Justice for Zimmerman

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Sparkletot Monger
So at this point, whats the use in talking to you? You've made up your mind and its not based on facts. You just hate guns so you hate Zimmerman, regardless of the truth.

Fuck you.
Breathe deep..

Read this


Cmon dude.. Is it so far out there to be skeptical?

And what you said is completely unfair and nonsense. If I said "You just love guns and you hate Trayvon Martin, regardless of the truth" What would you say? Some of you guys really need to step back and calm down. I know its great day for the Oppressed White Man, and I dont mean to rain on anyones parade, but the Zimmerman has culpability. Itll have to come in Civil court though.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Compelling argument.
Its a compelling argument backed up by the thread. At this point we owe you nothing more. Every single thing you are saying is retarded and a fictional version of the truth. Just because you came twelve hours late to the party, doesn't mandate that we must retread every single argument in this thread we've already had over 140 pages of discussion over, just to help you get caught up so you stop embarassing yourself with bad arguments based on fictive narratives.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Breathe deep..

Read this


Cmon dude.. Is it so far out there to be skeptical?
Here's a calm response: It's not far out there to be skeptical. It is a waste of everyone's time for you to come in here, say a bunch of uninformed bullshit, then reject certifiably true information.

If you're going to be the lone fighter against the mountain of evidence you're going to need to step up your game more than parroting whatever shit you hear from entertainment news sites like CNN.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>

Yeah.. Valerie Rao is incompetent that she is flown all over the country on some of the highest profile cases..

And please.. The great Dr. Di Mao.. (Whom none of you have every fucking heard of before this trial)... I place SUCH trust in NATIONALLY RENOWN EXPERTS who testify for cash.

Anyone remember Henry Lee? Anyone? The Nationally Renown Henry Lee?

Valeria Rao is incredibly incompetant


Jacksonville Medical Examiner Valerie Rao has been the subject of recurring complaints from her co-workers dating back to 2009. According to letters sent to the the city, "Rao has been seen touching cadavers with her bare hands, washing her feet in the autopsy sink, and performing unnecessary autopsies on inmates to create a revenue stream."

Channel 4's learned that Rao actually has a history of complaints dating back 10 years, while she was Medical Examiner for Citrus, Hernando, Lake, Marion and Sumter counties. Dr. Rao was the Medical Examiner there from 2000 to 2003.

Channel 4 uncovered the minutes from the Medical Examiner's Commission meeting on May 15, 2003, that revealed concerns about Rao from funeral homes, organ donor organizations and law enforcement agencies.

In the minutes officers expressed disapproval of Dr. Rao's "propensity to classify virtually all prison deaths as homicides, and lack of expertise by office personnel in the management of crime scene investigations."

Funeral Directors complained that Dr. Rao's office lacked consistency when dealing with funeral homes. The documents from the 2003 Commission meeting also specified that virtually all the complaints about Rao concerned her "administrative skills", not her "abilities as a forensic pathologist."

In that same meeting, the commission voted unanimously not to recommend her re-appointment.

After she left Florida, Dr. Rao took a Medical Examiner position in Missouri. When Channel 4 dug deeper into her time in Missouri, we uncovered more complaints.

In 2006, a television station in Columbus Missouri indicated that some of the pathology residents from the University of Missouri were, "glad to see her go." According to the story, Rao didn't work enough with the residents.

Eventually Rao returned to Florida and was appointed Medical Examiner of Duval, Clay and Nassau counties in late 2011, a term, that according to Governor Rick Scott's Office, expired in July 2012.

Channel 4 called the governor's office Wednesday afternoon in hopes of learning more about Rao's career and why she is still working as the Medical Examiner in our area if her contract expired in 2012. The press officer was not able to get that answer for us.

Channel 4 also reached out to the agencies who made complaints about Rao; only one person returned our calls Wednesday and did not want to comment.

Copyright 2013 by News4Jax.com. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
And Bao's testimony speaks for itself. He literally couldn't remember anything from the autopsy, said he made his assistants do most of the work, and was reading from prepared notes on the stand.

You are literally retarded. That would be my point.


A medical examiner who testified for the prosecution in the George Zimmerman trial has been the subject of complaints from employees going back to 2009, The Florida Times-Union reports.
Valerie Rao told a court this week that Zimmerman's head injuries were "so minor," which could undermine his claims that he shot and killed unarmed 17-year-old Trayvon Martin because he feared for his life.

On Thursday, the Times-Union reported that there's a "history of complaints" related to Rao's work as a medical examiner that go back to 2009 but became more frequent in 2011 and 2012.

Here's the paper's characterization of the complaints from employees who worked with her:

Most center around insensitive, even racially tinged, remarks made to workers in the office, but also include concerns about Rao's failure to follow appropriate safety procedures. One employee saw Rao touching cadavers with her bare hands, which could lead to cross-contamination and disease exposure.

News4Jax.com posted an article that also detailed complaints against Rao on June 19, almost two weeks before she took the stand in Zimmerman's trial. That article cited allegations that Rao performed unnecessary autopsies to create revenue and classifed most prison deaths as homicides.

