Justice for Zimmerman

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scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
That would be more surprising if the people in question weren't immediately met with hostility and ridicule. That tends to put them on the defensive right off the bat, as they feel they have to justify their position however they can as opposed to ending the conversation after being called an idiot who doesn't know shit.

A lot of people only followed the case passingly or not at all. They have no reason to believe they were misled by the media about the case and likely wouldn't even suspect as much before coming here, especially since all the otherwise intelligent and kind-hearted people they know who are against racism tend to agree with them. So they come here and BAM, get blasted on all sides with the "Here's another idiot!" comments. Keep in mind it's not entirely reasonable to expect every new poster in this thread to read 180+ pages of posts before joining the conversation.

Don't get me wrong, these guys come in with an entirely incorrect mindset about the entire case. I just think there's a better way to deal with them than mocking and ridiculing them into submission. Some people love that approach because it makes them feel good about themselves, but it tends to create unnecessarily hostile arguments that drag out far longer than they need to.
Maybe people should learn what they are talking about before coming in and shitposting. And when they are called on it, they should either shut the fuck up or go do some learning.

But then the forum would be a useful exchange of ideas rather than a constant shitfest. We can't have that.


Millie's Staff Member
the media is bullshit and nobody should take what they say at face value. if you do then you're WRONG. before entering this trial , i thought zimmerman was being misrepresented due to NBC and CNN hoaxing the 3/11 call to generate outrage. but i still essentially thought zimmerman was at blame for chasing this man down and starting a fight that resulted in the other man's death. then the trial started and the ACTUAL evidence was presented in raw detail and i realized that the whole thing was totally wrong. thats when i started the first thread so others who thought the same as me could get an 'edumacation' on how fucked this case was.

people still willfully ignorant of the facts have no goddamned excuse when everything is out in the open for them to find out for themselves what really occurred.


See were not the only ones.


As for the case, I think it's terrible that George Zimmerman shot Trayvon Martin. That's a tragedy. I don't think he had to shoot him, and had one or two things been different (he didn't get out of his car, didn't have a gun, on and on), we wouldn't be here. I keep hearing Trayvon Martin would have killed George Zimmerman, I don't think so, but I wasn't there.

You weren't there either. You don't know what happened, exactly. As much as you want to believe you were there and know what happened, exactly, you weren't, and you don't.

Not knowing exactly what happened requires a not guilty verdict, no matter how angry or outraged you are. The jury didn't free Zimmerman because they thought he was a good guy or because they weren't sad that a young boy was killed (jurors were rumored to be crying during the state's rebuttal), they found him not guilty because the facts and the law required them to do so.

The state had a crappy case, they knew they had a crappy case. This is why they assigned 3 career prosecutors with a combined stat of probably over 500 trials. Their first problem was no witnesses to the event. You would agree, wouldn't you, that witnesses help prove cases? Their second problem was a tape that no one could agree on. You know whose voice was on that tape? I don't. The state never laid out, point by point, what happened. If I'm being asked to convict someone of a crime, and I know the state has the burden of proof, the state is required to tell me what happened, not just ask questions and tell me "you decide" over and over again.
This is an excellent post, too bad it's buried under all the predictable high fiving. This thread post-verdict is just as disgusting as I thought it'd be.

Zimmerman was an asshole who ultimately is responsible for what happened, but there just wasn't enough evidence to convict him of a crime. Largely because the only other person who knew the truth of what happened that night is dead.

As much as I dislike it from a moral standpoint, this was the justice system functioning as it should.


Mr. Poopybutthole
This is an excellent post, too bad it's buried under all the predictable high fiving. This thread post-verdict is just as disgusting as I thought it'd be.

Zimmerman was an asshole who ultimately is responsible for what happened, but there just wasn't enough evidence to convict him of a crime. Largely because the only other person who knew the truth of what happened that night is dead.

As much as I dislike it from a moral standpoint, this was the justice system functioning as it should.
Yeah, Zimmerman is definitely responsible for Martin choosing to return to the scene and attack him.


Unelected Mod
Exactly how is the high5ing disgusting? No one is celebrating that a kid died, we are celebrating that the media and racebaiters like Al Sharpton was unable to railroad someone into jail.

TJ Lazer_sl

Hey Thanks Adam for protecting the racist trash of these boards. You're a fuck up piece of shit. Good to see you are representing white America like they did in the Zimmerman trial you worthless cunt.


Molten Core Raider
The reason there wasn't enough evidence to convict him is probably because he committed no crimes. As thoroughly discussed in this very thread.


I'm not getting into that argument with you stupid faggots again. As much as you think you know exactly what happened that night and that it absolves your American Inventor-killing hero of any responsibility, you don't. The only person left alive who does is Zimmerman.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
A criminal trial allows both sides to give testimony as to what they believe occurred that night.

We watched that criminal trial. We watched both sides give their testimony. We watched the Prosecution try to reach conclusions it couldn't support. We watched them give their case and it was lacking.

We do, thanks to this fact, know enough about what happened that night to make a conclusion. That's the point of a criminal trial.


That's the point of a criminal trial.
The purpose of a criminal trial is to figure out if it can be established BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT whether there is enough evidence to convict someone of a crime.

Nobody but the very stupid pretend that it is a perfect system that always 100% establishes the truth of what happened in a given situation.

Hint: the very stupid are most of you in this thread.


Molten Core Raider
Has it been 20 pages yet?
Ignorance_sl said:
Hai guys, I just heard on CNN that this racist killed a little black kid because there are no black skittles. You organizing protests to have this bullshit appealed? Sign me up!


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
The purpose of a criminal trial is to figure out if it can be established BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT whether there is enough evidence to convict someone of a crime.

Nobody but the very stupid pretend that it is a perfect system that always 100% establishes the truth of what happened in a given situation.

Hint: the very stupid are most of you in this thread.
You don't need to have a perfect system to find out what the truth was.

The prosecution's witnesses, on their own, ended up supporting the Zimmerman version of events more than the Prosecutions.

You can complain that the imperfect courts gave an imperfect verdict here, but the evidence, thus far, refutes that claim.

Hodjie we get it. You want to see all negros burn. It's fucking sad. You're disgusting. Quit being a psychopath.
Citation required.


I'm not getting into that argument with you stupid faggots again. As much as you think you know exactly what happened that night and that it absolves your American Inventor-killing hero of any responsibility, you don't. The only person left alive who does is Zimmerman.
mmmmmk. all you want is revenge for trayvon--not justice.

go fuck yourself. that's not how things work in life.


Unelected Mod
The prosecution's witnesses, on their own, ended up supporting the Zimmerman version of events more than the Prosecutions.
This is pretty much the bottom line. Normally a criminal trial won't prove someone is innocent. However, this case was such an utter farce from the prosecution. It was very clear they had zero evidence. Hell, the evidence they did present tended to support Zimmerman's side. The only thing they could fall back on was trying to imply profiling occurred. That was it, their entire case.


Oh look, the guys who want to break up our impromptu KKK meeting are back. Great.

Anyway, I'll let you get back to it. I just wanted to point out Siddar's excellent post. But apparently nothing short of sharing the consensus that's sprung up in this thread that Zimmerman was a hero whose only crime was being white-ish and angering Al Sharpton (seriously, how fucking pathetic are all of you for being scared of Al Sharpton these days? The man's got one foot and four toes in the grave) is satisfactory to most of you. Admitting that this was most likely the correct verdict based on the evidence presented? Nope, not enough.

THAT'S how I know you're a bunch of pathetic racists.
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