Justice for Zimmerman

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scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
Its too bad Tuco that you're going to let him intentionally ruin any conversation in here though, even if he's doing it with an admittedly retarded accomplice.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Dude we got him to say the solution is to throw all the white people out of government.

You really want to stop this rollercoaster now?

Give me another page he'll be calling for mass extermination!
I don't think he said that. He said we should have a trial balloon of throwing out all the white people out of govt.

Are you telling me that my threshold for banning someone should be set lower than your threshold for arguing with someone? It's like you're in Central Park arguing with a crazy homeless person and you find a cop and ask him to do something about the homeless person because he's not speaking enough sense.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
I don't think he said that. He said we should have a trial balloon of throwing out all the white people out of govt.

Are you telling me that my threshold for banning someone should be set lower than your threshold for arguing with someone? It's like you're in Central Park arguing with a crazy homeless person and you find a cop and ask him to do something about the homeless person because he's not speaking enough sense.
No, I was just making a joke about how far Numbers was going. It was funny how far he was willing to go was all.

Wait, what did I ask you to do?


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider


Sparkletot Monger
Lemme take a stab here at what's fucking up the black community, specifically.

Adolescent boys are by and large "pack animals". Peer pressure, role modeling ect play a huge role because no matter what the race, a 16 year olds primary objective is to get laid. Boys fear standing out. They conform. So when you see kids like Trayvonn, they aren't the exception in the black community... They are the base.

How did that happen? How did acting like a criminal become not only socially acceptable, but the de facto enforced socially? (Snitches get stitches, don't talk white, only allowable music is rap, teenage pregnancy, ect). It wasn't always like this, while there was more racism, crime statistics for pre 1950s were pretty even. In my opinion a tipping point was reached from a massive array of factors.

One of these is pretty simple. If you want a good clue as what a toddler is going to be like and how well they are going to do in school, find out how often the parent reads to them. Historical economic inequity ravaged the black community. While you can say that black people have all, even more opportunity than white since the 80s, the damage had been done and is just reaching its apex (hopefully). Far too many black homes are single mother. So not only are black boys without any strong significant male role model or effective discipline when they hit adolescence, because the mother has to work to support their family, there is little time for those things that help orientate a person toward education. As a result you have things like the achievement gap, the anger of young males who have realized they have little hope for the future, and the frustration that brings with it

This just one reason for what Borzak describes as failure, it's probably better named "broken"


Unelected Mod
If the DoJ actually brings charges, I think I might start considering rioting. Jesus christ that would be outrageous.

So lets go over the evidence for and against Zimmerman having racial intent...

1) He said "he (Trayvon) looks black" after being ASKED to give the race.

On the other side, we have

1) He took a black woman to his high school prom
2) Has a afro-peruvian great grandfather
3) Raised in an racially integrated household
4) Partnered with a black man to start a business
5) He and his wife tutored minority children for free
6) He led an inquiry into the official death of a black homeless person by a white police officer. Zimmerman alleged that the Sanford police department had covered for a son of a white police officer.

Today we even have Obama trying to yet again force race into this story. It is just surreal, I don't want to live in this country anymore.


Rogue Deathwalker Box
<Silver Donator>
I clicked the MSNBC stream hoping for anime porn, and found a "panel" of 4 blacks talking about how stand your ground laws are the same as lynching laws, and how all white people fear blacks.

And this is why I do not watch TV, or the news. There was not 1 person on the channel to offer any parity to what the 4 clowns were spewing.


