Justice for Zimmerman

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Tranny Chaser
The irony being that full blooded Africans are the only true humans. The rest of us, especially white people, have quite a lot of Neanderthal DNA due to cross-breeding.

I can only imagine what sort of shitstorm that news would have created 100 years ago.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
How many kid's scalps do you have on your wall?
people have the right to defend themselves, you can't place an infinite value on human life it breaks logic, you can't say well someone died so the other guy is automatically wrong, all he did was defend himself from the person who STARTED the confrontation, you keep forgetting this, zimmerman getting out of the car to walk around a gated community he belonged to did not START the confrontation nor did it give trayvon a right to start smashing his head into the ground, stop being so gullable to really cheezy appeals to emotion.

if you where really about equality you would hold treyvon accountable for the actions he chose to do and not defend him because of the color of his skin but you keep ignoring his actions and base your argument purely about skin color


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
The irony being that full blooded Africans are the only true humans. The rest of us, especially white people, have quite a lot of Neanderthal DNA due to cross-breeding.

I can only imagine what sort of shitstorm that news would have created 100 years ago.
100 years ago Europeans would have been cheering it as confirmation that

1. They were different from blacks
2. That "real" humans evolved in Europe

Piltdown Man effect, basically.

But, no, that doens't mean "Africans are the only full blooded humans" that's just nonsense. Depending upon if you're a lumper or a splitter, neanderthals are easily considered premodern homo sapiens. They were just more compact versions due to the selective pressure of the Ice Age on European populations. You see this happen to modern Homo sapiens who live in extremely cold climates as well, their noses prognathize to allow more surface area to warm cold air coming in, shorter, broader bodies which retain heat better have better survivability. Its really wonky to try and proclaim neanderthal a completely separate species. Its more of a variation on Homo erectus than anything else.

Hence why Homo erectus and neanderthalensis could still breed together once they encountered one another.


Buzzfeed Editor
SYG is about not being required to flee from a threat.

It doesn't apply in this case, because Zimmerman was on the ground, with no ability to flee. To the extent it was mentioned in the jury instructions, it was to make this point about why Zimmerman did not need, and therefore declined, a SYG hearing in the case.
I didn't actually read the jury instructions. I understand the whole SYG thing, I just heard it mentioned on NPR that it actually did get referenced in the jury instructions and, they claim, the defense closing statement.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
I didn't actually read the jury instructions. I understand the whole SYG thing, I just heard it mentioned on NPR that it actually did get referenced in the jury instructions and, they claim, the defense closing statement.
Yeah its cool, I was just letting you know the extent that it was referenced in the trial was all. Just informing.


Molten Core Raider
If George Zimmerman was not engaged in an unlawful activity and was attacked in any place where he had a right to be, he had no duty to retreat and had the right to stand his ground and meet force with force, including deadly force if he reasonably believed that it was necessary to do so to prevent death or great bodily harm to himself or another or to prevent the commission of a forcible felony.

I don't know if that is specific to SYG or self-defense in general.


Buzzfeed Editor
Well, the analysts keep saying things like "they used language from the statutes" because, I think, they are really trying to push this whole SYG angle. Even in the absence of evidence.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
That's pretty much what it is. This has morphed from "Justice for Trayvon" to "Yet another anti gun crusade based on flimsy evidence and bad logic"

We're basically back where we were right after the Newtown shootings in terms of media propagandizing.


He was walking down the street in the rain and Zimmerman felt he was looking into houses, and he matched the description of the people committing B&Es in the neighborhood.
Martin wasn't "looking into houses", though, was he? And the only way he matched the description was by being black and wearing a hoodie. He didn't have a noticeable tattoo or scars on his face or an eye patch or crutches or something. He was black and wearing a hoodie. While the responsibility for the shooting ultimately falls on Martin, anybody who says "This would not have happened if Trayvon had been white" is right. That's the detail that a lot of people who otherwise understand how the events unfolded still take issue with. Zimmerman doesn't have to be a racist for that to be right. You can say "police use profiling all the time", but profiling is highly controversial and outright illegal in many jurisdictions, including Florida. Again, the law is clear and Zimmerman was justified in his use of force but just saying "race had nothing to do with it" doesn't make it so.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
yeah what would they sue his parents for? I haven't seen them say or do anything untoward in this case.


