Justice for Zimmerman

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Buzzfeed Editor
no it's male white English, patriarchy dude.
lol, usually I just shrug this stuff off. But I came from an Italian "street" in Philadelphia and spent at least a few months every year in Jersey, so I had a pretty heavy guido accent leaving highschool. Once I was doing my internships in college though, I realized I was never going to go far without being able to speak somewhat eloquently. So I actually had to train myself to lose the accent.

It just blows my mind that they think it's a "black" thing. I'm not sure if this author understands how many people (Asians, Whites, Indians, Jersey assholes ect) go through very stringent accent reduction in order to get ahead. No matter how "non-racial" the detriment is (Like poor English), somehow it manages to come back to using race as an excuse/shield.

i know a few black people from africa, .
Funny, I know one African, from Ghana, I believe (Not totally sure). He's the most racist prick (Mind you--Racist against blacks.) I've ever encountered.


Golden Knight of the Realm
i know a few black people from africa, i have never heard the level of insults about american black people that i heard from these african men. basically these guys came from a dirt poor country which is constantly at war and their people are starving to death and the corpses line the roads to be picked up by the garbage trucks. they come here for a better life, they are willing to work themselves into exhaustion for that and when they see people like Jeantel The Hutt it makes them so angry.
When I was in college I sat next to this guy from Cameroon in Comp and Rhetoric and he fucking hated American blacks! He worked full time and went to school full time and he hated the lazy blacks at school (actually any lazy race) on some scholarship that didn't even bother showing up or just wore headphones all class long. He was a good guy, I hope hes doing well in life.


Musty Nester
Every real african i've known has been truly good people.

There was one girl at work who used to talk about how back in Africa they all lived in houses up in the trees, ran around naked all day long, ate nothing but twinkies that the U.N. airdropped in, and at night they had to run away from the lions.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Watch how fast this story vanishes now that the first polls are in.


The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 48% of American Adults agree with the jury's verdict that Hispanic neighborhood watch volunteer George Zimmerman is not guilty of murder in the shooting death of the black teenager. Thirty-four percent (34%) disagree with the Florida jury's verdict. Eighteen percent (18%) are not sure.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Every real african i've known has been truly good people.
There's a bit of selection bias here. Any first generation African is probably a very special person socio-economically. There's no boat that shows up at Lagos every day willing to take anyone who wants a better life to Ellis Island.


Musty Nester
There's a bit of selection bias here. Any first generation African is probably a very special person socio-economically. There's no boat that shows up at Lagos every day willing to take anyone who wants a better life to Ellis Island.
Yeah, there's alotof selection. I don't think every african in africa is great people, just the ones that i've met.


Molten Core Raider
So are the people controlling Jenteal still blocking her social media posts? I'd love to see the stuff she's posting now, if she is.

Amazes me how apparently people's Twitter and FB posts can get completely ignored. A lot of 7-year olds out there.


A Mod Real Quick
There were a lot of blacks in my engineering classes that moved here just to go to college. Those dudes had thick, heavy accents and hung out with themselves most of the time. They were the smartest and brightest people in my classes, and you could tell it was because they generally gave a huge fuck about school and their future. A few of them are doing masters/phd work now. It's so different than looking at American blacks like Jeantel who can barely speak a language they've grown up with for 19 years - yet the dudes from Africa spoke perfect (almost too perfect) English.

I realize it may be different if you grow up in the ghetto, I didn't, but is it really so hard to look around the world and go "maybe if I do well in school, I can get out of this"? They all want to follow their role models and get drugs, guns, and money and live the fast, hard life.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
Black (and white)culture became a huge downward spiral around the time of the "great society" programs, the liberals got their reforms and many of them where a failure and they won't live up to unintended consequences of their failures like this. They just spout the same emotionally based ideology that was formed around the 1920's like it couldn't possibly do harm to society.




Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Most Africans who come here are either the absolute cream of the crop of the elites in their home countries, or they're refugees from war.

Both of those scenarios tend to give you people who've seen enough shit to be appreciative of what they have when they get here, even if they have a phD and are still buying most of their clothes as Goodwill, like my African Cultures professor last Spring who was a cultural anthropologist from the Democratic (HA!) Republic (HA! HA!) of the Congo. His research on the rebel tribes of the eastern provinces basically ended with his life being under threat, and he had to flee to the States. He ended up earning his phD from my University, and teaches several classes on African culture and politics and whatnot.

A big part, I feel, of the problem with the African American community is that they're so obsessed with the past they have trouble living in the present. I do accept that at least part of that is due to the history of slavery and segregation, but the further from the end of those events we get, the less valid that argument becomes, and the more valid the argument becomes that certain, very powerful, very wealthy, people in the minority communities are exploiting what was once a natural and justified fear of the system into a purposefully created version of unrest and discontentment for their own political and financial benefits.

That article from Jay from the 40 year old virgin is great by the way.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
If you grew up in the DRC, you'd work your ass off to get out of there as well.

Place is literally hell on Earth.

You know that meme that goes around with the black dude with the like cloth on his head and it says "Everywhere I go, I must also rape"?

That's a real quote, from a real man, in the DRC

We watched this video in that class and when that part came up I had to keep from laughing because I had seen the meme before on the internet


The Mai Mai were the group my professor did research on....



A Mod Real Quick
Maybe we could institute a law where "Wakandan=American Inventor" so that it was a racial epithet as well. Tired of them using that word all the time. It sets them back even further and they don't even seem to realize it.
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