Justice for Zimmerman

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Millie's Staff Member
I feel like our government has lost its (collective) damn mind. What the fuck is going on? Isn't there some advisor or something that can tell them to stop being fucking retarded?
yeah its called the president and hes the one telling them to pursue this. cause ya know its giving him cover for all the fucked up shit with PRISM and the middle east going on right now


yeah its called the president and hes the one telling them to pursue this. cause ya know its giving him cover for all the fucked up shit with PRISM and the middle east going on right now
Its a new political tactic. Have as many scandals as possible, and have the media timed to switch focus to each in such a way that the people are always pissed, but never get any resolution.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I'm a 30 year old white man and if i saw someone staring at me and talking on a phone as I walked home, I'd run like hell too. That's not suspicious, that's a normal human reaction because guess what, to the guy on foot the person in the vehicle is the suspicious one. Funny how perspective changes when you look at the situation form the other guys point of view. Even more so when I was a teenager, and this is someone who gew up in good old white suburbia.
The fuck? You run away when you see someone staring at you? That's the most bizarre behavior I can possibly imagine. Why wouldn't you just keep walking? Are you literally that afraid that everyone is out to get you?


GM is suing TM's parents. AWWW YISS lets hold people accountable and shit, I may start giving a shit about this country after all.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
What suspicion? What made Martin suspicious to Zimmerman that his first thought was to call the police, when no one else in the neighborhood did, until the fight/shooting?
Zimmerman said TM was walking between houses and appeared to be looking in windows, which fits TM like a leather glove, being that we know TM had been caught with burglary tools, had been caught with "stolen" jewelry, and was an all round shit bird. I know if I saw someone in my gated community walking between houses and looking in windows your damn right I would call the cops/security, but I would probably leave it at that and move along.


Musty Nester
My question is this, and I mean it as a serious question.

What if the DoJ does charge Zimmerman and force some FBI agents to arrest him? What's anybody going to do about that? Does the State of Florida have to fucking rebel in order to protect it's citizenry?

American Inventors rioting in LA. Whatever. American Inventors gonna Kang. But the President of the United States, who I am constantly reminded was a Harvard constitutional law professor not immediately dismissing the notion. That's concerning.


My question is this, and I mean it as a serious question.

What if the DoJ does charge Zimmerman and force some FBI agents to arrest him? What's anybody going to do about that? Does the State of Florida have to fucking rebel in order to protect it's citizenry?

American Inventors rioting in LA. Whatever. American Inventors gonna Kang. But the President of the United States, who I am constantly reminded was a Harvard constitutional law professor not immediately dismissing the notion. That's concerning.
Just bc Obama knows the constitution well does not mean he intends to preserve it.


Mr. Poopybutthole
My question is this, and I mean it as a serious question.

What if the DoJ does charge Zimmerman and force some FBI agents to arrest him? What's anybody going to do about that? Does the State of Florida have to fucking rebel in order to protect it's citizenry?

American Inventors rioting in LA. Whatever. American Inventors gonna Kang. But the President of the United States, who I am constantly reminded was a Harvard constitutional law professor not immediately dismissing the notion. That's concerning.
If that happens, I've gotta imagine in 50 years people will look back on this as one of those things where the population just lost their shit. Kind of like McCarthyism or the civil rights movement. The government could very well end up inciting the population to do something extreme.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
And funny, we do blame the police for fucking up the raids, so why are people so willing to give Zimmerman a pass? Is it because the trolls are right and this only 'one more dead future thug'?
The reason why people are willing to give Zimmerman a pass is because Martin was the first person to do an illegal act in the confrontation with Zimmerman. At least that is what the evidence shows. Could Zimmerman have acted illegally first? Perhaps, but there is zero evidence of it. Following someone and talking to them is not illegal. This is why the paparazzi are able to do what they do.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
My question is this, and I mean it as a serious question.

What if the DoJ does charge Zimmerman and force some FBI agents to arrest him? What's anybody going to do about that?
I imagine it'll involve using the fact that the FBI chose not to charge Zman with a hate crime, combined with his exoneration on the charge thanks to self defense, as a way to be found not guilty of committing a hate crime at the federal level.

Its not going to happen though. It really isn't. They're just saying that to calm the lunatics down.

That's the problem, though, with relying on lunatic factions of our political system for your backing, be it depends wearing Tea partier or brain dead leftist zombie or insane mob of pissed off minority members or militant pro Zionist Christian fanatics or what the fuck ever, its like a rabid dog. It'll bite your ass if you don't handle it with care.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
I feel like our government has lost its (collective) damn mind. What the fuck is going on? Isn't there some advisor or something that can tell them to stop being fucking retarded?
No you don't get it yet this benefits them, it makes causes and talking points causes to raise money and do actions methods that traditionally work.


Musty Nester
I thought Obama would be wise enough to quietly accept the verdict.

I'd put the probability at "almost unthinkably low" too, but Jesus Christ it shouldn't even be that high.


No you don't get it yet this benefits them it makes causes and talking points causes to raise money and do actions methods that traditionally work.
Like when Galveston barricades all stores during kappa weekend. They kept getting looted every year and finally made a good policy.


Molten Core Raider
yep, im just waiting for "Executive Order #303, arrest and charge anyone who is found not guilty in a trial because it was not a popular verdict" to go through
And the white liberal chimps and their black power minstrel allies will all shout "look! Democracy in action!", the first true thing out of their mouths in decades.
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