Justice for Zimmerman

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Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
In other news, Jimmy Carter is now a racist


The jury made the "right decision" in the George Zimmerman murder trial, former President Jimmy Carter said Tuesday.

"I think the jury made the right decision based on the evidence presented, because the prosecution inadvertently set the standard so high that the jury had to be convinced that it was a deliberate act by Zimmerman that he was not at all defending himself, and so forth," Carter told Atlanta news channel WXIA. "It's not a moral question, it's a legal question and the American law requires that the jury listens to the evidence presented."

Congressional black caucus is preparing a bunch of nonsense bills trying to exploit the situation for more political benefit


Members of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) are readying a flurry of bills in response to George Zimmerman's acquittal on charges in last year's fatal shooting of Trayvon Martin.
The lawmakers are drafting proposals intended to rein in racial profiling; scrap state stand-your-ground laws; and promote better training for the nation's neighborhood watch volunteers, among other anti-violence measures.

CBC members had remained largely silent throughout the trial, but following the verdict, argued forcefully that, decades after the civil rights movement, the nation's criminal justice system still discriminates against blacks and other minorities.

Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.), an icon of the civil rights era, said the decision "seems to justify the stalking and killing of innocent black boys and deny them any avenue of self-defense."

Rep. Marcia Fudge (D-Ohio), head of the CBC, decried "the presumption of guilt so often associated with people of color."


There is a war going on over control of your mind
I'm not sure which is more annoying, the endless parade of obvious trolls or the fact hodj will spend hours upon hours attempting to have a legitimate argument with every single one of them.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Citation needed.
Well I would say that based on the fact that Zimmerman didn't mention race until specifically asked by the dispatcher that is evidence. Zimmerman said that TM was looking in windows, Staggering around, looks like he's on drugs, and a whole bunch of other shit that when a normal person sees it on the street alarm bells start going off. I am pretty sure GZ would have seen a white kid looking in windows, staggering around, on drugs, he would have done the same damn thing.


Buzzfeed Editor
Citation needed.
It is an unprovable statement, and really beside the point. Suspicious people can be black, white, latino, whatever. It is a strawman used to steer the debate towards race, because whoever uses that statement wants this to be about race. It isn't about race. So whoever uses this has an agenda, and I would call anyone who uses a tragedy involving the death of a minor for their own personal agenda an asshole.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Martin wasn't "looking into houses", though, was he? And the only way he matched the description was by being black and wearing a hoodie. He didn't have a noticeable tattoo or scars on his face or an eye patch or crutches or something. He was black and wearing a hoodie. While the responsibility for the shooting ultimately falls on Martin, anybody who says "This would not have happened if Trayvon had been white" is right. That's the detail that a lot of people who otherwise understand how the events unfolded still take issue with. Zimmerman doesn't have to be a racist for that to be right. You can say "police use profiling all the time", but profiling is highly controversial and outright illegal in many jurisdictions, including Florida. Again, the law is clear and Zimmerman was justified in his use of force but just saying "race had nothing to do with it" doesn't make it so.
Ok, but the line 'this would not have happened if Martin was white'. Is that really on Zimmerman? Or is that on the past history of crimes in that neighborhood that was committed by AA youths? Here is where I disagree with those that say this event was about race. I believe that if the past crimes were being committed by whites or even hispanics, I think Zimmerman would of profiled those groups. Not because he sees a white person or a hispanic person as dangerous or a threat. Because past history in his neighborhood has made him more aware and alert to those types. So of course he was more alert to AA youths. It doesn't mean he thinks all blacks are troublemakers.
Well I would say that based on the fact that Zimmerman didn't mention race until specifically asked by the dispatcher that is evidence. Zimmerman said that TM was looking in windows, Staggering around, looks like he's on drugs, and a whole bunch of other shit that when a normal person sees it on the street alarm bells start going off. I am pretty sure GZ would have seen a white kid looking in windows, staggering around, on drugs, he would have done the same damn thing.
Hmm they will be looking at the46 calls he made to 911 in the past few years. Almost all of the "suspicious activity" calls he made were about black males. But that is probably due to thedemographics of his neighborhoodwhich is apparently 25% black.

Anyway, Zimmerman sounds like a crazy wannabe cop who gives all responsible concealed carry holders a bad name. I'm not convinced he is a racist though.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>

"I am afraid that there is a certain class of race-problem solvers who don't want the patient to get well, because as long as the disease holds out they have not only an easy means of making a living, but also an easy medium through which to make themselves prominent before the public.
My experience is that people who call themselves "The Intellectuals" understand theories, but they do not understand things.I have long been convinced that, if these men could have gone into the South and taken up and become interested in some practical work which would have brought them in touch with people and things, the whole world would have looked very different to them. Bad as conditions might have seemed at first, when they saw that actual progress was being made, they would have taken a more hopeful view of the situation."

