Justice for Zimmerman

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Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
So what your saying is Zimmerman isn't a person and has no right to defend himself?
or collective private property in the form of a neighborhood watch, communities can't protect themselves and watch out for their community.

zimmerman also tutored a poor black kid for free who was apart of his community, that's the kind of mentality I would think is common in someone who volunteers to be a part of community watch, he is a big "community guy" he was protecting something, THE COMMUNITY.


Vyemm Raider
Serious post...

There have been times I have been walking long distances home and someone behind me seems to make every turn that I make almost as if I'm being followed, but eventually they go another route or I end up at home. What is the definitive distance that is considered following? It sounds like what happened between Zimmerman and Martin was a matter of a few blocks and I've had people inadvertently "follow" me much further than that. Am I therefore allowed to start a physical confrontation with them or pull out my concealed pistol and start blasting them?

Pretty sure any rational person knows the answer to this question, but I think it gives a good perspective on what happened and why Martin should've went home instead of playing tough guy.


Lleauaric, Martin didn't actually have a concrete slab in his hands to attack Zimmerman with, that was just a visual aid for the lawyers.
While Martin was beating up Zimmerman, Zimmerman's head hit the sidewalk a couple of times. He has two cuts to show for the "bashing" his head took.

Most of the posters here prefer to imagine Martin double-handed bashing Zimmerman's head into the concrete as though he were trying to crack open a stubborn coconut. That's not what happened, and legally that didn't have to happen for Zimmerman to use deadly force to defend himself. Zimmerman just had to fear serious injury or death (and as soon as your head is taking damage you are legally justified in that fear) in order to respond with deadly force. Hence his innocence.


<Gold Donor>
How bout confronting your follwer with "Hey, dude, why are you following me?" Instead of hiding in the bushes and cold cocking your follower in the nose.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Serious post...

There have been times I have been walking long distances home and someone behind me seems to make every turn that I make almost as if I'm being followed, but eventually they go another route or I end up at home. What is the definitive distance that is considered following? It sounds like what happened between Zimmerman and Martin was a matter of a few blocks and I've had people inadvertently "follow" me much further than that. Am I therefore allowed to start a physical confrontation with them or pull out my concealed pistol and start blasting them?

Pretty sure any rational person knows the answer to this question, but I think it gives a good perspective on what happened and why Martin should've went home instead of playing tough guy.
Someone could follow you an infinite distance and at no point would you ever be justified in attacking them.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Most of the posters here prefer to imagine Martin double-handed bashing Zimmerman's head into the concrete as though he were trying to crack open a stubborn coconut.
Strawman, and putting words in other's mouths. That isn't what anyone here thinks.


Vyemm Raider
Someone could follow you an infinite distance and at no point would you ever be justified in attacking them.
Yes I'm aware of that. It was more of a rhetorical question... I just find it amusing that they're so many people in this thread that seem to think Martin was justified in starting a fight with Zimmerman.


Golden Knight of the Realm
If this thread is going to continue for any length of time, I petition that one/many of the informed members make a FAQ that is linked any time a random idiot comes in with opinions based on media and facebook statues. And if they dont take the time to read said FAQ, they are RRP'd for 2 weeks for being an idiot that brings nothing but facebook knowledge to the table.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
If this thread is going to continue for any length of time, I petition that one/many of the informed members make a FAQ that is linked any time a random idiot comes in with opinions based on media and facebook statues. And if they dont take the time to read said FAQ, they are RRP'd for 2 weeks for being an idiot that brings nothing but facebook knowledge to the table.
I volunteer Hodj for this effort, but really that faq is pretty well captured in that timeline pic we keep reposting.


So can I shoot black people without repercussions in any state in America, or do I specifically have to travel to Florida?

Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
So can I shoot black people without repercussions in any state in America, or do I specifically have to travel to Florida?
If you are legally carrying a fire arm and are being physically assaulted, the answer is yes, shoot the fucking trash and make sure you kill it.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
So can I shoot black people without repercussions in any state in America, or do I specifically have to travel to Florida?
When you're doing nothing illegal and a person attacks you and is threatening your life you can shoot them, regardless of state or race.

What are your legal choices in the UK if someone attacks you and has mount and is GNPing you while you're screaming for help?


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
So can I shoot black people without repercussions in any state in America, or do I specifically have to travel to Florida?
Only if you're a light skinned hispanic, anglo saxon protestants need not apply.... race baiter.


Mr. Poopybutthole
So can I shoot black people without repercussions in any state in America, or do I specifically have to travel to Florida?
Well, if you're black you can shoot black people without repercussions in any state in America. If you're white, you can only do it in Florida or Texas.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
I volunteer Hodj for this effort, but really that faq is pretty well captured in that timeline pic we keep reposting.
Would you mind putting the timeline picture in the OP? Would a faq or the image really help when its been posted directly to people like Llluiera;lkjasdf and they refuse to accept it?



If you going along with what you can prove, agg assault is provable because you can't show any intent to kill. Which I know, you're just going to roll into "HAHA THEN WHY DID HE HAVE TO SHOOT HIM HURR DURR" but intent to kill does not mean that what he was doing couldn't have resulted in death. Murder is hard to prove.
I absolutely wasnotgoing to say "Then why did he have to shoot him?"

It's just that some people are fairly confident Martin would have beaten Zimmerman to death had he not used his gun, which doesn't make a lot of sense given the evidence. The fact that he would have been charged with aggravated assault and not attempted murder if he had survived also supports the view that he wasn't actually trying to kill the guy.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
I absolutely wasnotgoing to say "Then why did he have to shoot him?"

It's just that some people are fairly confident Martin would have beaten Zimmerman to death had he not used his gun, which doesn't make a lot of sense given the evidence.
Strawman again.

What is your problem with being able to comprehend probability and medical reality without mischaracterizing it as "Some people are fairly confident Martin would have beaten Zimmerman to death without a gun"

NO ONE has made that case. The point is that the POTENTIAL was there.

Why are you still not fucking rickshawed when you continue to pull this complete mischaracterization strawman trolling bullshit out in EVERY SINGLE FUCKING POST you make?
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