Sparkletot Monger
Just one thing as an addendum to the last post. There has been a shift and more and more black homes are 2 parent. This, while maybe glacially slow to significantly impact trends, will, if it continues go a long way to fixing the problems for young black males over the course of a couple generations


Mr. Poopybutthole
Just one thing as an addendum to the last post. There has been a shift and more and more black homes are 2 parent. This, while maybe glacially slow to significantly impact trends, will, if it continues go a long way to fixing the problems for young black males over the course of a couple generations


Millie's Staff Member
Can't believe Obama is again talking about this shit. I'm pretty disgusted with him at this point. Even worse, he brings up Stand Your Ground again. Seriously?
hes doing it because the TM verdict is no longer top story and all the scandals are coming back into the spotlight again. Snowden, PRISM, IRS, etc. the prez needs more cover til these things fade away from the headlines. although i dont think Snowden and the spying issue is going away anytime soon.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Can't believe Obama is again talking about this shit. I'm pretty disgusted with him at this point. Even worse, he brings up Stand Your Ground again. Seriously?
He (and Holder) keep bringing up Stand Your Ground because they both know that a federal investigation directly targeting Zimmerman isn't going to go anywhere so they have to direct to SYG to placate the masses, despite the fact that SYG had nothing to do with the case.

Doesn't SYG basically mean you don't have to retreat in the fact of the threat? So even if this was a SYG case, perhaps someone can explain to the President how Zimmerman was supposed to retreat while having a decent size human on top of him trying to pound him into the ground.


Sparkletot Monger

Reading into it I'd say the reason is pretty simple. Historically another time when single mother homes were the drastically elevated in the lower classes (economically) were in France before the French Revolution and in the US after the Great Depression.

Men leave when they are ashamed of the fact they can't support their family. They can't stand the humiliation, so they remove themselves from it. One reason for the upturn in the black community is the upswing in economic mobility.

Think about it.. What do most fights in a marriage revolve arou d? What is the reason for most divorces? $$


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
He's being quite retarded atm. Comments like "That could of been me 35 years ago" are just wow. So he's saying he would return and confront someone and then try to bash their head into the ground? Or the fact that he probably grew up in a privileged life, private schools, car as soon as he hit 16 or had a driver etc(nothing like martin who was already in the criminal life) Just makes his comments so asinine and nothing more then a political statement to curry favor among a certain demographic. He should just keep his mouth shut or give neutral statements.
His past is pretty public record and it wasn't the "privleged life, private schools" bit... and I personally took it to mean he could've been harassed by some idiot for no reason that could've taken a wrong turn, not that he would've had aggressive tendencies. Claiming similarity with the victim doesn't mean claiming he would've acted identically - you're making a stretch to criticize someone you obviously have a previous dislike for. (Especially with the lack of knowledge of his pretty damn humble roots for a President - no idea if he had the most humble beginnings, but absolutely has to be one of the most - single parent teacher family for most of it for example...)


Bronze Baronet of the Realm

Reading into it I'd say the reason is pretty simple. Historically another time when single mother homes were the drastically elevated in the lower classes (economically) were in France before the French Revolution and in the US after the Great Depression.

Men leave when they are ashamed of the fact they can't support their family. They can't stand the humiliation, so they remove themselves from it. One reason for the upturn in the black community is the upswing in economic mobility.

Think about it.. What do most fights in a marriage revolve arou d? What is the reason for most divorces? $$
Also keep in mind in the past 20 years there's been Food Stamp reforms that made it less of a loss to be married rather than file for every food stamp case separately - you still lose out a little now, but the dropoff is only like 20% now instead of the 50-60% it was during Bush Sr. era - so for people on Food Stamps there's less of a "marriage penalty" when it comes to that benefit alone.

And note it's not the only case where such "penalties" exist - I actually was suggested by my accountant that the wife and I divorce when I started on disability because I'm actually receiving about $250/mo less than I would've in SSI payments should we have gotten divorced - I'm literally "paying" $250/mo for the privilege of being married in lost benefits. (Well likely a bit more than that now, there's been a few differentials since he quoted that loss)

So on both sides it's really set up to improve stability - not only is there more mobility now as you stated, but even for those not being mobile - they've got a very minor penalty if they get hitched to any benefits they get versus the previous steep one.
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