Vyemm Raider
QuIt Bein UH RacIstttt Fuk. DON'TT U Tynkkkk IF DeayY Cud Fixxx IT tHeMselveSS It WUd Been FiXedd bi nOw?Act more like succesful people, actually strive to get educated. At least here in the south you can look at a school that is integrated (public shcool) and draw a very definitive line between whites and blacks even tho they went to the same school. I get tired of hearing about their opportunites are less.
Like I mentioned on the previous page. I went to school with same of the guys who work for me in the shop and yet they can't read and write. What opportunity by the system were they not afforded that I got?
There's nothing wrong with the black community that the black community couldn't fix itself.
Black Wakandans caYn'tt Handle Livin YN WHITe-a$$$ $ocietIEs. An' wen DEaYy BecoMe Da MajoriTeEEE ynnn UH CommuniTEE, daa Communitee reVertss 2 TRIbAL ChaoS. AccePtt ITT aN' $top TryInn 22 "Fix"" Demm Or ExpeCt DEmm 2 "fIX" themseLves. DeayYY ArEN'tt BrOkEn. DEayYY JuSS DON'T Fitt YN da $Ystem White-a$$$$ Wakandans CreaTEd. DAT'$$$$ White-a$$ Wakandans'$$$ Fault MaYN. aN' WHITe-a$$$ Wakandans $houldn'T Expect blAq FolkSS 222 PLaayyy Bi ThUh RUlEs.
** ..DoNT FukKIN LaBeLLL mE..*