Justice for Zimmerman

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Blackwing Lair Raider
Yes, bro, this shit matters. Because most of us here are white males and all it took was the media portraying this as a racial shooting for every moron in the world to make up their minds without the benefit of any facts.
+1 when I spread some more reputation around.

And it's not like everyone has a decently high level of "I swear i'm not a racist" bonafides. Zimmerman is hispanic, has black family members, tutored black kids, offered up his home to that one black woman whose house got broken into... didnt he even stand up for a wrongful death in a police case where the victim was black? I mean how ridiculous that you need to prove a negative but that was the main thrust of this case from the beginning.


Unelected Mod
Oh, I am sure he will find some incident of someone saying "The only thing changed by Zimmerman bringing a gun, was that Zimmerman survived" or something, when the real implication was that there was a serious chance of Zimmerman dying if he didn't have it.

I think the problem with Tanoomba right now is that he does essentially agree with most of us on all the facts, but he just wants to be "different", so has picked on the percentage risk of Zimmerman dying as his final holding point.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
tanoomba is desperately looking through this giant thread of shit now.
Looking for something he won't find, either. Because I've never stated Zimmerman would have certainly died. I've said that its dangerous, could cause serious injury or death, and that it's possible to be construed as intent to kill.

On another note, his alt is still spamming my message box with intense anal devastation over being so fucking wrong when asked to provide a citation for something I never said.


1. Citations required
2. So what?

Taking each case outside of the context of the case pretty well destroys your capacity to make a point on this issue, as shootings of this nature are taken on a case by case basis based on the facts surrounding them.

It may very well just be, whether you want to admit it or not, that many more times whites in America have to shoot blacks, its legally justified. Like when they break into people's homes.

I dunno, but I have as much evidence for that claim as your chart has for its claim so far.

Edgar Cayce, however, was the shit.



Unelected Mod
Shit article is shit. Again, using the Zimmerman case to bring up SYG and attack it, even when SYG had zero to do with the case.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Hey redshift, I put you on ignore but why don't you get busy with Tanoomba looking for that citation you were never able to cough up in those 30 some odd PMs you've sent me since last night.


from your own link

So the disparity is clear. But the figures don't yet prove bias.
Pretty much exactly what I just said.

Thanks for playing though.

Oh also this tidbit

Additionally, there are far fewer white-on-black shootings in the FBI data - only 25 total in both the Stand Your Ground and non-Stand Your Ground states.
25 cases is 5 too few to even have a representative sample which excludes bias. Might want to retake basic stats class some time.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I think the problem with Tanoomba right now is that he does essentially agree with most of us on all the facts, but he just wants to be "different", so has picked on the percentage risk of Zimmerman dying as his final holding point.
Isn't that the entire premise of the Politics Thread? It's just a bunch of people aruging for the sake of arguing. a_skeleton_03 even admitted to that (he was only arguing the opposing viewpoint for fun, and actually agreed with the majority opinion) on FoH several times and for some reason everyone ignored it.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Isn't that the entire premise of the Politics Thread?
Yes but we were asked to take this out of the politics thread, so probably this thread should be about the facts in the case as presented, instead of people trolling with bad devil's advocacy arguments.


Unelected Mod
Btw, on that graph with percentage likelihoods....

So the disparity is clear. But the figures don't yet prove bias. As Roman points out, the data doesn't show the circumstances behind the killings, for example whether the people who were shot were involved in home invasions or in a confrontation on the street.

Additionally, there are far fewer white-on-black shootings in the FBI data - only 25 total in both the Stand Your Ground and non-Stand Your Ground states. In fact, the small sample size is one of the reasons Roman conducted a regression analysis, which determines the statistical likelihood of whether the killings will be found justifiable.
So while the disparity looks silly on its face, it is hard to draw too many conclusions. It is possible a great deal of the black on black violence is gang-related, which is hardly ever going to be justified, which would bias the data without it being a bias of the justice system.



Bronze Baronet of the Realm
If you are legally carrying a fire arm and are being physically assaulted, the answer is yes, shoot the fucking trash and make sure you kill it.
Depends on the style of physical "assault" technically - it's got to be something actually worrisome - and assault laws can include things like a light shove or bumping shoulders or other non-threatening stuff. So please don't just say "assault" - it has to be a REAL assault where there's some level of worry. (i.e. this case)

Although I will say most people probably understand you, but people do need to understand that "assault" is actually applied as a legal term to almost any unwanted body contact, even when it's minor in nature - even though the general english use is severe.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
Itzenas graph makes the point that when killings happen, whites are significantly more likely to have that killing justified than blacks are.

Is that surprising though? I guess we should feel some white guilt or assume automatic racism because whites kill people for no reason less often than blacks?

Whites kill less often than blacks, period. Thats in the stats too. Should we feel guilty because of that? White SAT scores are higher too. Look there, our privilege is stacking up! We should feel bad and convict Zimmerman! That'll fix it!

Wait... no it won't.
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