Despite these complaints, state prosecutors seem confident in her abilities, the Times-Union reports, noting that Rao had recently been called in the Zimmerman trial.

Mike Williams, director of Investigations and Homeland Security for the Jacksonville Sheriff's Office issued this statement, according to the Times-Union: "While we have no serious issues with the ME's Office, when we do have an issue, such as delayed cases, we've sat down with them and worked it out."

We reached out to Rao to give her a chance to comment and will update this post if she responds.
This versus...one of the most accredited, and most widely recognized forensic experts in the nation if not the world.

And by the way, I have heard of Dimiao previously. He testified in several high profile cases, he lists several of them at the start of his testimony, and here's an interview with him from PBS.


The guy has only been doing this for 40 years, you know.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
Breathe deep..

Read this


Cmon dude.. Is it so far out there to be skeptical?

And what you said is completely unfair and nonsense. If I said "You just love guns and you hate Trayvon Martin, regardless of the truth" What would you say? Some of you guys really need to step back and calm down. I know its great day for the Oppressed White Man, and I dont mean to rain on anyones parade, but the Zimmerman has culpability. Itll have to come in Civil court though.
Except I don't love guns, don't give a shit one way or the other about guns. I do care about truth.

And you're uninformed yet again. Florida has a civil immunity statute for people acquitted in criminal court on self defense grounds.

At some point, you might want to actually seek out "information" regarding something before forming an opinion. I know that idea is controversial.

Fucking idiot.


Sparkletot Monger
hodj_sl said:
Its a compelling argument backed up by the thread. At this point we owe you nothing more. Every single thing you are saying is retarded and a fictional version of the truth. Just because you came twelve hours late to the party, doesn't mandate that we must retread every single argument in this thread we've already had over 140 pages of discussion over, just to help you get caught up so you stop embarassing yourself with bad arguments based on fictive narratives.
You don't have to respond dude.

Do what I do when a thread or poster bores of disintrests me.. Move the fuck on. You guys are getting comically upset like someone is forcing you to engage in it. Jimmies being rustled indeed.

The points that interest me in this debate are not the supermarket tabloid details you guys seem so obsessed with (did you really watch minute to minute testimony of this shit? Its July dude, I hope you had a tv in your pool). What interests me is the impact of bad laws. Like the ones in Florida, and unintended effects they have and will have.

I dont hate guns, or GZ, or anyone really. I dont care enough to about it to hate it. I hate Cancer, pedophiles, adult males who hit women, kids or animals and bad beer.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
You don't have to respond dude.

Do what I do when a thread or poster bores of disintrests me.. Move the fuck on. You guys are getting comically upset like someone is forcing you to engage in it. Jimmies being rustled indeed.
You're not engaging you're a parrot, you are literally propagandizing the situation by reselling the false narratives that are sold to gullible people like you. People like AL Sharpton and Jesse Jackson who directly profit(not just $ but public sentiment) from race baiting, they are known charlatans and have been doing it since the 60's CNN should be ashamed of themselves for presenting viewpoints that they know are exploitative and angles that are there just to drum up ratings and sell advertising.

People aren't born with ideas they mostly absorb them from their environment, when you find yourself parroting CNN you need to start questioning reality more.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
You don't have to respond dude.

Do what I do when a thread or poster bores of disintrests me.. Move the fuck on. You guys are getting comically upset like someone is forcing you to engage in it. Jimmies being rustled indeed.

The points that interest me in this debate are not the supermarket tabloid details you guys seem so obsessed with (did you really watch minute to minute testimony of this shit? Its July dude, I hope you had a tv in your pool). What interests me is the impact of bad laws. Like the ones in Florida, and unintended effects they have and will have.

I dont hate guns, or GZ, or anyone really. I dont care enough to about it to hate it. I hate Cancer, pedophiles, adult males who hit women, kids or animals and bad beer.
Are you really playing the "I should be able to perform a cursory glance at the case, come in here and argue, and if you guys don't agree with me don't say mean things just ignore my incompetence and move on while I keep spouting off bullshit like a fountain that some drunk plumber hooked up to a toilet."

I would choose your next few posts carefully because I'm about to act in self-defense.


Sparkletot Monger
Except I don't love guns, don't give a shit one way or the other about guns. I do care about truth.

And you're uninformed yet again. Florida has a civil immunity statute for people acquitted in criminal court on self defense grounds.

At some point, you might want to actually seek out "information" regarding something before forming an opinion. I know that idea is controversial.

Fucking idiot.
Im a fucking idiot for not having a Florida law degree? I guess you learned about civil suit immunity in the state of Florida watching cable TV.

How about Federal Civil Court? Did Greta mention anything about immunity there?


Mr. Poopybutthole
Are you really playing the "I should be able to perform a cursory glance at the case, come in here and argue, and if you guys don't agree with me don't say mean things just ignore my incompetence and move on while I keep spouting off bullshit like a fountain that some drunk plumber hooked up to a toilet."

I would choose your next few posts carefully because I'm about to act in self-defense.
I laughed
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