Justice for Zimmerman

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Musty Nester
I'm pretty sure that girl speaks Jive.

I'm sorry, but that shit coming out of her mouth is not a language. You don't get to invent your own language that only you understand. When white people do that we call him Andy Kaufmann.


Molten Core Raider
None of those articles actually said she spoke fluently (as Piers said) any of those language, including English.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
None of those articles actually said she spoke fluently (as Piers said) any of those language, including English.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
She's just one more in an endless stream of red herrings anyway. The media loves her because she is a polarizing figure and anytime someone mocks her speech or looks its like a freebie gotcha to discredit anyone who isn't parroting the ideological claptrap. No one mentions that she helped get Zimmerman off with her testimony. Like that dude in the vid says, they would rather turn her into some poor hapless victim to be pitied.


Unelected Mod
I'm still shocked they couldn't find any character witnesses for Trayvon. They couldn't find one other person that knew him enough and was presentable as a witness? Or is there a reason they wouldn't bring up character witnesses for him, even if they were presentable? Maybe that would have allowed them to bring in the text messages.


Musty Nester
Nah, it means that no one ever educated her and she's just formed a pidgin. Which is a failure, but not entirely her failure.

A little bit her failure. Not entirely.


Musty Nester
Just forming the pidgin shows you that she's not entirely real retarded, sir.

She's probably halfway clever.


Millie's Staff Member
You think thats sad? How about a full scholarship that she will never take full advantage of because she would never attend or advance beyond the first year even if by some miracle she gets her GED.


Tranny Chaser
She's just one more in an endless stream of red herrings anyway. The media loves her because she is a polarizing figure and anytime someone mocks her speech or looks its like a freebie gotcha to discredit anyone who isn't parroting the ideological claptrap. No one mentions that she helped get Zimmerman off with her testimony. Like that dude in the vid says, they would rather turn her into some poor hapless victim to be pitied.
The more this drags on the more disturbing I am finding it. Larry Elder, while heated, is exactly right. None of this grand standing from the left does a single thing to help black people and his message about things that would actually help address the core issues (single parent households, poor education, few employment opportunities) that are destroying black communities is met with almost mockery by the one of very people who is supposed to be on their side.

I watched Rachel Jeantel's testimony. She was unintelligible, rude to the court, disrespectful in her demeanor and tone, and her testimony helped the defense. The prosecutor's star witness did systemic damage to their entire case. But all that doesn't matter somehow because I guess the defense was mean to her? Hey, let's all talk about how warm and sophisticated this young black woman that none of us would even hire to wash dishes. And I think the defense attorneys might be racists.

You think thats sad? How about a full scholarship that she will never take full advantage of because she would never attend or advance beyond the first year even if by some miracle she gets her GED.
Do you think any professor is going to fail her on her way to her communications degree? I'm not even joking either. Do you think anyone will give her a failing grade?


Millie's Staff Member
Do you think any professor is going to fail her on her way to her communications degree? I'm not even joking either. Do you think anyone will give her a failing grade?
well christ i hope to fuck they wouldnt just pass her through everything because that college degree would equal exactly dogshit when writing her resume or when she is interviewed for any position. It will also equally diminish any other degree legitimately obtained at that college.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
she sounds giddy like when they find one of those villages that haven't found civilization yet in the amazon.
Dude, those people are significantly cooler and more intelligent and comprehendable and respectful than she was, that's the thing. She defines a whole new level of incomprehensible stupidity. The complete lack of social comprehension that in a courtroom you act with some degree of respect for the process at hand, especially in a murder trial. Its just tone deafness writ large. Its really sad.




Buzzfeed Editor
Article_sl said:
powerful white men fluently deploying corporate, proper English in ways that she could not do. The way they spoke to her was designed not only to discredit her, but to condescend to and humiliate her.
So speaking fluent English is now just another way "the man" uses his corporate powers to humiliate and discredit black people. I mean....really....at what point does the bar just find it's lowest spot?


Tranny Chaser
So speaking fluent English is now just another way "the man" uses his corporate powers to humiliate and discredit black people. I mean....really....at what point does the bar just find it's lowest spot?
Didn't you notice how the lawyers conducted themselves differently, how they treated that bold young black woman unlike the other witnesses, how even their very grammar changed once Rachel took the stand?

Check. Yo. Privilege.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
"Black English"? For fuck's sake, giving shitty English a name doesn't legitimize it. It is still horrible English that, at the least, evidences poor education. Learn to speak properly, it isn't hard to obtain a decent grasp of the language.

You shouldn't be able to sign up for twitter or text until you can pass at least a middle school level English test.


Molten Core Raider
Dude, those people are significantly cooler and more intelligent and comprehendable and respectful than she was, that's the thing. She defines a whole new level of incomprehensible stupidity. The complete lack of social comprehension that in a courtroom you act with some degree of respect for the process at hand, especially in a murder trial. Its just tone deafness writ large. Its really sad.


Aw man, don't show me that, so depressing. Within 3 generations the liberals will have their descendants fat, lazy, stupid, and worthless. murdering and raping eachother, addicted to drugs, and rioting in oakland for free xboxes. All i could think during that shit was "Don't cross that bridge Wakandan! RUN! they are not your friends! RUUUUUN!" First they pull out the tape recorders and the cameras so you'll lower your defenses, soon they'll take you to visit their magical kingdom across the ocean, thats when the crack pipes, syringes, and welfare checks start getting passed around to everybody. Then when they're completely empty and broken as a people, Al Sharpton will step out from behind a curtain and explain their new purpose in life and welcome them to the "new tribe".


Millie's Staff Member
Aw man, don't show me that, so depressing. Within 3 generations the liberals will have their descendants fat, lazy, stupid, and worthless. murdering and raping eachother, addicted to drugs, and rioting in oakland for free xboxes. All i could think during that shit was "Don't cross that bridge Wakandan! RUN! they are not your friends! RUUUUUN!" First they pull out the tape recorders and the cameras so you'll lower your defenses, soon they'll take you to visit their magical kingdom across the ocean, thats when the crack pipes, syringes, and welfare checks start getting passed around to everybody. Then when they're completely empty and broken as a people, Al Sharpton will step out from behind a curtain and explain their new purpose in life and welcome them to the "new tribe".
i know a few black people from africa, i have never heard the level of insults about american black people that i heard from these african men. basically these guys came from a dirt poor country which is constantly at war and their people are starving to death and the corpses line the roads to be picked up by the garbage trucks. they come here for a better life, they are willing to work themselves into exhaustion for that and when they see people like Jeantel The Hutt it makes them so angry.
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