Justice for Zimmerman

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Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Mostly to see how he would react to having baseless claims made about him, like he was doing with the whole "Redshift being one of my several alts" bullshit. Might've worked better if I knew the intricacies of the editing system, though!
So you admit that you have no evidence, at all, and that you're trolling?


Still mad about that Rickshawing you earned I see

Yes, you were. Still waiting on that citation.

Still can't cough up that citation I see

I'm pretty sure all I admitted was that you're operating at the functional level of a retarded 5 year old. That's about it.
What citation? The one I already showed you that you fucking admitted you were wrong (oh sorry, "unclear") about?
Fucking be a man already. Some people here still have some respect for you. Don't throw that away by being a pathetic, whiny child.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
What citation? The one I already showed you that you fucking admitted you were wrong (oh sorry, "unclear") about?
What citation? Oh I dunno, the one where I said whatever retarded bullshit it is you said I claimed. What you did was take a quote, claim I edited it ex post facto to remove information you claimed it contained. I proved you wrong. You admitted to trolling.

At this point, you either need to put up, or probably join our friends in the rickshaw for awhile.
Went back 20 pages and didn't see it, so apologies if this is a re-post of the first leaked pic of the sequestered jury:



What citation? Oh I dunno, the one where I said whatever retarded bullshit it is you said I claimed. What you did was take a quote, claim I edited it ex post facto to remove information you claimed it contained. I proved you wrong. You admitted to trolling.

At this point, you either need to put up, or probably join our friends in the rickshaw for awhile.
I said you edited it to make it less presumptuous, but even what was there proved my point just fine. More than fine, you had 2 phrases making baseless assumptions when I was only looking for one. I found what I was looking for and proved my point. You fucking apologized for your choice of words to Tuco but you won't do it for me? You're just being petty now. Grow up, man.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
I said you edited it to make it less presumptuous,
Which didn't happen.

but even what was there proved my point just fine.
Citation required.

I found what I was looking for and proved my point.
No, you didn't.

You fucking apologized for your choice of words to Tuco but you won't do it for me
You have to be pretty goddamn stupid to think that sarcastic as fuck post was an actual apology. I mean really terminally retarded.

My suggestion for you is picture related


Not after I learned that the mods aren't as neutral as you might think.


Unelected Mod
So Hodj, in a thread that was essentially about the lynching of a young black child by a white man, you have the gall to post a picture of a hanging? That is very insensitive and I have contacted Al Sharpton.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
So Hodj, in a thread that was essentially about the lynching of a young black child by a white man, you have the gall to post a picture of a hanging? That is very insensitive and I have contacted Al Sharpton.
I violated Tanoomba's civil rights, clearly.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
Not after I learned that the mods aren't as neutral as you might think. But, nothing I can do about the stupid in here, so it doesn't really matter at the end of the day.
What makes you think you're on the side of right again? your self acknowledged predisposition on the case that you admit you just had a shallow view of based directly on race and not facts?


Denial isn't just a river in Egypt
Well then we've reached a standstill. I've shown you that you made assumptions that were not backed up by any evidence. It's right there, in writing.

You somehow choose to believe the examples I've found don't count, for no other reason than... well, you haven't actually given a reason why they don't count. No wonder you think you're so smart, your counterargument to being proven wrong is "NO NO NO LALALALALA NO NO LALALALA". Pretty easy to keep a high win to loss ratio that way.

I can't compete with that so... congratulations, I guess?
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