all these stupid people is the fact that the underprivileged people should be looking up to Zimmerman, not hating him. The guy, from all accounts (including his history and the 40 or so FBI interviews with acquaintances, co-workers, etc) is exactly what these "underprivileged" should be aspiring too. Protecting his community, helping neighbors, and basically just trying to do the right thing. I'm not saying he's a saint - I know I'm not - but a good person's life is now ruined because of some little shit that no one should ever aspire to be like. Instead of communities becoming closer over this, half of them are wearing hoodies and wanting to curb-stomp the other half.

Just woke up in a ranting mood.


Sparkletot Monger
The problem wasnt Zimmerman, or Martin, or the Jury. The problem is a shitty "Stand Your Ground" law.

Zimmerman was told to stay in his car. He got out because he had a gun. Martin felt threatened. Saw a short fat white guy following him to his house and attacked him. Zimmerman killed him, lawfully. In a normal world, people would recognize that Zimmerman had some contributing blame for this. He, using poor judgement, initiated an unsafe situation which lead to someones death. Criminal? Nope.. but he (or more likely the Neighborhood Watch Association) is going to get his ass sued off in a civil suit.

Just wondering... if someone were to go to a neighborhood where a bunch of black kids were hanging out and from about 50ft away shouted "HEY YOU DIRTY FUCKING American InventorS! WHY DONT YOU GET JOBS YOU STUPID FUCKING PORCHMONKEYS!" And then shot them as they charged... is that legal in Florida? Or better yet, Maybe someone shout try recreating this scene in Florida City, or Metro Miami...


Have fun Floridians, all you have to do is figure out how to antagonize someone and you can kill em*some restrictions apply, shooting only legal if person is young, male, black and has moronic facebook pictures.

To be honest.. Its kind of the perfect law for Floriduh.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
"Stand your ground" played no role in the trial. As usual, those most upset about the verdict know almost nothing about the actual trial.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
The problem is a shitty "Stand Your Ground" law.
Stand your ground was not applied for or used in this case. It was just a standard self defense case. This has been repeated...at least 9000 times in this thread. At minimum.


The problem was the media, worthless politicians with agendas, and race baiters. This has been quantifiably shown to be true.

added: And worthless money hungry lawyers. Can't forget about them.


George Zimmerman, set to stand trial in the 2012 shooting death of teenager Trayvon Martin, on Tuesdaywaived his right to a "stand your ground" pretrial immunity hearing. Zimmerman's attorneys have decided they will try this as a self-defense case.
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