Justice for Zimmerman

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Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
I dunno that's the whole point I guess.

this is in, "is pluto a planet" territory.


Sparkletot Monger

This isn't exactly to answer your questions, but the responses are so clear, specifically around questions 19, 20, 21, 22, and 23 in the survey, that I think police are quite quite supportive of SYG laws.
Ipad isn't letting me switch tabs to copy links, blah.

Anyway.. Good link, definitely an interesting poll. But some of the responses (especially 9) had me pretty suspicious. So I googled "policeone NRA" and it gave me a link from the WaPo giving the poll a few Pinocchios. Obviously the WaPo is a liberal newspaper, but their reasoning behind is worth reading before casting too much credence to that particular poll.

Counter to that point, I found a story that the head of Indiana FOP came out very strongly against Mitch Daniels recent signing of Indianas SYG law.

Again sorry for not linking but I don't have access to my laptop or desktop atm.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Are they starving though?

Or are they just crazy
They're hungry and crazy but not really starving. Plus they spent the money they made today on booze not food.

I could walk out my front door and pull ripe lemons off the big fucking lemon tree in my front yard and hit four them in the head with them right now.

If they were ever really starving they would come and get the lemons and eat them. They all know I don't give a fuck if people pick them. I have no use for the several tons of lemons that tree procuces every year.


Sparkletot Monger
I quit my job to attend school full time. My (current)wife is pregnant and is on leave taking two online courses. I do all the shopping and cooking in the house and our (4) kids eat just fine. During my first marriage my wife and I both worked at McDonalds. Later she went on to to work as a CNA at a nursing home. Together we were lucky to clear $20k a year. All of our girls ate just fine. This statistic that MILLIONS of kids are STARVING is curious. Why are they starving? How? Foodstamps alone can reach $800 a month depending on income and number of children. I would have to question this number. It may be politically motivated because it's nearly impossible to starve in the country.
Most poverty and malnurishment in the United States is actually rural.

Edit.. Had to edit to get in this link





Musty Nester
I think Obama just misses the Tea Party calling him a American Inventor.

Or else, seeing as that he's Obama and it's what he does, he's trying to decide what job he wants to have in 3 years and campaigning for it at the expense of the job he currently has.

Obama wants some of that sweet sweet NAACP money.


Sparkletot Monger
Or maybe he just thought it was something he had to do. There certainly is no political gain from it.


Musty Nester
I know cynicism is trendy, and I'm not trying to be trendy. Or even hateful.

At best this is Obama trying to appease "black" leaders to forestall massive unrest. At middle this is Obama race-baiting for the greater good (to him) of gun control. Most likely this is Obama in a state of political crisis being reminded where his money comes from.

I don't see altruism or duty in this. I never bought his hope and change bullshit either. Maybe I'm just too much a cynic, but I sincerely have great doubts as to the wholesomeness of his motivations. Mr. Smith does not go to washington.


Sparkletot Monger
It's kinda funny and the last 6 years in a nutshell.. Obama says something reasonably reasonable and asks people to calm down, and everyone freaks out. Lol. I blame global warming. It's too hot.


Millie's Staff Member
like this president is a lame duck and is just trying to preserve his legacy now. so many scandals out now, picking an irrelevant topic to gin up the media for cover will help do this.


Molten Core Raider
It's kinda funny and the last 6 years in a nutshell.. Obama says something reasonably reasonable and asks people to calm down, and everyone freaks out. Lol. I blame global warming. It's too hot.
People are freaking out because this is dumb shit that should be below the office of the president.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Id be interested to know what police departments think of SYG laws. My instinct tells me they would be pure chaos for high population areas.

Shit, I think this law alone could fill another 4 seasons of CSI with plot ideas.

original application of SYG?

"Its coming right for us!"
Pure chaos?! OHH GOD NO!

You realize Arizona has permit-less concealed carry right? Hell I see people open carry all the time here(though that makes me lol) when Im out and theres no chaos here.
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