I always believed this, being intelligent doesn't make you immune from deluding yourself, if anything having a better imagination can be worse, you can take any concept and create a false reality even better.

Intellectuals like to think they are superior to the rest of the population which is true but the scale of intellectual difference is based on human perception, sure amongst ourselves we say the scale is huge but in reality in a broad sense even the smart people are only barely smarter, they aren't all THAT much different in behavior, they are still capable of being mass persuaded just like the other group they consider beneath them.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
Racial profiling by private citizens isn't illegal in any case. And the bar for anything to become a hate crime is exceedingly high. And any hate crime prosecution would have to get past self defense, which would apply in that context as well.

tl;dr this isn't going anywhere


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
All the evidence shows that he phoned that autopsy in and didn't follow procedure. I refuse to believe he is incompetent. I firmly believe he assumed it was just another dead black gangbanger killed by a gun shot and didn't give it the attention that he would have if it was say a dead white women. Just my opinion, but I think it's really plausible that was his mind set and would explain the mistakes.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
All the evidence shows that he phoned that autopsy in and didn't follow procedure. I refuse to believe he is incompetent. I firmly believe he assumed it was just another dead black gangbanger killed by a gun shot and didn't give it the attention that he would have if it was say a dead white women. Just my opinion, but I think it's really plausible that was his mind set and would explain the mistakes.
Oh yeah, I thought the same thing. I can only imagine what he was thinking after he phoned in his 500th young black male killed via gunshot and found out that it was turning into a national case.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Bao is from China. Chinese people...not super huge fans of the Africans as it is.

I mean they love extracting African resources for their own nation's economic benefits as much as everyone else, but, generally speaking, Han Chinese are pretty racist against all non Han Chinese, and Han Chinese tend to view themselves as "white" and prefer light skin over dark, so its not surprising to me at all that Dr Bao might not take autopsies of blacks as seriously as autopsies of other races.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Bao is from China. Chinese people...not super huge fans of the Africans as it is.

I mean they love extracting African resources for their own nation's economic benefits as much as everyone else, but, generally speaking, Han Chinese are pretty racist against all non Han Chinese, and Han Chinese tend to view themselves as "white" and prefer light skin over dark, so its not surprising to me at all that Dr Bao might not take autopsies of blacks as seriously as autopsies of other races.
I'm not saying he is racist. I'm saying that a normal thought process for seeing a black teenager with a hoodie with a gunshot would be to assume he is a gangbanger. I don't think he would treat a dead black man in a suit the same way. I don't think he was being racist, just biased on his own personal experience.

We all profile.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
I'm definitely saying Chinese males are racist because Chinese males tend to be pretty racist. They grow up literally surrounded by 99% people that look, talk and sound just like them, that share very similar world views. Most of China's ethnic minorities lay out in the Western Provinces, where there is less law and government and population in general, and Chinese culture is extremely male centric, family centric, conservative Confuscian world view centric and yeah.

Japanese males are also racist for pretty much the same reasons.

And Chinese and Japanese are racist as hell about one another, but that whole Japanese invasion and pillaging and raping of China is a big factor in that.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Its really not lol


Han Chinese make up 92% of Chinese citizens, and 98% of Taiwan's population. That's 92% of 1.3 billion people. Most of which are crammed into populations centers in the Eastern provinces of China, which is no larger than the size of the United State's East coast. So its like 4 times the population of our entire country, crammed into the areas east of the Mississippi.

Same with Japan. The Japanese ethnic group makes up like 98% of the island's population.

I'm still waiting for the mass movement to make those nations more racially sensitive and multicultural and tolerant...

In Japan its legally allowed for a Japanese business to discriminate against foreign consumers.




<Gold Donor>
We all profile.
Yep, and IMO its a natural and really a logical thing to do.

Take for example the Terrorist bullshit since 2001. Who do you think the government profiles? The boarder patrol at the US and Canada boarder for instance. You think they are stopping asians because they think they are al-queida?


Mr. Poopybutthole
Yep, and IMO its a natural and really a logical thing to do.

Take for example the Terrorist bullshit since 2001. Who do you think the government profiles? The boarder patrol at the US and Canada boarder for instance. You think they are stopping asians because they think they are al-queida?
Yeah but racism and profiling against arabs is socially acceptable.
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