Justice for Zimmerman

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I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I believe my point in making that statement was to show that Tanoomba's assumptions could just as easily be taken in the opposite direction.

However, what we know from the case is that Martin had Zimmerman on the ground for 30 to 40 seconds before Zimmerman shot him, correct?

So why should we presume that he would have stopped? The Prosecution actually tried to MAKE THAT CASE in their arguments, that's why the 90 degree positioning shit came up, they were trying to show that Martin might have been pulling away. Dr DiMiao blew that out of the water based on the angle of the gunshot to the chest and the clothing.
I'd ask how long after the shot did the police arrive but I'm guessing shots fired impacts police response.

Anyway, it's very possible the police would have arrived in >5min from when Trayvon started beating Zimmerman's ass. Do you really think Trayvon would have continued punching GZ in the face for 5 minutes? Do you know how long that is to do something like that? I couldn't even embarrass myself on a heavy bag for more than 1 minute without being exhausted.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
I'd ask how long after the shot did the police arrive but I'm guessing shots fired impacts police response.

Anyway, it's very possible the police would have arrived in >5min from when Trayvon started beating Zimmerman's ass. Do you really think Trayvon would have continued punching GZ in the face for 5 minutes? Do you know how long that is to do something like that? I couldn't even embarrass myself on a heavy bag for more than 1 minute without being exhausted.
No of course I don't. My point, again, was to show that Tanoomba was making wild stretches in assumptions that could go both ways. I probably should have made that more clear. However, there's zip fucking shit in that post that supports his charge.

And that's been quantifiably proven.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
ITT Hodj claims that TM was some crazy meth head frankenstein that would indefinitely punch someone on the ground until the police pulled him off.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
No of course I don't. My point, again, was to show that Tanoomba was making wild stretches in assumptions that could go both ways. I probably should have made that more clear. However, there's zip fucking shit in that thread that supports his charge.

And that's been quantifiably proven.
WEll don't say dumb things you don't believe when trying to debate with people like Tanoomba unless you desperately want to debate with him.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
ITT Hodj claims that TM was some crazy meth head frankenstein that would indefinitely punch someone on the ground until the police pulled him off.
OMG yes that's exactly what I did.


WEll don't say dumb things you don't believe when trying to debate with people like Tanoomba unless you desperately want to debate with him.
It wasn't dumb, it just wasn't exactly, 100% perfectly clearly explained, which, you're right, I should expect that I have to explain things to Tanoomba as if he were an intellectually challenged 3 year old, so I do accept full responsibility for not doing so in the first place.

My error


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
In answer to your question about response time: Two minutes after the gunshot went off.


Police arrived within 2 minutes of the gunshot, following an earlier call from Zimmerman, and Martin was declared dead within 15 minutes.
Now, I don't think Martin was grabbing Zimmerman's head, and intentionally banging it on the concrete. I'd say he probably had him with one arm/hand holding him down while he pummeled his face, causing his head to strike concrete. I do in fact think its possible that could have gone on for longer than it did.

The entire premise that Tanoomba is arguing from, the idea that Martin was two handed slamming Zimmerman's head into concrete, isn't even remotely factual in the first place for this tangent to even be relevant.


I believe my point in making that statement was to show that Tanoomba's assumptions could just as easily be taken in the opposite direction.

However, what we know from the case is that Martin had Zimmerman on the ground for 30 to 40 seconds before Zimmerman shot him, correct?

So why should we presume that he would have stopped? The Prosecution actually tried to MAKE THAT CASE in their arguments, that's why the 90 degree positioning shit came up, they were trying to show that Martin might have been pulling away. Dr DiMiao blew that out of the water based on the angle of the gunshot to the chest and the clothing.
Oh, so now you're trying to establish a context for your shitty statements? "Yes, that was stupid, but see I said it on purpose because of Tanoomba"... loser.

Why should we presume that he would have stopped? We shouldn't. We also shouldn't presume that he wouldn't have stopped. We should presume nothing. This is the problem I had with your statements. They were presumptions based on nothing.

