Justice for Zimmerman

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And a 50 gallon drum of astroglide.


You can literally find everything on Amazon

What are you going to do with all this lube?! Wrestling match? Biggest adult party ever? If you are looking for a simply jaw-dropping amount of lube, Passion Natural Water-Based Lubricant is ready to get the fun started with this 55 gallon drum! With its superb formula you will have a natural feel that keeps you moist longer and also works great with all toy materials. Easily washes away with warm water and mild soap. You may never run out of lube again! Size: 55 gallons. Note: Includes pump. Ships via freight due to weight limit.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
How many people need 55 gallon tubes of lube?
On a good week, it'll last me 3 days.

Maybe 4 if I'm conservative with its use.
How many people need 55 gallon tubes of lube? over 600 people found this one review helpful, possibly meaning that they have cats and need a 55 gallon barrel of lube.

Edited for comprehension and math.
All the really outrageous sex products on Amazon have ridiculous amounts of silly reviews. Other products that are seemingly insane do as well.


Potato del Grande
I'm not getting into that argument with you stupid faggots again. As much as you think you know exactly what happened that night and that it absolves your American Inventor-killing hero of any responsibility, you don't. The only person left alive who does is Zimmerman.
Calling people racist while making a gay slur. Bravo Derpin.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
If I keep seeing reported posts and infractions coming from this thread because you assholes can't stop shit posting in this thread, I'm going to lock it, RR it, and start a party the RRP.
If you're getting large amounts of reports from this thread then it indicates there is a attempt underway to abuse post reporting to try and win a argument. If you don't stand up to it in this thread it will simply spread to other threads.

People reporting others should have there reports judged in the same way they ask mods to judge posts by other. Do the posts being reported in anyway violate the general rules of behavior of people posting on these boards. If the reported post doesn't then person reporting should be given a infraction for abusing report. Make people think before they report someone else and problem will vanish. If you let people get away with report abuse then it will only get worse.


I know it came out that Martin had brain and liver damage due to drug use and that he had minimal traces of cannabinoids in his blood, but was it ever shown that he was high on lean at the time of the attack? I ask because it seems like the only reason he would physically attack a complete stranger.


If you're getting large amounts of reports from this thread then it indicates there is a attempt underway to abuse post reporting to try and win a argument. If you don't stand up to it in this thread it will simply spread to other threads.

People reporting others should have there reports judged in the same way they ask mods to judge posts by other. Do the posts being reported in anyway violate the general rules of behavior of people posting on these boards. If the reported post doesn't then person reporting should be given a infraction for abusing report. Make people think before they report someone else and problem will vanish. If you let people get away with report abuse then it will only get worse.
Agree 100%


Lord Nagafen Raider
If you think the posters on twitter / facebook are bad and willfully ignoring the law and facts you should swing byDemocratic Underground. Some intelligent people there saying some shockingly ignorant things.


Molten Core Raider
If you think the posters on twitter / facebook are bad and willfully ignoring the law and facts you should swing byDemocratic Underground. Some intelligent people there saying some shockingly ignorant things.
Is this like a Fedor FSR post?

OK, this is somewhat amusing.
At the same time, we are told that Martin, who had far greater reason to fear Zimmerman, practically and for reasons of American history,
Did American History ever get put into evidence on this thread?


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
If you think the posters on twitter / facebook are bad and willfully ignoring the law and facts you should swing byDemocratic Underground. Some intelligent people there saying some shockingly ignorant things.
Is it like Free Republic after Obama won?

Those were some sweet sweet butthurt tears man.

oh god. I just got a chubby thinking about it.


Also from that site:

If The Zimmerman Jury Was Right, Then A Lot Else Is Wrong.

Since the verdict, I have heard the following reasonable explanations for why the jury did the right thing (I'm going to ignore unreasonable ones):

* The jury had no choice but to acquit Zimmerman given the judge's instructions.
* The jury had no choice but to acquit Zimmerman given the content of the Stand Your Ground law.
* The jury had no choice but to acquit Zimmerman because the prosecution overreached by asking for 2nd degree murder instead of manslaughter.
* The jury had no choice but to acquit Zimmerman because the prosecution didn't make a good enough case.

And this is my response:

Let's assume for the sake of argument that any or all of the above statements are true. That does not make what happened Sunday night right. It only makes it more wrong. The more reasons we can come up with for justifying the jury's finding, the more institutions are implicated in this hideously wrong result.

* If the jury found him not guilty because of the judge's instructions, then the judge is wrong.
* If the jury found him not guilty under the terms of the Stand Your Ground law, then the Stand Your Ground Law is wrong.
* If in the context of the local justice system it is 'overreaching' to consider what happened to Trayvon Martin murder, then something is SERIOUSLY wrong with the local justice system.
* If the prosecution didn't make a case that could certainly have been made, then the prosecution is wrong.

Armchair lawyers, go ahead and have fun figuring out whether they delivered the 'right' verdict under the immediate circumstances. I don't hold it against you. But however you slice it, this verdict is a symptom of something wrong that goes far beyond the boundaries of that courtroom.

The Plaid Adder

TLDR: If the jury made the choice they had to make, then the whole system from the judge to the laws themselves is wrong.

Also: More SYG references!


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
From that site:
Wow that chart is so telling, this at the WORD ASSOCIATION TRAINING you receive

the justice system works = racist
the were both at fault = racist
the jury decided = racist
you're over reacting = racist
trayvon could have killed him = racist
you didn't even know him = racist
think about zimmermans psyche = racist
brings up trayvons character = racist
blames trayvons attire = racist
disregarding 9/11 dispatch = racist
why do you only care about this one case = racist
explaining the trial was about justifying the defense, not the fact that someone died = racist
you just like acting mad = racist

seriously can you not help but notice that the myriad complexities of reality have been conviently boiled down to a singular narrative for you to parrot so guys like AL SHARPTON and JESSE JACKSON can continue to profit off fanning the flames of racial hatred?

The Obama administration spent thousands of federal dollars to help the Rev. Al Sharpton pressure the state of Florida to railroad George Zimmerman in the Trayvon Martin shooting case.
The Justice Department not only met with Martin's parents and the notorious racial arsonist Sharpton, as we reported earlier this week. It even helped them organize rallies against Zimmerman, who trial evidence shows shot Martin in self-defense.
Newly released documents reveal the department spent more than $5,320 to send officials to Florida "to work marches, demonstrations and rallies related to the shooting and death of an African-American teen."

Read More At Investor's Business Daily:http://news.investors.com/ibd-editor...#ixzz2Z9P2Gh8v

Jackson says he does not accept the verdict, and is calling on the U.S. Justice Department to file criminal civil rights charges against Zimmerman. He expects a civil suit to be filed as well.

"Not one black lawyer on either side, not one black on the jury, not one male on the jury, and so something about it was stacked from the very beginning," Jackson said.


why is jesse jackson treating all the black people like they are sheep to be lead?
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