Justice for Zimmerman

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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
That doesn't smell right - where you getting that list from? Supposedly Baltimore got out of the Top 10 the past few years [although just barely I think it was #11], had been riding high on #3-4th place and note DC had always been above it per capita as well, which is completely not on that list. So unless DC got loads better and we went back to where we'd been roughly (speaking we as a MDer I live in the County) it seems off from the "local parts" in the list.


Potato del Grande
Wtf am I in the twilight zone? This dude leads our country lol. Fuck our justice system and evidence and facts right? Is Obama saying he could have bashed a hispanic's head into the ground? Between this and Snowden/Prism I think he has gone full on retard, guess that's what happens when you don't have to worry about reelection.

they explicitly suggested provoking them to leave with a brandished weapon and not using itunless they presented aggression
that's exactly the point, dead men can't tell their side of the story. not to sound like fucking clint eastwood, but it's the truth.


Mr. Poopybutthole
The reason Chicago isn't on the list is because despite having the highest number of murders in the country, the per capita murder rate is low because the high murder rates are basically exclusive to the poor black neighborhoods.

So here are some more numbers for some perspective.

Chicago - 506 murders, 2.7m population, 18.7 murders per 100k (No SYG)
New York City - 414 murders, 8.1m population, 5.1 murders per 100k (No SYG)
Detroit - 411 murders, 707k population, 58.1 murders per 100k (SYG)
Philadelphia - 331 murders, 1.5m population, 21.5 murders per 100k (SYG)
St. Louis - 113 murders, 318k population, 35.5 murders per 100k (No SYG)
Cleveland - 97 murders, 394k population, 24.6 murders per 100k (No SYG)
New Orleans - 193 murders, 361k population, 53.5 murders per 100k (SYG)
Washington DC - 88 murders, 618k population, 14.2 murders per 100k (No SYG)
Los Angeles - 294 murders, 3.8m population, 7.7 murders per 100k (SYG)

That doesn't smell right - where you getting that list from? Supposedly Baltimore got out of the Top 10 the past few years [although just barely I think it was #11], had been riding high on #3-4th place and note DC had always been above it per capita as well, which is completely not on that list. So unless DC got loads better and we went back to where we'd been roughly (speaking we as a MDer I live in the County) it seems off from the "local parts" in the list.
My first post about the top 10 was per capita murders, not total murders.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
that's exactly the point, dead men can't tell their side of the story. not to sound like fucking clint eastwood, but it's the truth.
True - I guess I can see that - and obviously I can see why law enforcement wouldn't suggest that variant as well since it would complicate their investigation into things and make it "messier" instead of cut and dry.

The reason Chicago isn't on the list is because despite having the highest number of murders in the country, the per capita murder rate is low because the high murder rates are basically exclusive to the poor black neighborhoods.

So here are some more numbers for some perspective.

Chicago - 506 murders, 2.7m population, 18.7 murders per 100k (No SYG)
New York City - 414 murders, 8.1m population, 5.1 murders per 100k (No SYG)
Detroit - 411 murders, 707k population, 58.1 murders per 100k (SYG)
Philadelphia - 331 murders, 1.5m population, 21.5 murders per 100k (SYG)
St. Louis - 113 murders, 318k population, 35.5 murders per 100k (No SYG)
Cleveland - 97 murders, 394k population, 24.6 murders per 100k (No SYG)
New Orleans - 193 murders, 361k population, 53.5 murders per 100k (SYG)
Washington DC - 88 murders, 618k population, 14.2 murders per 100k (No SYG)
Los Angeles - 294 murders, 3.8m population, 7.7 murders per 100k (SYG)

My first post about the top 10 was per capita murders, not total murders.
Aha! That would explain it. I'd thought it was old per-capita quotes, but they changed the metric I guess to make it sound better.


privileged excrementlord
Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, California, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington, and West Virginia are all Stand Your Ground states, meaning you have no duty to retreat regardless of where you're attacked.

The top 10 American cities ranked by per capita murders in 2012, in descending order (Flint is #1)

Flint, Michigan - SYG
Detroit, Michigan - SYG
New Orleans, Louisiana - SYG
St. Louis, Missouri - No SYG
Baltimore, Maryland - No SYG
Birmingham, Alabama - SYG
Newark, New Jersey - No SYG
Oakland, California - SYG
Baton Rouge, Louisiana - SYG
Cleveland, Ohio - No SYG
Memphis, Tennessee - SYG

6 SYG vs 4 non SYG doesn't seem like pure chaos. Also, considering that two states made it on the list twice, and given what we know of Flint and Detroit, it seems pretty clear that socio-economic reasons have a lot more to do with the murder rate than self defense laws.
Is there a comparison anywhere to the number of deaths considered self defense in accordance with SYG?


