Justice for Zimmerman

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I just want to apologize for continuing a pointless argument.

I, like Zimmerman, do not like being attacked without being able to defend myself. In retrospect, if I came off even a fraction as obnoxious as Hodj does, I have done you all a great disservice and for that I am sorry.

To atone for my poor behavior and ensure a similar argument doesn't occur again, I have taken the liberty of adding Hodj to my ignore list. Any future false identifications of the strawman fallacy will have to be based on what someone else says, as I have learned the hard way it simply is not worth it to argue with people like Hodj.

Again, I'm sorry my "shitposting" has compromised your enjoyment of this thread. I look forward to future conversations based more on the mature exchange of ideas. Thanks for your understanding.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
If I keep seeing reported posts and infractions coming from this thread because you assholes can't stop shit posting in this thread, I'm going to lock it, RR it, and start a party the RRP.
No, what you need to do is actually punish the people that shitpost. You'll just be giving them what they want if you punish the thread as a whole.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
I guarantee you 90% of the reports came from Hodj.
I have reported exactly 1 person exactly 1 time on these forums.

It was you when you got rickshawed, and that was only because they had directly warned you to stop, and you went on anyway. My report: Time to live up to your promises, I believe was the wording.

Added: Honestly I didn't like the fact that I reported even you that time after the fact.

I actually felt a little bad about doing it.

I don't report people. Generally at all.

I'll just confront you to your face instead.


Jesus dude just take the ribbing, although I'm intrigued about meeting you.

P.S. - I hope it's for sex.


Millie's Staff Member
well ok now that draegan showed his ass again. im all for keeping this thread open . come all ye trolls. let the post farming commense!


A Mod Real Quick
Thread had some great discussions but unfortunately there are a few trolls and a few people that can't help but take the bait and argue back and forth. I believe if you look into this issue, Draegan, you may find the answers you are looking for. It wouldn't be hard to uncover what's wrong.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Jesus dude just take the ribbing, although I'm intrigued about meeting you.

P.S. - I hope it's for sex.
Well I just wanted to make it clear. I haven't reported anyone, but you, one time. And that was what I would call an anomaly. I wouldn't ordinarily do so.

I think its generally gauche. Very gauche.

Hodj gunna track Numbers down and shoot him like his hero
Oh goddamit I didn't mean it like that.

I meant face to face...through the internet.

Which is pretty retarded on second consideration.

over the internet
Yes. This. Exactly.


Molten Core Raider
Group hug.

Posted in media thread as it was being rickshawed, Jenteal is on Piers Morgan tonight telling everyone to accept the law and calm down. Maybe she has some new evidence as well. I am torn between disgust and intrigue as to whether I should watch it.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Most of the reports came from people not very involved in this thread. Hold on let me copy-paste the reports I got and forget to redact the emails...


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
I'll be bringing a gun alright.

And a 50 gallon drum of astroglide.


You can literally find everything on Amazon

What are you going to do with all this lube?! Wrestling match? Biggest adult party ever? If you are looking for a simply jaw-dropping amount of lube, Passion Natural Water-Based Lubricant is ready to get the fun started with this 55 gallon drum! With its superb formula you will have a natural feel that keeps you moist longer and also works great with all toy materials. Easily washes away with warm water and mild soap. You may never run out of lube again! Size: 55 gallons. Note: Includes pump. Ships via freight due to weight limit.


Personally, I'm really looking forward to Freerolled. I sincerely hope that's what Araysar is working on right now.

It's gonna be like that Brad Goodman episode of The Simpsons, a "Do what you feel" festival comprised entirely of angry spiteful assholes.
You'll be able to say whatever you want about whatever you want, and if you're lucky somebody might even see what you wrote if they have the patience to wade through 30 pages of a single hardcore gay porn pic repeated again and again. It'll be a beautiful chaos, a symposium of unbridled racism, misogyny and homophobia, garnished with more dicks than you could ever have thought existed. No infractions, no warnings, a free-for-all of the lowest dregs the internet has to offer.

Man, it's gonna be great.
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