Justice for Zimmerman

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Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
For some reason they've called up some other guy now.

This court room is a mad house! A MAAAAAD HOUSE!


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Forensic pathologist, Chinese origin, does autopsies. Going through his background and describing his job as a medical examiner for the court.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
New .... witness...

racism... brewing. must ... resist ...

american dream ...


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
He speaks English like I speak Chinese.

You have to invert half your sentence when going from one to the other.


Molten Core Raider
You never know what's going to happen. Some lady in the front row of the Jury was all but vigorously shaking her head "YES" when the prosecution opened with lets roast this guy.

I was on a Murder 1 jury in Pomona just 3 years ago, and we had a cut and dry case of a 30-year old mother of 5 who drove a 17 year old gangster into "enemy" territory to "do work". She didn't fire a shot, but told the kid get your gun and fire when they thought the car next to them was one of their enemies. On tape, she lied and lied for 6 hours, first claiming she didn't know anything. Then she said she knew about it, but wasn't there. Then she was there, but tried to stop then. Then finally breaking down and admitting she was scared the other car had a gun so she told the kid in the back to fire.

For the record, the other car had tinted windows and contained a 50-year old nurse, still in scrubs... heading home after a long day on the 10.

We get into the deliberation room. And one middle aged black woman starts saying she wont convict because there's no premeditation and she didn't fire the gun. Didn't matter that our instructions were premeditation can occur in under a second. And you don't need to fire a gun to be guilty of murder 1. "By the book" she was stone cold guilty, and utterly remorseless. But this lady insisted we were all crazy and convinced by some "cracker-ass" cop who intimidated the girl for 2 days.

You just never know who's on the jury and wtf they will say when deliberation starts.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
I knew there was no way she was going to be able to allow that testimony to go on the way that pathologist was talking about Trayvon's heart still pumping blood and feeling pain and shit.


Vyemm Raider
What else can happen to make this trial a bigger joke than is already is at this point?
The media circus that will continue to milk the story for ratings weeks after the verdict and post-trial riots end. I've got my popcorn ready for the aftermath of this case.



Molten Core Raider
So was it a hung jury in the end?
No. She eventually got pissed off at us, voted to convict and then walked out after the conviction, even refusing to speak with the judge afterwards which he requested. But she did affirm when asked that it was her vote and she was of free mind or whatever it is that we were each asked after we read the verdict.

The girl was already in prison for another felony conviction she committed before the murder but hadn't been arrested for. We were only allowed to know that the charge was "possession of stolen property". One of her babies daddies was also the elder of this Pomona gang. I went into the case feeling sorry for her, left the case wishing she had been executed. The tapes were so damning. She just didn't care. Even referred to the victim as "Oh you mean that white lady who got shot???" when first asked by the detectives if she knew anything about it. She doodled as we watched very graphic pictures of the bullet wounds. The only time she cried during the trial was when she was convicted.

I still don't feel "good" about it. But it was the right thing to convict her. The judge told us afterwards that he planned on retiring 5 years ago, but it's juries like ours that keeps him working. So I assume that was his way of saying we did the right thing /shrug.

edit: Her defense btw did not call a single witness. Her lawyer claimed she was in fear for her life and the prosecutions case proved that. But the truth was he was just hoping to win on Jury selection since all he needed was one person to say no. That's why I brought all this up. Whether the guy is guilty or innocent and I think he's just an idiot guilty of bad decisions, you just never ever know what's going on in the deliberation room.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
I dunno, this pathologist is a little more credible than the last and he's saying no blood or wounds on Martin's hands except for a minor wound on one nuckle. No other wounds or injuries besides the shooting wound.

It'll be even more interesting once this witness goes to Defense.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
I can understand this guy 10x better than crazyass Rachel Jeantel
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