Justice for Zimmerman

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Molten Core Raider
Since Jenteal seems to be an expert in black culture and language, can we axe her to pronounce any word that ends in "er", for differentiation purposes?


Musty Nester
They use Wakandan as a term of endearment. Its quite sad, really.
Not really. It's changing the nature of the word. There's a very good reason that they do that. It's not just something that formed randomly in the zeitgeist. I'd think there have actually been a few scholarly studies devoted to how that agenda was pushed exactly and who exactly pushed it.

That sort of solidarity can be used as a tool for empowerment. Maybe it's not a very strong tool, but it is a tool. It's an unreliable tool given that it does mutate over time and distance, but it does reinforce a bond from within rather than impose one from without. Of course you have to realize when it becomes exclusionary and self-defeating.

Edit: I'd much rather hear them call each other American Inventors as a term of affection than have to "bury the 'n' word" in the cemetary every fucking year. And I think so would the people who use it that way. Not sad at all really if you think about it. The other way is sad.


Musty Nester
Don't worry about it. They took the word, but in order to take it we had to give it to them.

White guys still win.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Most Africans who come here are either the absolute cream of the crop of the elites in their home countries, or they're refugees from war.

A big part, I feel, of the problem with theAfrican American community is that they're so obsessed with the past they have trouble living in the present. I do accept that at least part of that is due to the history of slavery and segregation, but the further from the end of those events we get, the less valid that argument becomes, and the more valid the argument becomes that certain, very powerful, very wealthy, people in the minority communities are exploiting what was once a natural and justified fear of the system into a purposefully created version of unrest and discontentment for their own political and financial benefits.

That article from Jay from the 40 year old virgin is great by the way.
C'mon man, you're better than that. You can't talk about Africans emigrating to the US and in the next sentence talk about native blacks and refer to them as African Americans. You know damn well the blacks we're talking about aren't African.

I've never understood the whole calling blacks African American thing. It's fucking bizarre. But you can't go doing that when you're talking about actual African Americans in the previous sentence! You're doing them an injustice.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
That article lost me when he said that the only reason anyone cared was because the media chose to inflate the story.


Blackwing Lair Raider
My son that's about to go into kindergarten sometimes says "Mines" instead of mine. "Oh this one is mines" It drives me nuts. The school is really diverse but it's expensive. Everyone speaks proper English. I'm assuming he got it from one of the teachers aids or something. But it kills me, he just sounds ridiculous.


<Gold Donor>
Its okay, he should learn some ebonics. If he doesn't get introduced to it at a young age, he'll never know the muggers want his wallet and end up getting shot a few times because of it.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
C'mon man, you're better than that. You can't talk about Africans emigrating to the US and in the next sentence talk about native blacks and refer to them as African Americans. You know damn well the blacks we're talking about aren't African.

I've never understood the whole calling blacks African American thing. It's fucking bizarre. But you can't go doing that when you're talking about actual African Americans in the previous sentence! You're doing them an injustice.
I don't necessarily disagree, but I try to use the term African American because its the accepted nomenclature.



Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I used to get really annoyed when my parents would correct me on may I or can I. Need to call and beg forgiveness because the older I get the more I can appreciate not sounding like ignorant trash when I speak.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
al sharpton: ,"I tell my kids not to say Wakandan or cracka but that's just the way some of ya'll talk"
Jenteal: "How we speak is our culture"


can't figure out how to embed this meeting of the minds between jenteal and sharpton, it's at the bottom of the page.

and according to jenteal zimmerman is not a man because he didn't testify.


al sharpton: ,"I tell my kids not to say Wakandan or cracka but that's just the way some of ya'll talk"
Jenteal: "How we speak is our culture"


can figure out how to embed this meeting of the minds between jenteal and sharpton, it's at the bottom of the page.

and according to her zimmerman is not a man because he didn't testify.
NEWSFLASH there is something wrong with your culture.


Avatar of War Slayer
Is ebonics offically a language now? I remeber a few years ago during my college days that there was a debate about it and it was not even able to fall under a dialect, let alone its own language... and it shouldent be- thats like saying gutter speak is an offical dialect or another language to 'the kings' english...

the media is still trying their damnedest to make it out like zimmerman stalked and attacked martin.

That huff post artical about the 6 things that could have been done to prevent martin's death was stupid. Most of those points where refuted during the trial... how about a list of 1 thing-- DONT PUNCH PEOPLE IN THE FACE
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