A Mod Real Quick
Have the Trayvon protesters made any sort of point yet, or is their cause just making them look more and more like the scumbags they are? I was watching some of them on the news today - attacking white people is going to send no message except we also wish you all went back to Africa, follow your fearless leader Akon (who body slammed a kid once into the crowd). I'm also confused as to why people like Stevie Wonder are boycotting SYG states when that had nothing to do with the Zimmerman case. I know the dude is blind, but I'm pretty sure he can listen right? I didn't even think white people went to his concerts anyways, isn't he only hurting his fans?


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Martin wasn't "looking into houses", though, was he? And the only way he matched the description was by being black and wearing a hoodie. He didn't have a noticeable tattoo or scars on his face or an eye patch or crutches or something. He was black and wearing a hoodie. Zimmerman doesn't have to be a racist for that to be right. You can say "police use profiling all the time", but profiling is highly controversial and outright illegal in many jurisdictions, including Florida. Again, the law is clear and Zimmerman was justified in his use of force but just saying "race had nothing to do with it" doesn't make it so.
Zimmerman felt he was. No one can know for sure.

Black and wearing a hoodie fits the description of people doing break ins in the area. Its all the police would need to justify stopping someone in the neighborhood as well.

While the responsibility for the shooting ultimately falls on Martin, anybody who says "This would not have happened if Trayvon had been white" is right. That's the detail that a lot of people who otherwise understand how the events unfolded still take issue with.
Had the description of the people doing break ins been a white teenage to early 20s male in a hoodie, based on the evidence we have at hand that Zimmerman was not racially profiling Martin, do you think things would have occurred differently, all other considerations being exactly equal such as the male running when he sees Zimmerman calling police, and coming back and attacking Zimmerman after the person running got away?

That's the metric those people who still "have a problem with the situation" fail to consider, at all, on any level.


Buzzfeed Editor
Martin wasn't "looking into houses", though, was he?
Zimmerman thought he was. You are making the assumption that he wasn't, or that it didn't appear that he was. Based on no evidence.

Anyone who says "This wouldn't have happened if Trayvon was white" is an asshole, pure and simple.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
GM is suing TM's parents. AWWW YISS lets hold people accountable and shit, I may start giving a shit about this country after all.
FALSE: Fake news produces real outrage


As the Enquirer reports, many social media users are outraged that Zimmerman would seek to pin blame on the parents of a boy he killed. But as the Enquirer also reports, their outrage is misplaced.

That's because The National Report is fake. It even has a disclaimer on all of its articles which sort of hints at the site's satire.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Black, white, hispanic, asian. Just because someone used these terms to describe someone they thought was a criminal doesn't mean they're making racist assumptions. The police ask for race because it is a visible identifier. I wish race as a concept didn't exist at all, but even if it didn't, physical differences between individuals are....how we tell them apart in the real world. You can't just go around doing DNA comparisons between every person in America to determine who has committed a crime and who hasn't.

When people say its racist to "profile" someone based on their skin color in a situation like this, where the people who have been caught committing a crime or have been witnessed committing one and reported to the police as such, is just race baiting for political effect basically.

If young black males are committing the majority of break ins in an area, you aren't racist for calling the cops on a young black man you think might be committing a break in in the area.

Its really hard for me to even see this argument from the other perspective, because it seems so ridiculous.

Now, that doesn't mean actual racial profiling, like where police sit on a highway and pull over predominately black males and then predominately choose to search their vehicles just because, or something. Its a fine line, I can understand where confusion comes from, but it is a line, and there is a difference. One can bleed into the other and I understand that concern, but the FBI cleared Zimmerman of racially profiling and racist intent. That should have settled this issue.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
FALSE: Fake news produces real outrage


As the Enquirer reports, many social media users are outraged that Zimmerman would seek to pin blame on the parents of a boy he killed. But as the Enquirer also reports, their outrage is misplaced.

That's because The National Report is fake. It even has a disclaimer on all of its articles which sort of hints at the site's satire.
The person Zimmerman should sue is Benjamin Crump.

Should sue him straight into the gutter and then go after his license to practice law as well.


A Mod Real Quick
When I run the store (large supermarket) at night and close, I'm supposed to look for shoplifters. Our instructions clearly say "do not profile racially, sexually, etc". Of course you get those sketchy dudes you just follow knowing they're up to something, but more often than not I'll keep an eye of younger black men. Our community is predominantly white, so we don't get a lot of black customers. Does that make me racist? I mean, I don't go up to them and shake them down going "WHAT THE FUCK YOU STEALING COON?", but I do specifically watch them. If they are dressed in nicer clothes I usually dismiss them, but when I see a young black guy come in with his pants halfway down his ass and moving quickly through the store you're damn right I'll follow him.

Turns out most of our thieves are white meth heads though.
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