Justice for Zimmerman

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Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
Im not following the trial but if Zimmerman would have stayed in the car, nobody would have been shot.
if trayvon walked home instead of confronting and assualting zimmerman nobody would have been shot either, causality isn't a one way street.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
What made him a suspicious person again?
Anything he wants? There's no criteria for thinking someone is suspicious. There's no litmus test. No rights are violated by following someone you think is suspicious, for ANY reason.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Thats such bullshit. He wasnt defending anyone. He had no good reason for following him.

He had no good reason for following him.

He had no good reason for following him.

He had no good reason for following him.
Please, make it stop. Shit, someone even posted PICTURES, that show Martin was basically at home already and decided to go back and beat the shit out of Zimmerman. There was no "following," and even if there was, when is following someone a crime?


Sparkletot Monger
Maybe someone can explain why GZ wasn't using poor judgement in what he did. And if you can't maybe you can then explain to me why poor judgement doesnt equate to liability. And you can't do that, maybe you explain to me why a law that prevents that where a persons life is lost isnt a shitty law..

and we are back to my original point.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
Stop placing an infinite value on human life it breaks logic the same manner infinities break physics equations.

stop processing arguments purely on shallow open ended moral statements instead of logic, facts, evidence, and well reasoned justifiable and traditional rights to defend yourself when attacked, that's literally what separates us from beasts is our ability to suppress our emotions and think things logically through the pre frontal lobe STOP ACTING AND REASONING IN THE MANNER OF A BEAST.


Sparkletot Monger
Please, make it stop. Shit, someone even posted PICTURES, that show Martin was basically at home already and decided to go back and beat the shit out of Zimmerman. There was no "following," and even if there was, when is following someone a crime?
The best weapon he could find in his home for assaulting someone was a concrete slab? Ok, sounds legit.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Thats such bullshit. He wasnt defending anyone. He had no good reason for following him. He reported it, he called the police. Cool, wait. Was he trained to subdue people or in the use of deadly force? No, then what the fuck was he doing? He made stupid choices which created the situation. He had a choice. He wasnt cornered, nobody was in danger, until he created the situation, which he resolved with deadly force.

Some of you CHOOSE to believe the defenses version. The jury didnt have enough evidence to disprove it. Thats fine. I dont. I think he should have acted more responsibly. I never would have gotten out of the car when the dispatcher told me not to. Neither would most of you. Again, not criminal, but still reckless.

And no, it probably COULDNT have happened to you, unless you decide to pretend you are a cop and follow people around at night. Martin didnt go looking for Zimmerman.



scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
Maybe someone can explain why GZ wasn't using poor judgement in what he did. And if you can't maybe you can then explain to me why poor judgement doesnt equate to liability. And you can't do that, maybe you explain to me why a law that prevents that where a persons life is lost isnt a shitty law..

and we are back to my original point.
Because there's no law against having poor judgment?

There are laws against assaulting people though.

Thats why. Your fantasy-land where everyone can assault each other with no fear of death is just retarded. And so are you.


Mr. Poopybutthole
The best weapon he could find in his home for assaulting someone was a concrete slab? Ok, sounds legit.
Are you trying to argue that he wasn't essentially almost home? Even the prosecution didn't disagree with that. Rachel Jeantel was theprosecution'switness, slick.


Blackwing Lair Raider
What made him a suspicious person again?
His neighborhood was involved in a number of break-in's committed by young AA youths. Here was a young AA youth that he didn't know.

Also, before we get into 'he shouldn't of been following', let's remember that his first act was not to follow him, it was to call the non-emergency number. Doesn't sound like someone looking to gun someone down.


Sparkletot Monger
Sticks and concrete slabs, counselor.

It makes sense to me now.

Narrative of the Mind of Trayvonn Martin

"Verily, I have just narrowly escaped from the creepy cracker that was following me! Huzzah! But he was following me why? Was it because im Erudian? That villain! I cannot let this slight pass, besides I must tell my illiterate fat maiden tomorrow at school that I stomped his ass and I aints no bitch. I shall leave my home and confront this scoundrel! But what weapons should I bring? Bat? No. Knife? No. Hockey Stick? If only I played hockey! No.. I shall bring only my trusty skittles and iced tea to this epic encounter!"


"Here he comes, but my god he is far shorter than I and fat, I fear my candy and sugary beverage are not up to the task.. luckily I have plenty of time to search for a good weapon to use as I lie wait.. stick? no.... I know, this huge concrete slab is perfect! Now I attack!



Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
zimmermans profile based on their investigation was based on clothing and behavoir, race was concluded to be a 0 factor.

What made him a suspicious person again?
The Justice Department has responded to appeals to probe whether George Zimmerman committed any civil rights violations in the fatal shooting of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin -- but previously filed FBI documents are already challenging the narrative that the shooting was racially motivated.
Sanford police detective Chris Serino told FBI agents last year that after examining the case,it appeared Zimmerman was suspicious of Martin because of his "attire, the total circumstances of the encounter and the previous burglary suspects in the community."

According to the document, Serino considered Zimmerman as having "a little hero complex, but not as a racist."



Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Sticks and concrete slabs, counselor.

It makes sense to me now.

Narrative of the Mind of Trayvonn Martin

"Verily, I have just narrowly escaped from the creepy cracker that was following me! Huzzah! But he was following me why? Was it because im Erudian? That villain! I cannot let this slight pass, besides I must tell my illiterate fat maiden tomorrow at school that I stomped his ass and I aints no bitch. I shall leave my home and confront this scoundrel! But what weapons should I bring? Bat? No. Knife? No. Hockey Stick? If only I played hockey! No.. I shall bring only my trusty skittles and iced tea to this epic encounter!"


"Here he comes, but my god he is far shorter than I and fat, I fear my candy and sugary beverage are not up to the task.. luckily I have plenty of time to search for a good weapon to use as I lie wait.. stick? no.... I know, this huge concrete slab is perfect! Now I attack!

Horselaugh fallacy isn't an argument.


A Mod Real Quick
Thats such bullshit. He wasnt defending anyone. He had no good reason for following him. He reported it, he called the police. Cool, wait. Was he trained to subdue people or in the use of deadly force? No, then what the fuck was he doing? He made stupid choices which created the situation. He had a choice. He wasnt cornered, nobody was in danger, until he created the situation, which he resolved with deadly force.

Some of you CHOOSE to believe the defenses version. The jury didnt have enough evidence to disprove it. Thats fine. I dont. I think he should have acted more responsibly. I never would have gotten out of the car when the dispatcher told me not to. Neither would most of you. Again, not criminal, but still reckless.

And no, it probably COULDNT have happened to you, unless you decide to pretend you are a cop and follow people around at night. Martin didnt go looking for Zimmerman.
I must've missed that part of the trial where Zimmerman attempted to subdue Trayvon and then employed deadly force. Oh that's right, he didn't. The only deadly force came when it was forced by Trayvon's immature hand.

Should he have acted more responsibly? Of course, he killed a kid. I don't think he woke up that day seething going "I'm going to kill a coon today." Nobody wants to do that.

If I see suspicious people in my neighborhood after a string of break-ins, I have every right to go up to someone and say "hey, what are you doing here?" I shouldn't expect to be attacked, or to have to defend myself possibly with deadly consequences.

Zimmerman made a terrible decision, sure. Trayvon is the one that made the decision to escalate the conflict to violence, the blood is on his hands. If Zimmerman didn't have a gun, there is a chance he could have been killed and this news story would've never left the tip of the dick.
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