Justice for Zimmerman

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Molten Core Raider
Wow, we actually have a guilty until proven innocent advocate?

And Zimmerman, for the 82374897 time, did not provoke Martin other than pointing out where he was to the cops, and continuing to try and do so (though evidence shows he wasn't even doing that - he was returning to his car when Martin, who had made it to his dad's house, decided to go back and beat the shit out of Zimmerman because he was scared for his life, or something.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>

Not guilty: The verdict in the manslaughter trial of Roderick Scott. After more than 19 hours of deliberations over two days, a jury acquitted the Greece man in the shooting death of Christopher Cervini, 17, last April.
"I just want to say thank you to the people who believed in me, who stood by me,? Scott said following the verdict. ?I still have my regrets for the Cervini family; it's still an unfortunate situation for them. I am happy that at least this chapter is over."

As deliberations dragged on over two days and the jury asked for testimony to be read back, Scott admits he didn't know how it would all turn out.

"I was nervous of course,? he said. ?You never know what direction this whole thing is going to turn, so I have no idea. But it worked out and I feel that justice (was) served today."

Cervini's family members say justice wasn't served. They say Christopher was murdered in cold blood, that he'd never been in trouble and Scott acted as judge, jury and executioner.

"The message is that we can all go out and get guns and feel anybody that we feel is threatening us and lie about the fact,? said Jim Cervini, Christopher?s father. ?My son never threatened anybody. He was a gentle child, his nature was gentle, he was a good person and he was never, ever arrested for anything, and has never been in trouble. He was 16 years and four months old, and he was slaughtered."

Scott says he acted in self defense when he confronted Cervini and two others saying they were stealing from neighbors cars. He told them he had a gun and ordered them to freeze and wait for police.

Scott says he shot Cervini twice when the victim charged toward him yelling he was going to get Scott.

"How can this happen to a beautiful, sweet child like that?? asked Cervini?s aunt Carol Cervini. ?All he wanted to do was go home. And then for them to say, he was saying, 'Please don't kill me. I'm just a kid,' and he just kept on shooting him."

Scott says the last seven months have been difficult for him and his family. If he could go back to the events in the early morning hours of April 4, there are things he says he would do differently.

"If it meant a person not losing their life, absolutely,? he said. ?Would I still have tried to stop what was going on? That I would have done. But if I knew ahead of time that I could do something to help somebody from losing their life, I don't want anyone to lose their life."

Scott says the first thing he was going to do was go home and get a good night sleep. When asked if he'll continue living in his current home, which is just one street away from the Cervini's, he said ?for the time being.?
All dat white southern racism. All dat Florida flawed self defense and gun laws. Oh wait this was in New York.



Blackwing Lair Raider
And >sigh< I don't think young black kids are any different than young white kids. Its pretty fucking easy to antagonize any group of 14-25 year old males into a fight. No matter what their skin color is. You can go test this if you like. Go find groups of young males of various races and shout insults at them. Let me know if there is any difference at the rate of which you get your ass kicked by race.
Were you ever stopped and questioned by anyone as a teen? Did you beat the shit out of them? Know anyone who was stopped and did they beat the shit out of someone asking what they were doing around their neighborhood?

I dont know if Zimmerman was being paranoid or if Martin really was suspicious wandering around in the rain. Doesnt matter if he profiled him because he really was fucking pissed at the fashion faux pas of wearing a white hoodie after labor day. When it comes to profiling it's not illegal and it's naive to think it's going to stop. If my neighborhood has a string of break ins by middle aged Asians, Jackie Chan better be prepared for me to ask him what he's up to if I see him wandering around at night.


Potato Supreme
No, but there is a natural arms race that occurs between human. With more people armed, more simple social disagreements or misunderstandings are going to end with people dying, where 50 years ago people would have walked away.

I dont want people beating each other or physical violence to occur, but I would rather the top end of argument between strangers be a broken nose than someone losing their life.
Riiiiiight. Because criminals will obviously obey the law and not carry guns illegally at all. And outlawing murder has obviously stopped all wrongful killings across America. Your arguments are thick on emotion and light on logic. Are you a Florida DA by chance?


Sparkletot Monger
All you're advocating is gun control. Get that shit out of here, hippie.
I'm advocating people with guns having consequences when they act irresponsibly. Or to put it differently, People with guns should control themselves.

Carry a gun if you want.. but stupid laws make it the go-to response to any argument with a stranger. Its like watching Homer Simpson change the channel on his TV with his revolver.

"When your only tool is a hammer, everything is a nail"


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
I'm advocating people with guns having consequences when they act irresponsibly.
Zimmerman didn't act irresponsibly. Martin did.


Carry a gun if you want.. but stupid laws make it the go-to response to any argument with a stranger.
Yes if he hadn't had that gun, all that would have happened was Martin would have continued bashing his head into concrete, clearly not a sign of intent to kill of course, until the police arrived. I mean, defending yourself? That's so 1700s. What are you people? Neanderthals?


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
I'm advocating people with guns having consequences when they act irresponsibly. Or to put it differently, People with guns should control themselves.

Carry a gun if you want.. but stupid laws make it the go-to response to any argument with a stranger. Its like watching Homer Simpson change the channel on his TV with his revolver.

