Justice for Zimmerman

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I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
The problem wasnt Zimmerman, or Martin, or the Jury. The problem is a shitty "Stand Your Ground" law.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
The problem wasnt Zimmerman, or Martin, or the Jury. The problem is a shitty "Stand Your Ground" law.

Just wondering... if someone were to go to a neighborhood where a bunch of black kids were hanging out and from about 50ft away shouted "HEY YOU DIRTY FUCKING American InventorS! WHY DONT YOU GET JOBS YOU STUPID FUCKING PORCHMONKEYS!" And then shot them as they charged... is that legal in Florida? Or better yet, Maybe someone shout try recreating this scene in Florida City, or Metro Miami...
So what you're saying here is, black people are so unable to control themselves that we should just stay away from them? That even going up to one on the street and asking them questions could put our lives in danger, and therefore we just shouldn't do that? Is that really your position?

They should be able to handle being shouted at without "charging". You're portraying black people as nothing more than a bunch of animals. How's that racism feel?

Have fun Floridians, all you have to do is figure out how to antagonize someone and you can kill em*some restrictions apply, shooting only legal if person is young, male, black and has moronic facebook pictures.

To be honest.. Its kind of the perfect law for Floriduh.
Which is interesting because really, being young and black was the only thing this prosecution had going for it. They harped on it over and over. And none of the moronic facebook photos were part of the trial.

So what were you saying again? I couldn't hear you over the sound of you making yourself look stupid and uninformed.


Sparkletot Monger
Ok. Yep, didnt read this thread, or watch even one second of trial, switched the channel when talking heads were going on about and ignored any facebook posting I saw of it. Guilty.

But, after going back and reading, the problem is still the same. Shitty Florida laws created to pander to gun owners. Why didn't Zimmerman evoke Stand Your Ground defense? He didn't need it. The Florida standard for the burden to be on the state to disprove a self defense claim beyond a reasonable doubt is equally idiotic.

And my point still stands... if you are young and black in Florida and someone who maybe armed provokes you or threatens you, what are your options if you dont have a gun yourself? Walk away and go get armed? People who carry guns in public should have "unique responsibilities" and accountability for their actions which result in death or injury. Because of shitty laws like "Stand Your Ground", they don't


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
And my point still stands... if you are young and black in Florida and someone who maybe armed provokes you or threatens you, what are your options if you dont have a gun yourself?
They could.... I dunno.... not attack first? Crazy thought, I know.


Sparkletot Monger
So what you're saying here is, black people are so unable to control themselves that we should just stay away from them? That even going up to one on the street and asking them questions could put our lives in danger, and therefore we just shouldn't do that? Is that really your position?

They should be able to handle being shouted at without "charging". You're portraying black people as nothing more than a bunch of animals. How's that racism feel?
Much of the public support for Zimmerman has been from the fact that Martin was black. Thats a fact. If it was Natalie Holloways well preserved Zombie walking through the neighborhood, would Zimmerman have shot her? Would there have been support for Zimmerman? HOW DARE HE SHOOT THAT POOR DEAD WHITE BLONDE GIRL! I dont think race played even a small factor in the jury's decision. But it matters outside the courtroom quite a bit. Racial Stereotyping, fear mongering, and cultural divides all played a role in all of this shit.

And >sigh< I don't think young black kids are any different than young white kids. Its pretty fucking easy to antagonize any group of 14-25 year old males into a fight. No matter what their skin color is. You can go test this if you like. Go find groups of young males of various races and shout insults at them. Let me know if there is any difference at the rate of which you get your ass kicked by race.


Much of the public support for Zimmerman has been from the fact that Martin was black. Thats a fact. If it was Natalie Holloways well preserved Zombie walking through the neighborhood, would Zimmerman have shot her? Would there have been support for Zimmerman? HOW DARE HE SHOOT THAT POOR DEAD WHITE BLONDE GIRL! I dont think race played even a small factor in the jury's decision. But it matters outside the courtroom quite a bit. Racial Stereotyping, fear mongering, and cultural divides all played a role in all of this shit.

And >sigh< I don't think young black kids are any different than young white kids. Its pretty fucking easy to antagonize any group of 14-25 year old males into a fight. No matter what their skin color is. You can go test this if you like. Go find groups of young males of various races and shout insults at them. Let me know if there is any difference at the rate of which you get your ass kicked by race.
jesus shut the fuck up and wipe your vagina on your way out.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
There needs to be some sort of wiki about this shit for every newcomer who knows nothing about the situation other than what's on CNN, huffpo etc.


Sparkletot Monger
They could.... I dunno.... not attack first? Crazy thought, I know.
So if someone is threatening you, your only viable options are: you need to either wait to be attacked, or respond in with deadly force?

IDK, I kind of prefer the world in which if you go out and act like an asshole, you can possibly get your ass kicked. Now a license to carry a concealed weapon is also a license to troll in public.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
So if someone is threatening you, your only viable options are: you need to either wait to be attacked, or respond in with deadly force?

IDK, I kind of prefer the world in which if you go out and act like an asshole, you can possibly get your ass kicked. Now a license to carry a concealed weapon is also a license to troll in public.
So you basically want to be able to attack people who piss you off without fear that they might be carrying. Thats your argument?


Sparkletot Monger
No, but there is a natural arms race that occurs between human. With more people armed, more simple social disagreements or misunderstandings are going to end with people dying, where 50 years ago people would have walked away.

I dont want people beating each other or physical violence to occur, but I would rather the top end of argument between strangers be a broken nose than someone losing their life.


Avatar of War Slayer
You all do see that according to the law, as was passed down from the jury- it is understood that Martin initiated the attack on Zimmerman- if that was not seen as the case it would have been manslaughter.


The Florida standard for the burden to be on the state to disprove a self defense claim beyond a reasonable doubt is equally idiotic.
is it not national law that states you are innocent until proven guilty? not some crazy florida law...


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
the problem is still the same. Shitty Florida laws created to pander to gun owners. Why didn't Zimmerman evoke Stand Your Ground defense? He didn't need it.
Florida's standard for self defense is stricter than the national average. In no way did Floridian stand your ground or other gun laws contribute to this case. Your argument is without merit.

You have a right to bear arms. You have a right to self defense. That's all this case was ever about.

You literally have no leg to stand on here. Funny how people who didn't watch the trial, "read a little bit about it" and "saw some posts on Facebook" only come here after the not guilty verdict, and just continually repeat nonsense arguments that have already been completely annihilated both by this thread, and the evidence given during the trial.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
No, but there is a natural arms race that occurs between human. With more people armed, more simple social disagreements or misunderstandings are going to end with people dying, where 50 years ago people would have walked away.

I dont want people beating each other or physical violence to occur, but I would rather the top end of argument between strangers be a broken nose than someone losing their life.
So your problem is really one of the gun control issue. Not the concept of self defense law. Which is fine, its relevant to gun concerns IMO, but you came in here ranting about SYG and then self defense, but if both parties were unarmed you would probably support both concepts.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
No, but there is a natural arms race that occurs between human. With more people armed, more simple social disagreements or misunderstandings are going to end with people dying, where 50 years ago people would have walked away.

I dont want people beating each other or physical violence to occur, but I would rather the top end of argument between strangers be a broken nose than someone losing their life.
All you're advocating is gun control. Get that shit out of here, hippie.
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