Justice for Zimmerman

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privileged excrementlord
We know you're racist and dumb, you don't have to drive the point home any further bud.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Because it leaves you as a one note, one trick pony and when you fail to succeed with that line of reasoning, you get really really mad that the world doesn't actually conform to your narrow minded, color centric perspective.


It is an extrapolation based on the evidence available as to the racist tendencies among your friends. The evidence is clear.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
You have made a good point that has been made before but they don't care about the decisions made by Zimmerman, they are only interested in what fuels their own narrative and racist agenda.
Your logic is fucked up and racist, you refuse to acknowledge trayvon's criminal actions or zimmermans right to walk around a gated community he belongs to and is head of the neighborhood watch for and has a sense of duty to watch over, zimmerman did not confront treyvon, teyvon confronted zimmerman. You are applying pure hindsight and by assigning 0 blame to treyvon you are being racist in your shaping of the narrative and falling for a basic appeal to emotion.

the causality logic you display is obviously biased plain and simple.


Molten Core Raider
Yeah. You're on par with Nancy Grace as a "non-racist" outraged at the senseless racism of this case:

'Give Zimmerman back his life? He's [been] out on bond, driving through Taco Bell every night, having a churro,' she said.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Didn't we all come from Africa at one point?
Generally speaking out of africa is accepted but there's a lot of contradictory evidence coming forward the past decade that tends to point more to several rounds of emigration out of Africa combined with cross breeding between Homo Erectus, Neanderthalensis and Denosivian to create what became modern human populations.

So its really up for debate whether out of Africa is still valid as historically understood. It needs modification and the researchers are constantly finding new fossils which cause them to reevaluate exactly how accurate such a claim is.

Another thing that's happened is the location of Homo Sapien and previous ancestor's initial location has shifted from the Great Rift Valley in East/North East Africa, further south, down into what is now the DRC and South Africa.

Note: None of this is meant to imply that alternative, aged theories like "Homo sapiens evolved in England" are accurate. They aren't. More likely the multiple populations interbreeding and merging will definitely include several original origins of populations in Africa, but the extent to which they interbred with Neanderthals in particular is very important to determining exactly how our species came to exist.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I have to wonder how many of you skulk around your neighbourhoods looking for kids to kill?


Musty Nester
Well he's got a point. I'm racist as fuck about some things. Not about this one though. I checked my privilege.

Really, I did. I'd say it's even more racist to say Travon has been trained to act that way -- which is an unspoken assumption, and maybe not entirely untrue. But that's bad. That sort of racism needs to go away too.
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