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Wtf am I in the twilight zone? This dude leads our country lol. Fuck our justice system and evidence and facts right? Is Obama saying he could have bashed a hispanic's head into the ground? Between this and Snowden/Prism I think he has gone full on retard, guess that's what happens when you don't have to worry about reelection.

Do people from some elements of our society just not understand context? He was talking about the odd treatment where people react poorly to them, Z's following of Trayvon that started things - not Trayvon's out of line response.

It's literally plain as day.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
Z's following of Trayvon that started things -
That's neither illegal nor immoral behavior, notice it was "following" trayvon he didn't approach him or confront him all he did was observe and get approached. You are literally washing treyvons hands of his actions. by your logic leaving your house increases the chances you will kill someone today DON'T LEAVE THE HOUSE.

I think there is this desire to win some kind of point by the left on this argument to get something, this probably motivated say eric holder to criticize stand your ground. This also probably motivates the president who would be better served dropping it or taking a political hit to do the right thing and help poor black people instead of giving bankers billions of dollars. By far the most important thing in the world that will effect ALL of our lives are the TTIP and TPP free trade agreements that have a press blackout right now, that's reality, not this circus sideshow.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
That's neither illegal nor immoral behavior, you are literally washing treyvons hands of his actions. by your logic leaving your house increases the chances you will kill someone today DON'T LEAVE THE HOUSE.
In an ideal society the only people that would be followed and pursued or otherwise responded to would be those that are actually doing something sketchy - that's his fucking point. A fucking goldfish has the brainpower to understand that. He's not assigning any blame in that clip AT ALL, he's saying it's sad that people get hassled when they're doing nothing abnormal. Which unless you're not a fucking moron makes a ton of sense.

I've been scrutinized as a kid for theft when I was with a group of friends that all got busted for stealing, it felt absolutely shitty and I was ACTUALLY HANGING WITH THIEF FRIENDS so deserved some of that lumping - I can't imagine how shitty it feels to be assumed to be a criminal for absolutely no real reason.

And no, Trayvon's actions were wrong - in fact in MY FUCKING QUOTED POST I SAY THAT - but it sucks that he was scrutinized that led to his freakout.


Best Rabbit
<Gold Donor>


Bronze Baronet of the Realm


Mr. Poopybutthole
In an ideal society the only people that would be followed and pursued or otherwise responded to would be those that are actually doing something sketchy - that's his fucking point. A fucking goldfish has the brainpower to understand that. He's not assigning any blame in that clip AT ALL, he's saying it's sad that people get hassled when they're doing nothing abnormal. Which unless you're not a fucking moron makes a ton of sense.

I've been scrutinized as a kid for theft when I was with a group of friends that all got busted for stealing, it felt absolutely shitty and I was ACTUALLY HANGING WITH THIEF FRIENDS so deserved some of that lumping - I can't imagine how shitty it feels to be assumed to be a criminal for absolutely no real reason.

And no, Trayvon's actions were wrong - in fact in MY FUCKING QUOTED POST I SAY THAT - but it sucks that he was scrutinized that led to his freakout.
Maybe if Trayvon wasn't already a criminal, he wouldn't have freaked out about being scrutinized. You know, like a normal person.

You are literally washing treyvons hands of his actions.
Literally would mean that you physically take Trayvon's hands and wash them. What you are describing is 'figuratively' washing Trayvon's hands, which is basically the exact opposite of doing something literally.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Plausible on him not freaking out - but people do freakout sometimes when followed regardless (or otherwise hassled).


Tranny Chaser
Literally would mean that you physically take Trayvon's hands and wash them. What you are describing is 'figuratively' washing Trayvon's hands, which is basically the exact opposite of doing something literally.
Using the words "literal" and "literally" in a figurative sense isn't against the rules!


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
In an ideal society the only people that would be followed and pursued or otherwise responded to would be those that are actually doingsomething sketchy- that's his fucking point.
I don't like this phrase it's way too nebulous legally, prone to observer's bias, you need hard fast rules for law to function properly.something sketchyis just too vague and prone to hindsight reasoning for me, I dunno.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
Does it make you cringe to hear rush limbaugh to say "Wakandan"?

can we all say "Wakandan"? I only said it in private setting to people I knew wouldn't be offended and probably haven't said that word since I was 19 listening to eminem, tupac and bigge. Would it be socially acceptable for the common vernacular? I particularly would like to know tanoomba's viewpoint.

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