Justice for Zimmerman

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scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
Are "at home" and "almost at home" the same thing?
The point is, he was almost home and turned around and came back because he wanted a confrontation. But don't let the facts of the case cloud your judgment of what happened.


All dat white southern racism. All dat Florida flawed self defense and gun laws. Oh wait this was in New York.
What the hell?
I hope I read that wrong, because that sounded like having a sixteen year old run towards you is legal justification for believing you are in danger of grievous injury or death. Shit, the kid never laid a hand on him and got shot. Twice. That's pretty fucked.

Martin would definitely be convicted of aggravated assault had he lived.
Serious question: Why not attempted murder?


Molten Core Raider
Sticks and concrete slabs, counselor.

It makes sense to me now.

Narrative of the Mind of Trayvonn Martin

"Verily, I have just narrowly escaped from the creepy cracker that was following me! Huzzah! But he was following me why? Was it because im Erudian? That villain! I cannot let this slight pass, besides I must tell my illiterate fat maiden tomorrow at school that I stomped his ass and I aints no bitch. I shall leave my home and confront this scoundrel! But what weapons should I bring? Bat? No. Knife? No. Hockey Stick? If only I played hockey! No.. I shall bring only my trusty skittles and iced tea to this epic encounter!"


"Here he comes, but my god he is far shorter than I and fat, I fear my candy and sugary beverage are not up to the task.. luckily I have plenty of time to search for a good weapon to use as I lie wait.. stick? no.... I know, this huge concrete slab is perfect! Now I attack!

Keep this shit up and you'll be the 19th person from this thread to get shawed.


Sparkletot Monger
Zimmerman made a terrible decision, sure..
This my entire point and all I ever really have been trying to say. I think that should equate to some liability. Not jail time, not life in prison, but he should be held accountable, legally for his mistakes when they result in a death. Just like anyone.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Maybe someone can explain why GZ wasn't using poor judgement in what he did. And if you can't maybe you can then explain to me why poor judgement doesnt equate to liability. And you can't do that, maybe you explain to me why a law that prevents that where a persons life is lost isnt a shitty law..

and we are back to my original point.
Poor judgement shouldn't automatically mean someone is liable. Did he make poor judgement when he got out of the car? Yes, I think most people agree. But to then say the action of him getting out of the car caused Martin to die pretty much ignores the rest of the circumstances after that.

Congratz, you just made the state's argument. It didn't work for them either.


Molten Core Raider
This my entire point and all I ever really have been trying to say. I think that should equate to some liability. Not jail time, not life in prison, but he should be held accountable, legally for his mistakes when they result in a death. Just like anyone.
He should be held responsible, legally, but not have to go to jail? Should he be on the side of the road cleaning up trash? Should he tutor impoverished black children (Oh wait, he's already been doing that for years). What the fuck are you talking about?


<Gold Donor>
It does not matter if he was home, almost home or going home, running home or walking home. Bottom line is that he turned around at some point, confronted the Zim and cold cocked him and played ping-pong with his head against the concrete..


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Thats such bullshit. He wasnt defending anyone. He had no good reason for following him. He reported it, he called the police. Cool, wait. Was he trained to subdue people or in the use of deadly force? No, then what the fuck was he doing? He made stupid choices which created the situation. He had a choice. He wasnt cornered, nobody was in danger, until he created the situation, which he resolved with deadly force.

Some of you CHOOSE to believe the defenses version. The jury didnt have enough evidence to disprove it. Thats fine. I dont. I think he should have acted more responsibly. I never would have gotten out of the car when the dispatcher told me not to. Neither would most of you. Again, not criminal, but still reckless.

And no, it probably COULDNT have happened to you, unless you decide to pretend you are a cop and follow people around at night. Martin didnt go looking for Zimmerman.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
Are "at home" and "almost at home" the same thing?
He said he was on his way to the grocery store when he spotted Trayvon walking through hisgated community.

Treyvon Literally chose to stop walking home hid in some bushes then ambushed and surprised zimmerman who as neighborhood watch was checking the properties for burglery, treyvon also initiated the fight by being antagonistic and also striking first.

as eye witnesses have come out and said


Stalked and came at him from behind, said something, then started with a sucker-punch while Zimmerman was making a call.


Molten Core Raider
Are "at home" and "almost at home" the same thing?
When it proves that Martin was stalking George and not the other way around, yes.

I'm going to try the logic game. If Martina mother had decided to discipline her weed smoking, gun selling, thief of a son instead of shipping him off to his father, Martin would be alive right now. She should get life in prison. She had really bad judgement.
Erm, yes. Zimmerman was required to complete a firearms safety course. By definition he was trained to use a firearm which constitutes training in use of deadly force.
wrong. taking the safety class to get your ccl does not, i guarantee you, train you in the use of deadly force. it shows you how to not get arrested and how to not pinch your fingers on the weapon.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Are "at home" and "almost at home" the same thing?
I'll make the same point I made on another board. If Jeantel can't be used to determine if Martin was exactly home or not, why is she being used as evidence that Martin didn't circle back to Zimmerman?


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
What the hell?
I hope I read that wrong, because that sounded like having a sixteen year old run towards you is legal justification for believing you are in danger of grievous injury or death. Shit, the kid never laid a hand on him and got shot. Twice. That's pretty fucked.
Well, there were three of them. The law is all about the facts, not just "this situation X is ALWAYS OKAY" or anything like that. You have apply a standard of reasonableness to the facts. Which the jury did.

Serious question: Why not attempted murder?
If you going along with what you can prove, agg assault is provable because you can't show any intent to kill. Which I know, you're just going to roll into "HAHA THEN WHY DID HE HAVE TO SHOOT HIM HURR DURR" but intent to kill does not mean that what he was doing couldn't have resulted in death. Murder is hard to prove.
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