Justice for Zimmerman

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Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>

Following a request from the FBI, the Sanford Police Department reported Thursday that it has halted its plan to return George Zimmerman's gun and other pieces of evidence used at his murder trial.

The move is a clear sign that the U.S. Department of Justice is moving ahead with its investigation into whether the former Neighborhood Watch volunteer violated the civil rights of Trayvon Martin, the unarmed black 17-year-old he shot in Sanford last year.
Obama tell Holder to double down on the stupidity?


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
I'd love to hear more about how stand your ground was used in the Zimzam trial pls.


Blackyce, I think the lesson would be not to stalk and accost an innocent person simply because they are black. If you get your ass kicked for being a dumbass, that's your fault.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Blackyce, I think the lesson would be not to stalk and accost an innocent person simply because they are black. If you get your ass kicked for being a dumbass, that's your fault.
Evidence clearly shows that he was waiting for police and had stopped following TM when TM came back and confronted GZ.

Sorry but following someone does not give the other person the right to kick their ass.

Troll harder Jeantel.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Meh. I support the concept of SYG, or at the very least I think there should be a national standard of self defense that supersedes the ridiculousness of duty to retreat states. I think castle doctrine states have it mostly right. My problem is that the implementation of SYG seems to be so far away from what I perceive the intent to be.

Stand Your Ground should never, under any circumstance, apply to two drug dealers who kill an innocent bystander in the crossfire while shooting at one another.


Tranny Chaser
Blackyce, I think the lesson would be not to stalk and accost an innocent person simply because they are black. If you get your ass kicked for being a dumbass, that's your fault.
Yes, I agree that it was his fault. Doesn't he know how dangerous black males are? It's best to put all responsibility onto Zimmerman. Those colored people are little more than wild animals, soulless brutes to whom blame cannot be placed. To follow one is to court death.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Yes, I agree that it was his fault. Doesn't he know how dangerous black males are? It's best to put all responsibility onto Zimmerman. Those colored people are little more than wild animals, soulless brutes to whom blame cannot be placed. To follow one is to court death.
^^^ Not racist at all.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Who says that Zimmerman didn't instigate the fight?
Rachel Jeantel "I believe Trayvon hit first"

Original source


Youtube version

Its at 1:33 in the video but the whole video is illustrative of the stretching and grasping at straws that Numbers is doing. Jeantel is doing the same thing "If you're being followed, grabbed, hit, do you defend yourself?" Jeantel asks, then Mark Lamont Hill says "In your mind, who swung first?" and she answers "I believe Trayvon did."

That's the end of the conversation there Numbers. You're wrong. Everyone thinks Martin swung first, even Jeantel. That is the moment when he became the aggressor, that's the moment when Zimmerman became the defender. That's the moment when, legally, everything switched and that's why Zimmerman was found not guilty.


Tranny Chaser
Who says that Zimmerman didn't instigate the fight? He wanted it, and when he lost, he pulled the gun and murdered the kid.
Yeah, there's no evidence that Zimmerman started the fight. Trayvon doubled back and used the very tactics he discussed on his Facebook - a shot to the nose and some ground and pound - to teach that creepy ass cracka a lesson.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Speaking of "creepy ass cracka", why isn't anyone upset about the fact that TM and RJ were racist? I mean seriously, it's fucking right there out in the open, but NOOOOO, it has to be George Zimmerman, even though Jeantel the hutt openly admits they used racist language.

Is it not racist anymore to say derogatory names for white people like it is for anyone of non-caucasion decent?
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