Justice for Zimmerman

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Not trying to fuck with him at all. Someone asked for a different viewpoint and I'm putting one out there. Iv'e already said i agree he was justified in defending himself. hodj and I differ on the choices made by both people leading up to the shooting.
You have made a good point that has been made before but they don't care about the decisions made by Zimmerman, they are only interested in what fuels their own narrative and racist agenda.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
You have made a good point that has been made before but they don't care about the decisions made by Zimmerman, they are only interested in what fuels their own narrative and racist agenda.
We recognize his point and we had a nice discussion as to the merits of that decision.

Then you have to come in with this horseshit race baiting nonsense. We do care about the decisions made by Zimmerman, we've been over them hundreds of times in this thread. The problem with your position is

1. We aren't racist
2. Zimmerman committed no illegal acts
3. Martin had no right to return from his home and attack Zimmerman, in any circumstance. Zimmerman's decisions were the decisions of a normal person trying to prevent a potential crime from happening. He was assaulted for this and defended himself. If Zimmerman HAD made stupid decisions that led to Martin's death, we'd accept that, since, unlike you, we're the ones who've been concerned with the FACTS and the TRUTH of the case from the beginning.

There was apparently a reference to the law in the jury instructions, and I heard someone saying that the defense lawyers didn't directly reference the law but used the same language about "force with force" and "duty to retreat" in the closing statement.
SYG is about not being required to flee from a threat.

It doesn't apply in this case, because Zimmerman was on the ground, with no ability to flee. To the extent it was mentioned in the jury instructions, it was to make this point about why Zimmerman did not need, and therefore declined, a SYG hearing in the case.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
I'm not. I'm just pointing out the assumptions made by you and your racist friends.
What assumptions? That someone calling police is doing the right thing?

That being attacked for calling the police on someone is a illegal act and you have the right to defend yourself?

NO ONE THINKS MARTIN WAS DOING ANYTHING WRONG. But his REACTIONS were extreme, and contributed to the situation spiraling out of control, and when he left the area of his father's house to go back and assault Zimmerman, he was no longer an innocent wrongly mistaken youth, he became an aggressor.

The only racist here, clearly, is yourself.


Unelected Mod
Numbers must be getting paid for everytime he says racist. Might be a rider in his contract with Reuters.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Zimmerman was the victim once Martin attacked him.

That's how the law works.

But you wouldn't recognize that because Zimmerman was "white" and you're a racist.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Profiling someone based on the description of recent burglaries in the area is perfectly fine.

The police do it every day.

Its how they catch criminals.

If a 6 and a half foot tall white guy is going around kidnapping children and eating them, it would be pretty fucking dumb for them to look for a little asian woman.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
So you admit you're only trying to get yourself banned to make some retarded point about the mods?


I'm not trying to make any point other than you and your friends are either horribly racist or that a lot of you are just dumb.
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