Justice for Zimmerman

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Millie's Staff Member
Nah hes gonna cash in, but I agree he probably wont leave the country, let alone state.lots of redneck towns in Fla where he can settle in withought worries from being caught by the hoodrats


Nah hes gonna cash in, but I agree he probably wont leave the country, let alone state.lots of redneck towns in Fla where he can settle in withought worries from being caught by the hoodrats
I'd love to have him patrol my small town. Our cops do a great job don't get me wrong. But people act straight around cops, not normal citizens.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>

If Trayvon Martin were not a young black male, he would be alive today. Despite the verdict, it's clear that George Zimmerman would never have confronted a young white man wearing a hoodie. He would, at the very least, have listened to the cops and stayed back. Trayvon Martin is dead because Zimmerman believed that "these guys always get away" and chose not to wait for the police.

Trayvon Martin's death shatters the convenient myths that blind us to reality. That reality, as the Chicago Sun-Times editorial board wrote, is that "black men carry a special burden from the day they are born."
We need a national investigation of the racial context that led to Trayvon Martin's slaying. Congress must act. And it's time to call on the United Nations Human Rights Commission for an in-depth investigation of whether the U.S. is upholding its obligations under international human rights laws and treaties. Trayvon Martin's death demands much more than a jury's verdict on George Zimmerman. It calls for us to hear the evidence and render a verdict on the racial reality that never had its day in court at the trial.

"You are different than whitey", what legal challenges exist on paper that singles out blacks? why is it that it only takes government intervention to right public wrongs, this is literally a call on a variation of legislating morality.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
any riots?or this is going to be "i'm really mad but i'm only going to shout some shit and hold a sign"?


Molten Core Raider
So what evidence are all these news stories citing for Zimmerman confronting Martin and not the other way around? I would really love to see it. Seems like it's just sad attempts (well, they're working) at keeping the race issue going at full steam.


Unelected Mod
God, Piers Morgan is a fucking idiot. He really does his best to make Fox News not look that bad.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
So what evidence are all these news stories citing for Zimmerman confronting Martin and not the other way around? I would really love to see it. Seems like it's just sad attempts (well, they're working) at keeping the race issue going at full steam.
They're just making shit up.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Wait, she's fucking 19 and that radio host is telling her he'll send her to college if she finishes high school? Fuck, and that CNN guy is talking about her educational background? She's a high school dropout? Shouldn't you have already graduated by 19?


Molten Core Raider
Ebonics is easy. Just replace er with a and you're good to go. Ebonics also has no such thing as a racial slur.

Does anyone know what languages Jenteal speaks? I would really love to hear her speak any of them.

Piers Morgan is up there with Hannity, and that's a pretty high bar to compete for.

I like that this guy didn't care about the zimmerman trial but was just exposing the absurd hypocrisy of the bleeding hearts and wanting the media to actually look at the real problems in the country.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Does anyone know what languages Jenteal speaks?

Salon's Brittney Cooper wrote that Jeantel speaks her own "idiosyncratic" idiom that combines "the three languages - Hatian Kreyol (or Creole), Spanish, and English - that she speaks."

The thing about grammars, though, is that they rely on language, on a way of speaking and communicating, to give them power. And Rachel Jeantel has her own particular, idiosyncratic black girl idiom, a mashup of her Haitian and Dominican working-class background, her U.S. Southern upbringing, and the three languages - Hatian Kreyol (or Creole), Spanish and English - that she speaks.
Yes they went there.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Does anyone know what languages Jenteal speaks? I would really love to hear her speak any of them.
I thought I remember hearing Creole when she was in the news a lot after taking the stand. I don't know the third.
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