Justice for Zimmerman

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Vyemm Raider
Act more like succesful people, actually strive to get educated. At least here in the south you can look at a school that is integrated (public shcool) and draw a very definitive line between whites and blacks even tho they went to the same school. I get tired of hearing about their opportunites are less.

Like I mentioned on the previous page. I went to school with same of the guys who work for me in the shop and yet they can't read and write. What opportunity by the system were they not afforded that I got?

There's nothing wrong with the black community that the black community couldn't fix itself.
QuIt Bein UH RacIstttt Fuk. DON'TT U Tynkkkk IF DeayY Cud Fixxx IT tHeMselveSS It WUd Been FiXedd bi nOw?

Black Wakandans caYn'tt Handle Livin YN WHITe-a$$$ $ocietIEs. An' wen DEaYy BecoMe Da MajoriTeEEE ynnn UH CommuniTEE, daa Communitee reVertss 2 TRIbAL ChaoS. AccePtt ITT aN' $top TryInn 22 "Fix"" Demm Or ExpeCt DEmm 2 "fIX" themseLves. DeayYY ArEN'tt BrOkEn. DEayYY JuSS DON'T Fitt YN da $Ystem White-a$$$$ Wakandans CreaTEd. DAT'$$$$ White-a$$ Wakandans'$$$ Fault MaYN. aN' WHITe-a$$$ Wakandans $houldn'T Expect blAq FolkSS 222 PLaayyy Bi ThUh RUlEs.
** ..DoNT FukKIN LaBeLLL mE..*


Millie's Staff Member
Yep, the whole ghetto talk=a legit language thing loses all traction when you see a pasty white guy grabbing his cock pull his pants halfway down and with a backward ball cap start going, "yo yo mah Wakandanh"


Trakanon Raider
I responded to a friend's statement with a "American Inventor please" once in the company of another friend's half black girlfriend. She looked at me like I was wearing a klan hood. Lesson learned...I guess?


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I don't like this phrase it's way too nebulous legally, prone to observer's bias, you need hard fast rules for law to function properly.something sketchyis just too vague and prone to hindsight reasoning for me, I dunno.
I wasn't speaking legally I was speaking societally of the right way to treat people, not legal structure for such. There's millions of things that shouldn't need laws tied to them for us to treat other right.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
legally is ethical/societal in my mind, because that's the logic that will be argued in reality and reality > idealism.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
legally is ethically in my mind, because that's the logic that will be argued in reality and reality > idealism.
Really? So it's not ETHICAL to give a homeless person a meal to eat because I've got no LEGAL OBLIGATION to do it? You're saying voluntary action is absolutely pointless that we should all be subject to involuntary action exclusively like some sort of robotic hivemind - that's crazy talk. There's ALWAYS going to be ethics beyond legality.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
for the individual or the group? for the individual self I place that obligation on my self, but from a top down governmental viewpoint looking at group behavior I dislike placing obligation and control like that, I think that's more a job of culture/religion to promote ethics and for individuals to make choices.


Vyemm Raider
Really? So it's not ETHICAL to give a homeless person a meal to eat because I've got no LEGAL OBLIGATION to do it? You're saying voluntary action is absolutely pointless that we should all be subject to involuntary action exclusively like some sort of robotic hivemind - that's crazy talk. There's ALWAYS going to be ethics beyond legality.
Interesting question. Is it ethical to provide someone food if they are starving? That act itself is unethical if they would go back to starving when the food is gone. The act of charity is in fact increasing the suffering of the homeless person.

It would be better to provide treatment for their illness.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
yeah at the top of government when you want to do something you will hurt some people doing it, your supposed to balance that out with making the situation better than when you came. all change is hurtful to someone.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
doesn't have to be a christian god, do you think it's a coincidence that pretty much every civilization had gods? they all did it because it's pragmatic.


Vyemm Raider
Nothing wrong with feeding a starving person, though good luck finding a starving person in fatass america.
I see six homeless people on my ten minute commute to work every day. I see two homeless people on my way back from work.

What the fuck are you talking about?
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