Justice for Zimmerman

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I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
In some ways it makes sense. If you're alone in your house and getting robbed your survival might be higher if you flee instead of engaging the assailant. Personally I don't really care, if someone breaks into your ass I think their life and yours should be legally in your hands.


<Gold Donor>
Yeah they shoud make it mandatory to hand over your weapons to the perpatrators as well, you know, so if they dont have a gun, sword or bat to protect themselves with they will then.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Now those right to flee laws are fucked up IMO. If you think about it logically, they do not make sense. You have to flee your house when your life is threatened? What is that liberalville? Robbers life is more important than yours?
If your life is threatened it becomes self-defense and is then legal - at least for MD - our issues come with an unarmed and unthreatening burglar, in those cases you're "required to retreat" across the house to call 911 and wait.

B/E and Theft not Home Invasion.


<Gold Donor>
In some ways it makes sense. If you're alone in your house and getting robbed your survival might be higher if you flee instead of engaging the assailant. Personally I don't really care, if someone breaks into your ass I think their life and yours should be legally in your hands.
Depends what their intent is. What if its to rape and kill you or kidnap your kid?


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Depends what their intent is. What if its to rape and kill you or kidnap your kid?
That becomes self-defense/defense of life (or whatever the secondhand term is precisely I know I'm screwing it up) in the jurisdictions I'm familiar with. An overwhelming amount of property theft is non-violent and done by unarmed perpetrators.


Best Rabbit
<Gold Donor>
If your life is threatened it becomes self-defense and is then legal - at least for MD - our issues come with an unarmed and unthreatening burglar, in those cases you're "required to retreat" across the house to call 911 and wait.

B/E and Theft not Home Invasion.
"Pardon me, Mister Burglar, do you happen any guns, knifes, or anything that could hurt me? No? Ok, I'm just going to go into my bedroom closet here, since you're unarmed and are thus unthreatening. NP. Take what you wish, thanks!"


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
mkopec_sl said:
Depends what their intent is. What if its to rape and kill you or kidnap your kid?
Note the preconditions in my statement, that you are getting robbed and are alone. I don't know what preconditions exist in the legally required flee laws they have in liberal paradises like Maryland but I would hope they'd put in exceptions for if you have family in your house.

As for if their intent is to rape me, I guess it's very unlikely and I don't worry about getting raped too much.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
In some ways it makes sense. If you're alone in your house and getting robbed your survival might be higher if you flee instead of engaging the assailant. Personally I don't really care, if someonebreaks into your assI think their life and yours should be legally in your hands.
What if it's just the tip?


Trakanon Raider
Some Castle Laws have "to prevent a felony or the commision of" etc, B and E is still a felony no?


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
If your life is threatened it becomes self-defense and is then legal - at least for MD - our issues come with an unarmed and unthreatening burglar, in those cases you're "required to retreat" across the house to call 911 and wait.

B/E and Theft not Home Invasion.
Well, I think the issue is it can be hard to tell if you're just being robbed by an unarmed person or whether you're being home invaded and assaulted, what have you, particular at night when these types of events tends to occur the most. People wake up to someone breaking a window, kicking in a door, they're already disadvantaged, so then the law is telling them "You need to verify you're being B&Ed by an "unthreatening burglar" (to me that's an oxymoron, quite frankly, but that's neither here nor there and I don't think you meant the statement to be taken that way anyway, but hopefully you can see my point about presuming that a burglar is unthreatening in any situation seems to be a mistake from my point of view) before you're allowed to consider defending yourself, versus, you know, just grabbing your handgun from the drawer by the bed, poking your head around the corner, and blowing their brains out when they come into view.

Not that that situation hasn't ended in mistaken shootings of family members and the like in the past but the point stands.

I don't want to have to take the time to consider whether my burglar is a friendly drunk or a person intent on doing this to me and my family



privileged excrementlord
Yeah, I couldn't care less about intent. If you break into my house, you're about to eat buckshot. Also, what the fuck Obama.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Yeah, I could care less about intent. If you break into my house, you're about to eat buckshot. Also, what the fuck Obama.
Shrug - although I'm not fond of the lack of castle doctrine here - I don't see the harm in pulling a weapon on them and NOT SHOOTING and then if they pull a weapon or charge, then shoot in self-defense. Intimidating them with a weapon to leave is still perfectly legal here.


Trakanon Raider
Personally I don't really care,if someone breaks into your assI think their life and yours should be legally in your hands.
Freudian slip Tucbro? Or do we need to have a talk?

Tuco_sl said:
As for if their intent is to rape me, I guess it's very unlikely and I don't worry about getting raped too much.
I dunno bro, seems like you worry plenty.
Shrug - although I'm not fond of the lack of castle doctrine here - I don't see the harm in pulling a weapon on them and NOT SHOOTING and then if they pull a weapon or charge, then shoot in self-defense. Intimidating them with a weapon to leave is still perfectly legal here.
You're basically thinking of how things work in movies. Look at this exact case...Zimmerman's gun had no effect on his losing the fight and sustaining injuries until he pulled the trigger. If things are bad enough to warrant a gun being drawn I'm assuming that I am near death in that moment. There is no way I consider trying to setup some kind of standoff until I can successfully call the police and keep the gun on the guy at the same time. I got a big phone, brah...can't handle a Galaxy Note 2 (TM), talk to 911 on it, and keep a gun trained on a guy at the same time and still feel out of danger. What if the intruder doesn't just leave when the gun comes out? Too many possibilities, most of them with unhappy endings.
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