Yes, Martin was beating Zimmerman for 30-40 seconds. In that length of time, he got as far as giving Zimmerman 2 cuts on the back of the head and a fractured nose. It wasn't so much a savage beating as a one-sided scuffle. The non-severity of the beating up to that point coupled with the fact that Trayvon had never killed anyone before and had no reason to kill Zimmerman in a populated area mean the far, far more likely outcome would have been that Martin would have gotten a few more licks in then bolted, either because he heard someone approaching or because he felt he "proved his point" to this creepy-ass cracka. That's the direction the evidence points, not "the reason life-threatening injuries didn't occur is because Zimmerman prevented them from occurring". Also notice I said "likely". That makes a difference too.


You're going to feel real fucking stupid when you refresh the thread
Wait, so you edited it to make it more presumptuous?

You're the one who should feel stupid. You added the incriminating phrases after the fact, you fool.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Wait, so you edited it to make it more presumptuous?

You're the one who should feel stupid. You added the incriminating phrases after the fact, you fool.
You are a fucking moron. Of the absolute lowest calibre


You and Numbers both need to stop trolling this thread with your shitposting, seriously. This opinion is ignorant shit. The point of self defense is to protect yourself before serious, possibly deadly, bodily injury occur.
You and Numbers both need to stop trolling this thread with your shitposting, seriously. This opinion is ignorant shitthat has already been addressed multiple multiples of times in this thread.The point of self defense is to protect yourself before serious, possibly deadly, bodily injury occur.
Oh, so now you're trying to establish a context for your shitty statements? "Yes, that was stupid, but see I said it on purpose because of Tanoomba"... loser.

Why should we presume that he would have stopped? We shouldn't. We also shouldn't presume that he wouldn't have stopped. We should presume nothing. This is the problem I had with your statements. They were presumptions based on nothing.

Yes, Martin was beating Zimmerman for 30-40 seconds. In that length of time, he got as far as giving Zimmerman 2 cuts on the back of the head and a fractured nose. It wasn't so much a savage beating as a one-sided scuffle. The non-severity of the beating up to that point coupled with the fact that Trayvon had never killed anyone before and had no reason to kill Zimmerman in a populated area mean the far, far more likely outcome would have been that Martin would have gotten a few more licks in then bolted, either because he heard someone approaching or because he felt he "proved his point" to this creepy-ass cracka. That's the direction the evidence points, not "the reason life-threatening injuries didn't occur is because Zimmerman prevented them from occurring". Also notice I said "likely". That makes a difference too.

Are you going to cough up that quote you claim I made, since everything you've said has now been shown to be bullshit?


No of course I don't. My point, again, was to show that Tanoomba was making wild stretches in assumptions that could go both ways. I probably should have made that more clear. However, there's zip fucking shit in that post that supports his charge.

And that's been quantifiably proven.
I wasn't making wild stretches of assumptions. I was stating the more likely outcome based on evidence.

Oh, and "quantifiably proven"?

It wasn't dumb, it just wasn't exactly, 100% perfectly clearly explained, which, you're right, I should expect that I have to explain things to Tanoomba as if he were an intellectually challenged 3 year old, so I do accept full responsibility for not doing so in the first place.

My error
Well, you admitted you were wrong. That's good enough for me. Champagne, anyone?


Why did you claim he edited it to make it less presumptuous?
Mostly to see how he would react to having baseless claims made about him, like he was doing with the whole "Redshift being one of my several alts" bullshit. Might've worked better if I knew the intricacies of the editing system, though!


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Hodj is the biggest baby I have ever had the unfortunate pleasure of reading.
Still mad about that Rickshawing you earned I see

I wasn't making wild stretches of assumptions. I was stating the more likely outcome based on evidence.
Yes, you were. Still waiting on that citation.

Oh, and "quantifiably proven"?
Still can't cough up that citation I see

Well, you admitted you were wrong. That's good enough for me. Champagne, anyone?
I'm pretty sure all I admitted was that you're operating at the functional level of a retarded 5 year old. That's about it.
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