"When your only tool is a hammer, everything is a nail"
You obviously don't know the facts of the case. Zimmerman never pulled his weapon until he was battered rather severely.

More ignorance. But hey, don't let that stop you from having a strong opinion. Don't worry about actually knowing anything about what you're talking shit about.


Molten Core Raider
Battered severely? It was just a flesh wound! Little 8 year-old martin was just rough-housing with the local NW guy, who, seeing he was black, unloaded a clip into him.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
Battered severely? It was just a flesh wound! Little 8 year-old martin was just rough-housing with the local NW guy, who, seeing he was black, unloaded a clip into him.
Yea it wasn't even a flash wound, TM said "Pardon me sir, I do appreciate the unwanted attention. I am merely attempting to consume my sugary drink and candies, kindly step aside and I will be on my way" and GZ fucking blasted him. Thats how it really went down.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Clearly, beating someone's head into concrete isn't evidence of intent to injure severely or kill.

Its really all Zimmerman's fault. He was IRRESPONSIBLE for....legally purchasing a firearm, registering it, acquiring the training and certification to carry concealed, and not using his firearm until after Martin assaulted him and banged his head into concrete, which was never a real threat to begin with. No, the real threat was that racist bigot white supremacist white hispanic man who dared call the police on someone suspicious in a neighborhood plagued by breaking and entering cases.


Sparkletot Monger
Wow, we actually have a guilty until proven innocent advocate?

And Zimmerman, for the 82374897 time, did not provoke Martin other than pointing out where he was to the cops, and continuing to try and do so (though evidence shows he wasn't even doing that - he was returning to his car when Martin, who had made it to his dad's house, decided to go back and beat the shit out of Zimmerman because he was scared for his life, or something.
If you kill someone, the burden is on the state to prove that you are guilty of what they say.

The self defense laws are fucking stupid. Should we put the same burden on the state for claims of Temporary Insanity? In these 24 states, when you make a claim of self defense, you make a indictment of another persons actions then demand the state disprove them. How is this fair? The State should be limited to proving its claims, and not disproving others.


Potato Supreme
Battered severely? It was just a flesh wound! Little 8 year-old martin was just rough-housing with the local NW guy, who, seeing he was black, unloaded a clip into him.
While carrying an AR-15 and decked out like Rambo in First Blood. Lets not forget that part.


Avatar of War Slayer
If people where to take a look at where this happend, and what "Road" martin was walking down they would, maybe see something as to why Zimmerman was suspicious of him.

It is a townhome community, I have lived in two and never again... the HoA's are anal- and developers are retarded when they make these communities. This one has a "dog path" that is a small little sidewalk that goes down the middle of the backyards of the homes- it I am sure it really meant for people to use it for what its meant for- letting their dogs go poo- and not OMG WALK ON THE GRASS- this is basically the back yard of houses- yet because its a townhome complex no, none of that is "owners land" as they dont own land...well maybe they do- we would have to look at the tax records etc and see if the property extended beyond their slice of foundation.

Most townhome break-ins are because people are stupid and do not lock their sliding glass back doors - this happend all the time in the last complex I lived in- and if you referance Zimmermans past dealins with break-ins this was the same case.

So seeing someone in a hoodie during or just after a dark rain happend- going down the "street" that is in the back yards of people, with many recent break-ins via the back door of homes... yeah I would be suspisious also.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
If you kill someone, the burden is on the state to prove that you are guilty of what they say.
Its that way for every crime, dipshit. Not just a killing.

The self defense laws are fucking stupid.
So being able to legally shoot someone who is bashing my skull into concrete is...stupid?

Should we put the same burden on the state for claims of Temporary Insanity?
The State has the burden of proof in all criminal trials.

In these 24 states, when you make a claim of self defense, you make a indictment of another persons actions then demand the state disprove them. How is this fair? The State should be limited to proving its claims, and not disproving others.
So basically, the state should be able to railroad evil white hispanic supremacists who defend themselves because you say so?

Where were you during the trial?

Most townhome break-ins are because people are stupid and do not lock their sliding glass back doors - this happend all the time in the last complex I lived in- and if you referance Zimmermans past dealins with break-ins this was the same case.

Funny you should mention that, as the one lady whose name escapes me whose home was broken into that had like 20 dealings with Zimmerman over it, said that the problem was basically exactly this. She said Zimmerman told her that the sliding glass window doors were the major entry point in the area for the breaking and enterings.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
What was the state's claim in this one, professor?
That Zimmerman profiled poor Trayvon and hunted him down and killed him in cold blood, with malice and evil intent, because he was black.

Which has already been disproven by the evidence in the case anyway, hence why the FBI didn't file civil charges, and why the prosecution changed the terminology from "racist" to "profiled"


Mr. Poopybutthole
If you kill someone, the burden is on the state to prove that you are guilty of what they say.
You shitting me, man? You can't really be this retarded. Gotta be trolling.

Personally, I didn't follow this trial at all. You'd think I would've learned my lesson by now, but I'm amazed at the vast majority of the population who just blindly parrot the media's position without actually finding out what happened.
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